Internet Marketing Information

Internet Marketing: 5 Innovative Internet Marketing Strategies To Generate Tons Of Orders

There are two different groups of online marketers.

What Happened When I Allowed The Mad Hatter To Take Over My Online Marketing

Returns had been steady since I created back in December 2004. Steady, but not spectacular, so I decided to conduct a survey.

The Long Sales Letter: Should You Use it In Your Advertising?

If you're a web marketer and you've done your homework, you've probably come across the Long Sales Letter in your internet travels. Top web marketing experts like Yanik Silver, "The Copy Doctor" Michel Fortin and countless others use it to pitch their comprehensive instructional kits. You may have even made a purchase based on what you read in one of these letters.

Internet Marketing: Are You Penny Wise And Dollar Foolish?

It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a web site, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it--how to write a sales letter--how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a web site. But once you get one, then what? How are you going to make money with it?

Constant Change Is The Only Certainty In Online Marketing

This old saying which addresses the variability of the weather in Montana is also applicable to the volatile market dynamics for an online business. If there is one thing that is certain about the future of online marketing, it is that it will continue to constantly change.

5 Ways to Educate Your Prospects for More Sales

It?s impossible to sell a product or service without demand ? no matter how low the price or how big the discount.

Online Advertising Mistakes ? 3 Donts For Newbies

Are you new to Network Marketing? If you are, then PLEASE avoid these mistakes when you promote your business opportunity!

Headlines Bring Sales--Where and How to Use Them - Part 2

Headlines are short vital statements to stimulate your potential customers and clients to take action. That means sales! Since you only have 10 seconds to attract your visitor or reader, create headlines to make ultimate sales.

How to get an Internet Marketing Education Without Spending a Nickel

Do you want to create a passive income? Are you bewildered by all the educational Marketing products out there? Are you on a low budget or trying to escape from a huge debt load?

Relevancy - The New Black for Online Marketing?

Information Overload

Cheap & Easy Online Marketing

A successful online business takes more than a website?a lot more! When I ask people if they have an online business, many people tell me they are creating their website. That?s good news except I get the feeling they think that is all they have to do to have a successful online business. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

7 Tricks for More Holiday Web Sales

"Black Friday" has just passed, marking the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. Web sales are already at a record high this year and the fourth quarter of 2004 is projected to bring in $22 billion in online sales alone ? a whole third of the sales for the entire year. (Source:

A Couple Of Basic Killer Internet Marketing Techniques

There are many simple, infallible ways to earn income, and one of the surest ways is through marketing your business on the internet. When you learn basic internet marketing techniques, you'll wonder why you haven't already jumped on the bandwagon. When you think about it, the only things you'll need to make money is a vision of what you want out of life and the wisdom and energy to put your ideas into motion.

Secrets Of An Internet Marketing Newbie - Or How I Fell On My Face Trying To Get RICH

A Cautionary Tale for the Internet Marketing Newbie

Internet Marketing - Surviving the First Year

So you've decided to take the leap into deep water and go into business for yourself, specifically into Internet Marketing. Congratulations! This was a smart decision, one that will eventually reward you with all the dreams you can dream. Your challenge now is to survive that 1st year.

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