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You all know what CYA stands for. Of course, Cover Your Assets. And everyone does it. You have protection against losing your car in an accident. You have protection against being sued from that car accident. You have locks on the doors to your home to protect against theft and personal injury. Question. Do you have a lock to protect from loss in your retirement portfolio? Bet you didn't even know there is one. You sure aren't going to hear about it from your stock broker or financial planner. If there is such a thing why hasn't he told me? Maybe it is because it is too expensive. No, there is no charge for this type of protection and your brokerage company will do it. It is free. Then why don't brokers and financial planners provide this as part of their service? The simple answer is it is too much work. If you decide to use the service they will then have to watch your account. Oh, did he say he was going to watch your account? Unless your account in seven figures or close to it you do not appear on his radar screen. The average broker has 300 accounts. Could you watch what is going on in each one if you had his job? It is not possible so there must be a way to protect your money. Yes, and it is automatic. When your stocks are going up and you are making money you don't want to give back those profits, do you? Of course not. There is a simple method known to every broker and financial planner, but you must insist it is done ? or you will transfer your account to someone who will. Money talks and he will understand that. First you must determine what your risk level is. Are you willing to give back 5, 10, 15% of the price of your stock when it starts down? If you say 10% then each week tell your broker you want an Open Stop Loss Order placed on the closing price of each Friday (or Monday , Tuesday, whatever) as it moves higher and not to reduce that price. This way he does not have to watch all the different stocks you have in your portfolio and you are protected against any big losses. He may not even want to do this and ask you to place those orders which you can easily do on the Internet. Instead of trying to figure out where or when to sell your equity you let the price action of your stock tell you when it is getting weak. There are many ways of placing Stop Loss Orders and you may wish to use another method. Many can be found by using a search on Google by typing in the words "stop loss orders". Your library should have books on the subject. For a person who is working or cannot take the time to follow the market this is the best way to protect your investments. Consider it a lock on your profits. Go back and see how this would have worked if you had done it for the past 5 years. You would be money ahead. CYA ? cover your assets. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005
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Waiting 20 Years Can Cost You Millions - Dont Wait Start Today Many Young people live for Today. They really don't fully understand the power of compound interest. The Difference between investing as little as $20 a week at age 20 or waiting until age 50 can be over $3,000,000 (yes 3 Million). Don't wait start today! Investigate Before You Invest "Through wisdom is a house built. And by understanding it is established. And by knowledge shall every room be filled with precious and pleasant riches!" --Bible Sitcom Investing A fickle stock market encourages good-humored mockery. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 2) How to Collect Rare Coins For Fun and Profit Press Release Scams and Successes: Reading Between the Lines Press releases are a means through which companies can keep the public up to date regarding their recent affairs. It is the duty of every public company to keep its investors and indirectly potential investors aware of what is going on in the company. It should not be forgotten, however, that it is in the ultimate interest of the company for the price of the stock to increase. Consequently, companies are increasingly selective about what and how information is presented in such releases. Your mother always told you, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." That popular adage holds particularly true with regard to penny stock companies' press releases. Certainly all press releases are optimistic; companies would not release them otherwise. But when looking to invest in a company, be aware of overly ambitious, optimistic, and unsubstantiated press releases. A company that has had annual revenues of 10 and 11 million for the past two years and that claims that the coming year will bring revenues of 40 to 50 million, better have a darn good reason. Examining press releases by breaking down the argument into its underlying logic is an excellent way of uncovering reasoning that has been intentionally muddled to appear better than it is. For example, if a company says that its software sales increased 300% over the past year but do not indicate what percentage of their total revenue was composed of software sales, be suspicious. If a company does not lay out a detailed plan explaining how they will make money and increase earnings, it is likely that their only source of revenue is selling valueless shares to sucker investors. Introduction To FOREX The Foreign Exchange Market, better known as FOREX, is a worldwide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day, and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day. Annuity Help Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs. The Realities Of Market Timing Market timing systems are based on patterns of activity in the past. Every system that you are likely to hear about works well when it is applied to historical data. If it didn't work historically, you would never hear about it. But patterns change, and the future is always the great unknown. Invest To Make Money, Not To Get Rich The technology boom of the '90s romanticized the "rags-to-riches" ideal that all of us dream about when investing. For those that invested $1000 in Dell at $5 during 1990, held through the seven splits, then sold in March 2000 at $59, the dream was a reality. That investment would have returned an amazing $1,132,800! Image making over $1 million for every thousand dollars invested. Beyond Dell, companies like EBay, Amazon.com, and many others made their investors very wealthy. Can Your Annuity Do This? Many people buy annuities according to their agent's recommendations. However, many people do not even know what they own. It is a good idea to take inventory of your investments, and particularly your annuity. It is important to understand what your annuity can and cannot do and what features it has. Here are some of the things you definitely must be sure to know about your annuity: Investment Rowing You have rowed a boat at some time haven't you? Yes, put the oars in the water and pull. Of course, you don't know where you are going because you are sitting backwards. Every so often you have to turn to look ahead to see if you are pulling in the right direction. The Economy Is Not The Stock Market Several days ago, the Commerce Department reported that May's factory orders had increased by a 2.9 percent. This was well covered by 'the press', as it was to be a positive influence on 'the market' (yes, the quotes are intentional.....you'll see why). The enthusiasm was understandable - the $394 billion in orders of manufactured goods is the highest level seen since the current calculation method was adopted. Although being skeptical can be wise, the figure was (and is) a clue that the economy is on a solid footing. However, too many times there's a disconnect between what 'should' be the result of a piece of economic data, and what actually occurs. The economy isn't the market. Investors can't buy shares in factory orders......they can only buy (or sell) stocks. Regardless of how strong or weak the economy is, one only makes money by buying low and selling high. So with that, we put together a study of some of the economic indicators that are treated as if they affect stocks, but really may not. Forex market offers opportunity and information The forex market is what is called an international exchange currency market, where currencies are exchanged on a daily basis. There are five forex market centers around the world ? New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt and Zurich. One does not need to be on the trading floor, so to speak to be involved in the forex market. Today, forex trading can be done from home on a computer. Well Managed Investing Risks Bring Rewards! "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing!" Warren Buffett (1930 - ) Makin The Sauce Let's face it, you're on a roll. After getting down to your attorney's office to sign the new Living Trust and then diligently tracking down your assets to fund the trust, you should be congratulated. You're one of the responsible ones - 70% of the people who die each year in the United States haven't even bothered to get a will. Frankly, you're an inspiration to us all. But to seal the nomination for the financial Oscars, a little work on your investments could go a long way. How to Buy to Let Find out everything you need to know about buy to let. Learn what to buy, where to buy and what not to buy. All this information about buy to let won't cost you a penny. Investing in World Markets There are many different ways to invest in world markets: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, commodities or currencies. Sometimes people refer to these options as investment vehicles (or method of investment). Some of these vehicles may fit your personal characteristics or lifestyle better than others. The point is that no matter the method you choose to invest, the goal is always to put your money to work so it earns you a profit. Even though this is a simple idea, it is the most important idea you should understand. Find a Methodology and Minimize Investment Madness There are many reasons to be investing these days, and too much opportunity to not have your money working for you. Stocks, Oil, and Bonds A barrel of oil bounced to over $60 Thu, which triggered a steep sell-off in the stock market Thu and Fri, although oil pulled-back to around $59 a barrel, and closed at $59.84 a barrel Fri. Creating Wealth by Gearing Up Gearing is where you borrow money to invest. As already mentioned, it is best to clear all your debt before looking at investment. However, there will arise situations where the investment is a good one and it is necessary to borrow a small amount to make the deal work. The borrowing may be for property or shares. ![]() |
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