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Guide To Free Advertising
When I first started my internet home business, I realized that in order to make money I would have to bring visitors to my website. I didn't have a lot of extra cash laying around, and my mentality at the time was "Why would I pay for it, when I can get it for free"? So, I starting searching the internet for places that would accept an ad for my product for free. I was very happy to find literally thousands of sites willing to accept my ad. As the weeks went by I worked hard and learned a lot. The phrase that comes to mind when I think back is, "you get what you pay for". I was placing ads on the internet every free moment I got and was getting very little results. Not being one to quite, I figured I would move on to another form of advertising or figure out what I was doing wrong with the free advertising. As soon as I placed my ad, I would go back and look at it. I expected my ad to be at the top of the list since I had just placed it. Much to my surprise, my ad was listed down the list a little way. I realized that at the very moment that I was placing my ad, others were doing the same. And as each person placed an ad, mine moved further down the list. In my infinite wisdom... I realized that potential visitors would probably not search past the first page before choosing a product. So then I decided that I would go into that site and place my ad every few hours. This way I knew it would always stay close to the top of the page, and hopefully be viewed by a potential customer. How right I was!!! Eventually, I had my first customer and had made my first sale on the internet! What a feeling! I was ready to take the internet by storm... The week ran into the weekend, and I continued in the same way with my free ad campaign...and no luck. Several weeks went by were I was getting visitors and making sales through the week, and none on the weekend. Are you seeing a pattern here? I sure did. I soon discovered through statistical data that I pulled up from a search engine that the internet traffic on the weekend is super low compared to the weekdays. I also learned that the internet traffic is at its peak around the noon hour in the US. From that day forward, I didn't waste my time advertising on the weekends. Instead, I would sit down around 11:00 a.m. every morning and run as many free ads as was humanly possible. I could just about plan each day at noon that I could get a potential customer, affiliate, sale. I'm also a firm believer in the phrase "work smarter, not harder". It didn't take me long to figure out that I could utilize copy and paste and run the same ad in every category that it applied. I also used the back button on my browser a lot. Most of the time by using the back button, all my information was still there and I could just choose a different category. It wasn't long before I had several paying customers and was bringing in a small monthly income from my small internet business. I often try to teach this method to my members who cannot to pay for advertising to start out with...without much luck unfortunately. Many will not sacrifice their time to this extent, or they will run one ad on the internet and expect to get up the next morning and be a millionaire. For those of you who don't have the money to invest, you will HAVE to invest your TIME. How much is your time worth? Many are drawing 6-figure incomes from the internet within 2-5 years. The internet has made more millionaires from the average Joe than any other vessel in history. Is 2-5 years a hard pill to swallow? It shouldn't be. How many of you are going to work your nine to five job for 40-50 years and have nothing to show for it? Am I still running free ads? No, I'm not. I took my very first paycheck that I earned from free advertising and put it back into paid advertising. I can reach a vast number of customers with paid ads with no effort on my part at all. Instead, my time has been filled with teaching others to do as I have done, and building my own business day by day. Not a day has gone by in the last year and a half where I have not built onto my business. I started out running free ads, then I moved on to paid ads, ppc's, email lists, enzine ads, then I built and optimized my own website, got link partners, got listed with the search engines, etc... If you want to turn your life around and live without any financial constraints, then the internet is the place to be. All it will take is patience, persistence and the will to succeed on your part. Best Wishes for your future success and prosperity! Sincerely, Rebecca Gilbert About The Author Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful network marketer since July, 2002. Visit her at: http://www.101homebusiness.org. Rebecca will show you step by step how to create a successful internet business of your own.
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PPC and SEO - Inhouse Vs. Outsource Any small business owner in a B2B or B2C market has struggled with the decision - should you outsource your internet marketing to a full-service marketing firm, or should you bring employees in-house for your marketing team? First you need to define your marketing goals - are you building a long-term brand or just bringing a new product or service to market? Do you have sufficient capital to support a marketing team? Your budget for advertising (ie, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing) should be taken into account when considering your marketing budget - for online companies this is the largest single cost. Website Sales: 10 Riveting Tactics To Nail Down Instant Sales If you learn these website sales riveting tactics, you'll be able to nail down instant sales and profits from your website. Boost Your Web Site Sales The following strategies are used every day to boost sales from any commercial website. Most are simply common sense whilst others may take some time to master. All will help your site to start generating the income you expect from your online ventures. Seven Ways to Generate Income From Your Website If you own your own website, there are a variety of things you can do to generate extra income for yourself. To enjoy the most success for your efforts, you must take into consideration your existing website content, as well as your particular target audience. You will also want to know the approximate number of visitors you regularly receive to your website. How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web It goes without saying that all of us would like better response and conversion numbers from our websites. This is an ongoing dilemma which, unfortunately for many of us, remains a dilemma. Four Steps To Eliminate Frustration and Turn Your Online Failure Into Internet Success OK, you've been bustin' your butt trying to make money online, but it's just not working out. 5 Things Every Internet Marketer Must Learn From Mail Order To Increase Their Profits Now! Understanding that the Internet is another vehicle for direct response marketing can potentially make you rich! 7.5 Ways To Get More Sales Through Your Web Site Yes, apparently - websites are supposed to make money! Somebody came up with the strange idea that it's really not enough to spend thousands on your site, hundreds of hours creating the content and then sitting back to admire you, and your developer's work. No - apparently it is now 'cool' to have a web site that actually makes it onto a sales column in your chart of accounts.. 'Return on in investment' is a good phrase that's being thrown around - what are you actually making from your web site in cash terms? Ever thought about that? Grab that Browser! The Captive Affiliate Marketing Model Creating mini-sites that grab your browsers and prime them into buyers Niche Marketing: Finding JV Partners Joint Ventures (JVs) are one of the most powerfull techniques you can employ to get your Niche Business up and running. Internet Marketing Help If you're looking for Internet marketing help you've come to the right place. Below you will find several tips to help you navigate your way through the mystifying world of promoting your website and e-commerce business. Your First Web Site And you are so proud of it. You have no knowledge of html and the like, but your little web site sits bravely in the ether. You visit all the major search engines and painstakingly submit your URL. You visit other sites similar to yours and politely ask for a link. You check the Link Rankings at least twice a day to see if your brand new site has been indexed, and smile smugly as Yahoo, Google and the others acknowledge your tiny space on the Internet . You are Being Lied About Reciprocal Links! Exchanging links has been an important part of generating traffic since the concept of Internet marketing was first established, but at least 90% of people looking to trade links don't understand the real benefits and, therefore, fail to make the most of them. Writing An Effective, Profit Producing Ad One of the biggest challenges for most Internet Marketers is writing effective ad copy. This is hardly surprising. Most marketers are not professional writers and writing ad copy is a difficult skill for beginning marketers to master. Here are some tips that might assist you in writing an effective, profit-producind ad. Sneak Up On Your Competition Dear Internet marketers: After going through a couple of months of frustration, I finally came up with ways to "sneak up" on my competition. I thought I would save you a lot of time, money and hard work and share, my experiance with you. First allow me to state a fact: Success = Commitment = Time + Money. Think about it. If money is an issue then time increases to have success increase. Or, if Time is an issue, then money needs to be spent to maintain a path to success. The ideal commitment would be to have an equal mix of both Time and Money. Here is another fact. Something for nothing = nothing. Please allow me explain. If you receive a no cost offer, and make no attempt to investigate, and learn more about how it will benefit you, you have no commitment and nothing for joining. In other words, read training tips. Set up your account so it is functioning properly. You just made a commitment. You have at least invested something valuable, your time. Now you have something. Now build on that. Make a commitment to promote your opportunity. Start your traffic flowing and begin recruiting to have an income. If money is the issue, invest more time with email campaigns that are designed well and SPAM free. Now the sneak attack! Drive traffic to your alfiliate URL or website. Use the following: Traffic Exchanges, Banner Exchanges, Link Exchanges, (if you have our own site and control its contents). Write articles, (make sure they have your opportunity link in them.) then, publish them to the internet. Now you really did something and your commitment increased considerably, without spending a dime, but by investing a considerable amount of time. Your investment just became substantially more valuable. Finally, establish a "Brand" name. Mine is Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services. I registered my brand with the U. S. Patent Office and Arizona Secretary of State as a TRADE NAME. Cost? About $35.00 doing it myself. That was a whileback, I don't know if those fees have changed. I use my "Brand" on everything. Letters, Newsletters, email, site submissions. This is powerful advertising! Now my personal KEYWORD is: "opportunities now internet marketing services" Beneath the Surface of Internet Marketing To most people Internet Marketing looks like a good way to make money from home, which is possibly the main reason while people start. The shame is that people like this don't realize that they are only scratching the surface. The aim of this article is to make sure you don't become one of them and miss out on what lies beneath the surface of Internet Marketing. Website Marketing: 10 Proven Uncommon Tactics Ways To Accelerate Your Profits Would you like to accelerate profits at your website? 10 Things the Work at Home Online Business Owner can Do to Improve their Search Engine Rankings Search engine theory is great but most Web Masters Say Show me the Results. These 10 easy to follow tips are sure to boost your Page rankings for a Targeted Keyword or Phrase. The Forbidden Fruit: Marketing Credit Cards Online A common question and topic of discussion among Internet marketers is, "What market should I go after?" The number of answers to this question are as varied as there are grains of sand in the Sahara, but there is one thing that I have noticed in my eight years marketing online: people tend to shy away from and even be scared of ultra-competitive markets. Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing Leads Every business is engaged in selling something, whether a product, service, information, or something else. And sales usually begin with sales leads. As an offline example, new insurance and car sales people are frequently asked to compile lists of their friends, families, acquaintances, and so on. This list is used then as a lead builder - something to get the ball rolling towards that first big sale. The online world is no different. Every for-profit web site needs a steady flow of internet marketing leads. A big part of any online marketer*s job is to generate the leads that will ultimately be responsible for another sale. In particular, in the highly competitive online marketing arena, someone selling products and services to other marketers will need a steady flow of fresh internet marketing leads to fuel their sales. ![]() |
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