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Internet Marketing Information
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The 10 Success Basics For Your Online Business It's always a good time to review what's been working or not working for you in your marketing efforts. Take the time to be honest with yourself about whether or not you're moving forward. 6 Ways to Guarantee Your Website Will Fail (and how to fix them) 1. Your website is an electronic brochure 2. Can't be found in Google 3. Was last updated when it was created 4. Is organised how you want it organised 5. Is missing what your audience wants 6. Is home grown, and looks like it! The Fatal Attraction of Online Marketers Suppose you were offered 263 links coming into your website from 263 other websites all in one fell swoop. Everybody knows that the more inbound links you have, the higher you will rise in the search engine rankings. PPC and SEO - Inhouse Vs. Outsource Any small business owner in a B2B or B2C market has struggled with the decision - should you outsource your internet marketing to a full-service marketing firm, or should you bring employees in-house for your marketing team? First you need to define your marketing goals - are you building a long-term brand or just bringing a new product or service to market? Do you have sufficient capital to support a marketing team? Your budget for advertising (ie, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing) should be taken into account when considering your marketing budget - for online companies this is the largest single cost. 8 Things I Have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. How To Master Internet Marketing What is the secret of being the best at Internet Marketing? First, and foremost, it's all about basics. What does that mean? Think about the difference between the top earning pro baseball player and one that's making just a normal "salary." Do they actually DO anything that's different from each other. They both hit. They throw. They catch. Occasionally, they run. The same basic things. Yet, one does it better and makes a heck of a lot more money because of it. Mastery of Internet Marketing is about being the best at the basics. How to Set Up a 7 Day E-Course Be a Winner! Answer the Challenge! An e-course is a sequence of emails set up to be delivered automatically without any effort on your part after the initial set up. Just set it and forget it. Setting up a free e-course is a great way to keep your services on top of mind and educate people about what you can do for them. Cheap & Easy Online Marketing A successful online business takes more than a website?a lot more! When I ask people if they have an online business, many people tell me they are creating their website. That's good news except I get the feeling they think that is all they have to do to have a successful online business. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Beware the Click Without the Conversion Why is this funny? Resources For Staying Current of IT Advancements For Online Business Owners The internet and associated technology changes at a relatively fast pace. For anyone working in fields that make extensive use of IT technology, it is crucial to always stay one step ahead of the game. Keeping up the pace can be challenging and seem utterly impossible at times without the help of resources to pull from. Internet Secrets Revealed - Six Easy Steps to Build a Website to Success Internet Secrets Revealed! Six Easy steps to build a website to success. How to start a business or improve an existing business. Traditional Mediums versus Search Engine Positioning Banner Advertising: Marketing Automation For Small Businesses And Web Entrepreneurs Many Internet marketers wonder how they spend less time marketing their website so they can focus on delighting their clients and developing better marketing strategies to improve sales. Make Use of the Signature Line in Your Email Think about it, how many emails do you send out every day? How many of these forwarded jokes, pictures, stories etc do you receive every week? The Internet F-Word For the last several months I've been collecting and organizing links for the free Christian Resource Center. Now that the public area is up and the members' area is well under construction, I'm running into one problem: the Internet F-word. How Do You Make Gold Online Without A Database? That is a great question! Marketing Objectives for Your Web Site Do you have marketing objectives for your Web site? With objectives to help overcome your main online challenges you can work smarter, not harder. 6 Steps to Establish Your Expertise Like the Internet itself, online marketing resources such as blogs, chat rooms, and user groups are vast and puzzling. On one hand they offer that elusive "promise land" of free and effective marketing. On the other, they embody a "time sink" of astronomical proportions. They have addictive qualities and their effectiveness is measured only by your own self-control. Overcoming The Fear Factor In Online Sales No I am not talking about the classic board game, that Aunt Hester bought you the past two years for your birthday! Risk is what first time visitors to your website views your product as. Before they spend their hard earned money they want to know that your product is worth it. Shoppers today see so many offers, so many sales pitches that they are trained to be skeptical about many products. Idiotic Marketers Who Waste Time Should be Shot Ok, that's a little harsh for a title but you know what? ![]() |
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