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Hitler and the Tsunami
In Catholic school the nuns used to tell us that we should love everyone as we loved Jesus. We didn't have to like them but we had to love them. I used to argue this and my trump card was always Hitler. How could I love him and, by the way, why would I want to be a part of any religion which said I had to? Time happened and I fell for Zen Buddhism. So much of it made sense to me except ---there it was again. I had to love everyone - even Hitler. This time I got it in my head. After all we were all the same consciousness so to hate someone else was to hate myself. But my heart never signed off on it. For one thing there was still no explanation as to why such evil and suffering had to exist in the world. What was Reality's Purpose in inflicting Hitler on the rest of us? Then one day I was listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer. He's one of my favorite speakers. He has a way of revealing things which I've always known but wasn't aware of knowing. He was speaking about the Power of Intention. Specifically he was speaking about love and kindness. How studies have shown that a bystander simply viewing an act of kindness will experience a rise in their seratonin level. He told a story about a guy whose son was developmentally disabled and isolated from other children but who wanted desperately to be accepted. One day the father and his son, Shaya, were walking past a neighborhood baseball game and Shaya ran up and asked if he could play. His father's heart sank. He knew the kids wouldn't allow such a gawky, uncoordinated kid to play with them. To his amazement one side let him play. Although he could barely hold the bat they put him in when they were three runs down, bases loaded, bottom of the ninth. The other side quickly caught on and the pitcher stepped in a few steps and lobbed a gentle ball to Shaya. He managed to hit it a few feet and he began running to first base. He could have been caught out within seconds but now both teams were cooperating in helping him win. They wanted him to be the hero and win the game for his team - knowing he might never have such an opportunity again. So the pitcher and the outfielders threw the ball clumsily back and forth while Shaya trotted from base to base and finally home. In that moment, his father says, every one of those 18 children on both teams realized God's (or Spirit or Universal Consciousness if you prefer) perfection. His father came to believe that when God brings a child like this into the world the perfection that he/she seeks is in the way people react to the child. If everyone is part of God's perfection then everyone has a divine Purpose. And perhaps that divine Purpose is to give others of us the opportunity to treat them with compassionate action, kindness and love. Perhaps, said Dyer, there is a cosmic sign-up sheet where Consciousness signs up to live a troubled or painful, or even evil mortal life to present to us all the opportunity to respond with the best parts of ourselves. This made more sense to me. I saw that each person when confronted with Hitler's gradual military build-up and grab for power all the way from Kristallnacht, through Theriesenstadt and ultimately ending in the Holocaust had a choice to walk away or stand firm against him. Indeed, there were thousands of resistance fighters and ordinary people who aided and hid Jews in their homes for years at risk of their lives. They had the choice of realizing God's perfection or not. I was thinking about this recently as I was watching the horrible images from the Tsunami - now considered the worst natural disaster in modern history. I read the story of the father who struggled to hold on to his three year old only to have the child ripped from his grasp and watch his terrified little face disappear under a wall of water; the 15 year old who lost every member of his family and was standing on a street corner begging for food. What was the Purpose in this devastating tragedy? I realized, then, what an amazing opportunity had been given to us to realize God's perfection in our compassionate and loving response to the victims - living and dead. I honor them for going through such agony in this lifetime and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to respond in a way which expresses my Purpose. Mary Rosendale is a Life Coach and prolific writer. She offers Life Design, Changes of Perspective and Reality-based action plans to fulfill your Purpose. She's also a helluva lot of fun.Visit her on the web at http://www.TheConstructedLife.com where you can sign up for her free newsletter or check out her blog at http://theconstructedlife.blogs.com
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Money or Faith? I've been to 64-countries, and yes money comes in handy, and goes quickly (and is useful and has its influence), I've had a ton of it at one time or another and an ounce of faith, and I'll take faith any day-why? I'll explain. Anybody who has been in a combated zone, under fire will tell you: '?keep the money, I need faith right now.' In a like manner, when I was in the hospital, had a stroke that paralyzed me, a heart attack also, and bypass surgery, they said I was a Fruitcake. But three days later I got out of bed, and when I did, for three weeks they called me "The miracle of the ward." Even the atheist doctors were spellbound. Money walked away, as faith took over. Anam Cara - Going Beyond The Good In Corrogue I receive a gift of love. Dread Disease Dragged Out My Best In denial, I was slow to accept Multiple Sclerosis. Who, after all, would embrace a diagnosis of the dread disease of no known cause, and for which there was no cure? 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All I could immediately recall were those soft-spoken words, "STAY WITH IT". They were from no less a person than Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Success Power fame, on whom I had gone to pay a courtesy call. The first time we met was two years earlier when he came to my campus to speak to students about success. Then I was an undergraduate with a fledging media outfit and, most naturally, the privilege fell on me to interview him for a story for my readers. Conspiracy of Silence Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 12, 2004 Reach Your Dreams About fifteen years ago I was rummaging through some old boxes in my basement when I discovered a stack of poems that I had written during my childhood. As I began reading, I discovered a long-forgotten world ? one that sang with romance, adventure, and mystery. It was a world of princesses, heroes, and castles, where the princess was always rescued and the dragon always slain. $12 And 90 Minutes To Change Your Life Have you ever listened to self hypnosis tapes? Or listened repeatedly to certain music that carried a specific message? Or what about, have you attended weekly services within a specific religious venue? Your World Your Way - Trusting Yourself In Business "It doesn't interest me who you are, or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back." Nine Things More Important than Capital When starting any enterprise or business, whether it is full-time or part-time, we all know the value of having plenty of capital (money). But I bet we both know or at least have heard of people who started with no capital who went on to make fortunes. How? You may ask. Things Happen Without Reason Sometimes things happen in life for apparently no reason at all. You think that there isn't any reason for something to happen until after the fact when that something has changed your life or pointed you into a new direction. Number that Decides Your Success God has created human beings to live successfully. He has no discrimination in this regard. The Power of Gratitude When my older son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, my first reaction was relief ? I finally knew the reason for his behavior. However, I was also overwhelmed with sadness, fear and anger. I felt sorry for my son and for myself. Like many others in similar circumstances, my question to God was "Why me?" If You Were an Angel... What Would You Do? If you were an Angel what could you do to make a difference? What would you do? To some this is an overwhelming question. The first thought that would go through many minds is " What I do wouldn't make much of a difference ... I am only one person." Get past that! Remember ... the question is if you were an Angel. Angels can be everywhere, be all and do all as they are messengers of God. Top 10 Things That Make Life Worthwhile Below are some of the things that, over the years, my clients have taught me about making life a wonderful adventure. You will, hopefully, have additions that uniquely enrich your life, and I hope you'll add them to this list and pass them along to others. In the meantime, I share this list with the hope that it will challenge you, and make your day more rewarding! Discover The Magic Of Doing What You Love Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it's business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don't love what you're doing and you can't give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You'll be an old man before you know it.~ Al Lopez ![]() |
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