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Everything You Need to Know About Life Insurance
Life insurance is a type of protection that can be bought and insures the buyer in the event of death. The risk that is assumed by the insurer is the risk of death of the insured. Life insurance is a very good purchase in order to protect a family, especially if you are the sole breadwinner. Additionally, life insurance can help pay for funeral costs and therefore ensure that your death will not be a financial burden for your family. It is important to understand the process of life insurance in order to truly grasp its value. A life insurance transaction has three parties: the insured, the insurer, and the owner of the policy (the insured and owner of the policy are often the same person). One of the most important parties involved with life insurance is the beneficiary. The beneficiary receives the policy proceeds upon the death of the insured. Only the owner of the policy can change the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is an irrevocable beneficiary, then any changes in beneficiary must be agreed to by the irrevocable beneficiary. In order to solidify a life insurance plan with an insurer, the insurer must evaluate the insured's lifestyle. The insurer evaluates the risk of insuring the customer. Some insurance companies will not grant insurance to people with serious health issues, or extreme lifestyles. Insurance companies charge differing amounts for life insurance based on the risk evaluation. Part of the risk evaluation is a health evaluation. There are for categories for people seeking life insurance: Preferred Best, Preferred, Standard, and Tobacco. Having no family history of illness or early cancer, and being extremely healthy and active can result in a Preferred Best rating. Depending on lifestyles, and family histories, a person is slowly moved down the ladder. It is easy to move down the categories but almost impossible to move up a category. Life insurance is a legal contract that has terms and conditions. In the event of the suicide of the insured, most insurance companies will declare the policy null and void. Misrepresentation by the owner or insured on the life insurance application is also a plausible reason for the policy to be nullified. Insurance companies are entitled to know the circumstances of the insured's death and can decide whether or not the policy should be nullified if there is suspicion of suicide. A death certificate must be shown to the insurer to prove the death of the insured. As with any insurance policy, life insurance takes a substantial amount of time to mature. Once matured, the "face value" of the policy is given. A policy matures upon the death of the insured, or when the insured reaches a certain age. Depending on the policy, the insured can make differing amounts of payments over time. As with all insurances, failed payments result in the termination of the insurance. Life insurance is a very good thing to have because it protects your family's financial well-being. In the event that you were the sole worker, life insurance can pay your family your salary for many years (depending on the policy). Life insurance can also cover the costs of funerals and therefore your death won't be a burden on your family. Peter Wise is interested in financial matters and writes for Life Insurance Lowdown (http://www.lifeinsurancelowdown.com).
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Insurance For The Self Employed And Those Seeking Health Insurance First of all, congratulations on deciding to go out and make it on your own. The rewards and excitement of making it on your own can not be found anywhere else. Now, when looking for insurance for the self employed for a person like yourself, it's important to remember that generally you'll find better rates if you deal directly with the insuring company. There are many confusing options available but the good news is that there are quite a number of affordable health-insurance programs out there, and navigating the maze of available policies is easier than ever with the help of the Internet. The internet now allows individuals the chance to plug in a few personal details and obtain information on insurance for the self employed. Entrepreneurs, Fill in the Gaps of Your Homeowners Policy Business Owners Policies for the Self-Employed Are You Sure That Heirloom Oriental Rug From Your Aunt Hilda Is Really Insured? 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Do You Pay Too Much For Your Car Insurance? Do the premiums just seem to get higher and higher every year? Finding Term Life Insurance Online What exactly is Term Life Insurance? Why Buy Life Insurance? Love. Yes, that's right. Love for your spouse, children, family, or even your school. This insurance provides financial protection for your family and friends when you die. There are basically two types of life insurance ? Term and Permanent. Discover the Fortune Hiding in Your Insurance Premiums! Ever thought about how to save money? Sure you have, what did you do? You downsized a few things, maybe cut back on the monthly budget, had a boot or garage sale to free up some money but there is a place which most people don't look. Insurance premiums! Who Sets Auto Insurance Rates? Auto Insurance rates are a complicated business. Have you ever wondered who sets your auto insurance rates and how the rates are actually derived? New Concepts in Car Insurance - Pay as You Drive You can pay as you talk with a cell phone plan, so why not pay as you drive auto insurance? It sounds like a good idea; but would pay as you drive auto insurance work for you? Health Insurance Providers Online - Benefits to Applying Online Health insurance providers are going online to find new customers. As a result, there are more affordable health insurance options for families, the self-employed, and small business owners. Consumers can also compare plans and premiums to find coverage at a reasonable price. Outside Pressures On The Typical Insurance Adjuster Insurance adjusters are not without outside pressures they must deal with every day of their work life. It would be advantageous for all readers to be aware of the most important of these because they could put money in your bank. Everyone Wants The Cheapest Automobile Insurance Quote When you are looking for an automobile insurance quote, the first thing you usually do is pick up the phone and start calling the various insurance companies in your local area. Then you have to wait for them to call you back with a quote, which quite often is very similar to what you are already paying. The funny thing is that no one bothers about getting an automobile insurance quote until they receive the notification for their renewal and then they start scrambling to find ways to save money. Health Insurance 101 for Individuals and Families The changing healthcare and health insurance landscape in the United States has resulted in more individuals and families purchasing health insurance coverage on their own. Rather than touch on the number of reasons why this is the case, I would like to provide individuals and families finding themselves in this position with ten basic ideas to assist them with getting the best health insurance policy for their specific situation. Below is a combination of ten questions and suggestions that will provide the tools necessary to get a medical insurance policy that will best work for you and your family. Choosing Long-Term Care Insurance A little over sixty percent of the folks who reach 65 years of age will need some long-term care. The average nursing home stay ranges from 2-5 years and costs on average of $135.00 per day currently in the United States. These averages and costs are going up little by little each year? Can you afford to be without long term-care insurance? You know there are over 35 million Americans over 65 in the US and that number is rising also, this is due to people living longer and the general trend in demographics as less people are being born. It is the same general argument over social security, which will be fine depending on which year you were born, but for the rest of us? Well, it isn't very pretty. Some in the media have begun to call Social Security a ponzi scheme, which actually if my math is right; is not so far from truth. Free Money Saving Auto Insurance Tips Our money saving auto insurance tips were written for one reason - To Save You Money on your next auto insurance policy. Since in most states you are required by law to purchase a minimum amount of liability coverage we've looked for ways to save you money. Additionally many people want more than just the bare minimum in order to provide themselves with adequate protection. ![]() |
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