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Retirement is Never Urgent Until
If you're like many people, your retirement savings have not been growing consistently over the years. We're not referring to the wild fluctuations in the stock market, but rather the fluctuations in our short-term needs. Every once in a while, it just seems like a good idea to yank ALL those retirement savings out and pay for something. You might need to pay for a down payment. You might need to pay off some credit card debt that's nagging at you. You might want to 'bugger off to Europe' as Rick did some years ago. You know it's not a good idea financially, but you do it anyway. Retirement savings are not designed to bail us out when we need this kind of short-term cash infusion but if it's there? As financial advisors, we have our ideals. Ideally, you should put retirement funds away and 'leave it there'. Ideally you should never touch it at all, even when you retire! Why? Because it is the 'earnings' from the nest egg that you should be using, never the principal. As we heard one person suggest recently, your principal is like your 'goose', and you never kill the goose, because then you're eliminating all those future 'golden eggs' (interest/earnings) it will lay. As financial advisors, one way we try to prevent people from yanking out their retirement savings is by ensuring there are other 'short-term' funds available for emergencies. These are meant to act as a buffer zone against the yankers. It helps, but it doesn't always work. One problem is that a distant retirement will never be more urgent than the current cash demands you have. It's impossible. How can long-term demands be more urgent than a current crisis? So what stops you from yanking out those retirement funds? Their convictions? Simple arithmetic? A more viable alternative? When a client is bent on yanking out their retirement savings to pay off, for example, some credit card debt, telling them how much they're going to lose in retirement income in 25 years time doesn't seem to work. Even telling them how much the tax bill is going to be next year can pale in comparison to the relief the person is seeking from the anxiety over their current debt crisis. So, the question is how can we provide 'relief' and still keep the retirement funds intact? Look at a debt consolidation loan? Review the person's cash flow and create a debt repayment program? Maybe this will work for a minority of people. In the real world, when people are looking for relief, however, they are looking for relief NOW!!! The easiest way is to yank to retirement funds and be done with it. So, in the moment, when you are in a cash crunch and seemingly have no other place to go, you will yank your retirement savings. Unless you have anticipated the problem and 'pre-decided' that under no circumstances will you access your retirement savings. In this way, you will do a pre-emptive strike on bad financial moves. Further, you will be cognizant of putting yourself into situations where you might risk those long term savings. The alternative is to invest long-term, make progress, encounter a short-term cash crunch, yank out your retirement funds, survive the problem, invest long-term again, make progress, encounter yet another short-term cash crunch, yank out your retirement funds to get relief? If you're locked into an investment cycle like this, your retirement savings have not been growing consistently over the years, and it's not just the market. About The Author Rick Hoogendoorn has been in the financial services business since 1991. Cheri Crause is a certified financial planner in Victoria, BC.
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Asset Allocation: Critical to Your Investment Success Asset allocation is a critical component of investing success. Both research and academic studies show asset allocation to be single most significant factor in determining your financial goals. Allocation influences both the total long-term return and risk of your investment portfolio. Other factors such as security selection and market timing account for a very small percentage of your investment returns. Unfortunately, the most important decision to achieving financial success is also the least understood. The Conflict of Interest Game Disgruntled investors are going after Wall Street once again, this time accusing one of investment bank Morgan-Stanley's high-tech mutual funds of making biased stock picks. Holy Grail Investments Every year I go to the Money Show in Orlando, Florida. Thousands attend. It is mostly an older crowd with the youngsters about 40 years of age. I have been saying for years that until you have lost enough money trying to make a fortune you will not become serious about investing. The under 40's are shooting for the moon and it has finally dawned on the over 40's (maybe it's the over 50's) that they must find a better way to get rich. Top Ten Investment Mistakes 1. Lacking an investment plan a/k/a/ "Don't take a trip without packing the map". A pre-planned asset allocation generates positive results and eliminates emotional panic selling. Should You Put Your Annuity in an IRA? Let me start by answering that question...if an annuity fits your investment objectives than there is no reason that an annuity should not go in your IRA. Okay all you smarty pants out there who keep arguing that it is tax deferred and it does not belong in your IRA...SO WHAT??? The fact that it is tax deferred is only one reason why people buy annuities. Invisible Mutual Fund Fees Erode Your Returns! Many investors think that investing in mutual funds is free. What nonsense! Funds collect more than $50 billion a year in fees from investors. That is truly a ton of money. The first way you get hosed in a mutual fund is due to high fees charged. These fees can dramatically reduce your returns over time! Inflation Proof Your Investment Portfolio with ETF?s Even though inflation has been relatively quiet in the U.S. since the late 1980's, there now appears to be some strong evidence that it may be starting to heat up again with an expanding economy, combined with skyrocketing oil and housing prices in certain key regions of the country. While the Federal Reserve has been raising key interest rates citing the threat of rising inflation, the cautious message coming out from the Feds are that, inflation is still benign and not yet a threat. Inflation is benign? Excuse me, but the cheapest gas I can find anywhere in this area is $2.23 a gallon, which is up almost 50% from last year and housing prices in my Howard County, MD neighborhood have more than doubled in the past five years. Success Trading for New Traders: What Does Bid and Ask Mean? Do you ever wonder exactly what's going on in the trading pits after you've sent an order to purchase stock? You've no doubt seen market quotes either online or even in the newspaper. Have you noticed that there are always two sets of prices given? What exactly do those mean and where will my order get filled? Let's discuss the basics of the two prices you see. Realistic Investing Expectations Over the long term stocks have provided us with great average return results. But this average return masks a great deal of volatility, because returns have fluctuated within a very wide band. Well Managed Investing Risks Bring Rewards! "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing!" Warren Buffett (1930 - ) Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 1) The Value of Gold in a Era of Paper Assets, Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds... Annuity Investment Guide While there is not a lack of information on annuities, there certainly is a lack of good information. In an age full of information, we are constantly bombarded with irrelevant data. Annuities are great investment vehicles. Annuities are bad investment vehicles. Annuities were my mom's worst nightmare. You have heard all the stories. So what do you do? Trading Tips No 7: Developing a Casino Mentality for the Day Trader I submit that the successful day trader would profit well to adopt a casino mentality. At first glance, this sounds reckless and nothing more than a gambling attitude - but it's not. Why? Because everyone knows that it's the casinos that profit and take in all the money on a consistent basis. And, of course, the patrons end up losing even after brief winning streaks. Time is Money and We Are Running Out of Both! One of the fundamental principles of finance is the concept that $1 today is more valuable than $1 a year from now. Emotions: A Traders Worst Enemy; Get Rid of Fear and Greed - Youll be Glad You Did You hear it over and over and over in books, forums, and chatrooms. Fear and greed, fear and greed, fear and greed. Emotions are a trader's worst enemy. What are we supposed to do about it? We are human after all. Human beings have emotions. We can't just throw a switch and suddenly behave like "Data" on Star Trek the Next Generation. An Old Dividend Stock Investment Idea, for a New Generation Death and taxes! The certainties of life! And then, of course, there are the mortgage payments, the utility bills, phone bills, the car payments and thirsty automobiles. Add that to the grocery and clothing bills, and there appears to be more then just death and taxes as certainties of life. Approaches to Investing Here is a small summary of the three major approaches to investing: Risk and Reward If you are doing your own investing in the stock market, what would be the first question you would ask yourself before you make any trade or investment? If your answer is how fundamentally sound the stock is, or whether the stock just broke out of a trading range on a chart, or the fact that the stock has gone down 50% in the last 6 months, or whether the volatility is low now so it is a good time to buy or sell, then you are probably on the road to ruin. These strategies have nothing in common with each other and there are all kinds of different criteria that I did not mention that have nothing in common with each other. However no matter what type of strategy you use to make your investment decisions, there is only one crucial question that must be asked before you pull the trigger and make the trade. That is, what is my risk and what is my reward on this trade. Even if you are going to buy a stock and hold it for a long time, you still have to be aware of your risk and your reward. Why? Because the entire stock market may be here for the rest of your life, any one stock might not be. You think, that is okay I diversified a lot so I don't need to know risk and reward. Wrong. Are You An Investment Dummy Like Me? I am good at a few things. I can certainly market well and I consult with others about how to bring more attention to their products and services on the internet for a living. It Is Never Too Early To Start A Roth IRA! The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain. ![]() |
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