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Sitcom Investing
A fickle stock market encourages good-humored mockery. Recently, as I watched the premiere of a sitcom, an obvious omission breached television etiquette. Silence followed every exaggerated comedic set-up. There was no laugh track. Where were the premeditated giggles from the show's "audience?" At last, the viewer determines the funny moment. It then occurred to me, the writers of this new show adopted an aspect used by investment news programs. I will be the first to admit, in addition to the miscellaneous printed and electronic financial information, the television provides an abundance of supplemental financial news. However, the shows often leave me asking, "What's missing?" In addition, the shows may very well leave viewers with the ultimate responsibility, which segment is entertainment and which is practical advice. Perhaps you may recognize one of the canned statements below that investment show gurus continuously utter. Although each may be applicable (and in may cases vital to successful financial planning), notice the missing "laugh tracks." How many times have you heard "Invest For the Long Term?" The analyst may be leaving out "because I hope you forget my last appearance and the short term disaster I have caused for the viewers who actually acted on my recommendation." Each investor's long-term outlook is somewhat different for the other's and you should always review the guests' recommendations with caution. What is his or her reasoning for such revelation? "Buy and Hold." The missing part: "because I have no idea of an exit strategy to recommend." True enough, the more successful investors are those who invest according to a well-planned strategy and stick to it. They generally hold onto their winners. There are, however, times that will dictate an exit strategy. Finally, there's "Use Asset Allocation." The missing part: "because I cannot tell you which asset historically does better in this particular market environment." There are many ways to accomplish diversification in your portfolio and it does not always have to revolve around the division of stocks, bonds, and cash. Depending on your particular objectives, time horizons, and risks, an appropriate allocation may be derived from the use of just one type of asset. Either way, there are no guarantees when you place your money in the stock market and it is best to remind yourself of the risks of each investment. Try including real estate, collectibles and insurance products in your general financial plan. We can all watch the appearance investment gurus make on financial shows. Perhaps we can include light-hearted follow-up statements as if we were watching a Rocky Horror film. We often enjoy the amusement provided by television personalities, however, it is important to review your investments regularly. Always examine your motive behind each buy and sell. In actuality, your financial future is no laughing matter and should be guided with thorough commentary. Television shows come and go; your finances may one day be a legacy. Wardlaw's belief is that familiar life elements best illustrate practical investment strategies; not typical investment jargon. With that philosophy, the author assists financial planners/advisors, brokerage firms, periodicals, and other investment information syndicates create informative and entertaining articles. For comments and questions, please contact the author at tools2invest@yahoo.com
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Porters Five Forces Analysis If you've ever listened to Warren Buffett talk about investing, you've heard him mention the idea of a company's moat. The moat is a simple way of describing a company's competitive advantages. Company's with a strong competitive advantage have large moats, and therefore higher profit margins. And investors should always be concerned with profit margins. Annuity Help Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs. Success Trading: Yet More Basic Terminology for New Traders In this day and age of online brokers for virtually every market out there, there are some very useful tools that will help protect your account and lock in profits when you have them. It is our recommendation that you use a good online broker and take advantage of not only the low commissions they offer, but also the automated tools that are available. These tools are virtually idiot proof if you use them. The number one reason that people's accounts go belly up in the markets is because they lack the discipline to stick with their trading plans and let emotions drive their trading decisions. This approach is a guaranteed way to lose in the markets. Oh, you might get lucky on occasion, but eventually the market will take your money. Let discuss some of the trading tools we're talking about. Commodities - The Next Big Wave of Fortune Building Have you often wished you could have got in on a tremendous money making opportunity before it took off? How would you feel if you had bought Microsoft stock when it first went public and your investment doubled 5 times? Imagine how rich you would be right now? Annuity Owner Mistakes Okay, so I can tell you I have sat in front of countless numbers of people who have made mistakes when purchasing and owning annuities. And I have visited people who wish they never got involved in an annuity. And I have seen people who say that their annuity is their worst nightmare...So what is it that makes the annuity such a bad thing for some people and such a great vehicle for others??? Well I am about to tell you...and it all goes back to the annuity owners biggest MISTAKE. Yes, not mistakes but mistake. Approaches to Investing Here is a small summary of the three major approaches to investing: Shop More, Save More for College Gimmick or Reality? The man sat in a chair beside a dressing room at a Tampa, Fla. maternity store. "That one looks great," he says to his pregnant wife. "I really like that one." Index Trading Weekly Update Here is a sample of the last newsletter: Easily Finding A Good Stock There is a tremendous amount of software, complicated high priced newsletters, radio and TV stock pickers and Internet web sites that will help you find a stock that is going to make you rich. Discipline in Trading and Investing The one thing I can think of that most affects both trading and investing has to be self-discipline. Trading Expert Discovers Ways To Beat Stock Market Odds With Money Management The first point to mastering money management is that you have to understand when you're trading on the stock market is that you are playing the odds ? but unlike many forms of gambling, you can make money. The key to making this money is to respect the risk that is part of the market, and manage it. Money management is a set of rules and guidelines that enables you to turn a profit. By being triumphant with your money management skills, you can keep your risk at a level at which you're comfortable with, keep from making poor trading decisions, and ensure you don't loose your trading capital. This is why it is so important to follow money management rules. An Investment Real Estate Strategy Unknown To Most Is A Negative Amortization Loan If you want to make the most of your personal or investment real estate, you should consider a negative amortization loan. Mortgage amortization is basically mortgage balance reduction. Consequently, when a mortgage has negative amortization, the loan balance not only is not reduced, it actually grows. So, why should you consider this? Simple. It is a great way to invest money from real estate someplace else. The Truth About Real Estate Investing - Is It Right For You? You have probably been hearing, seeing and reading that real estate investing is the best thing since sliced bread. There are many late night cable television infomercials spewing out sales pitches for courses that teach you how to buy residential real estate no money down or for next to nothing. Furthermore, polished pitch men on the advertisement emphasize that it is so easy that anybody can do it. They smugly show you that it is simple as they pencil out on the back of a napkin how you will supposedly make a fortune in real estate. Then these real estate investment course promoters show "actual" interviews of people who have reportedly made gobs of money with the course system. Why Should I Use Penny Shares to Build Wealth? A strategic question. Why indeed? The High Price of Oil In less than four years, the price of oil has risen about 300%, or over $50 a barrel. The Light Crude Continuous Contract (of oil futures) hit an all-time high at $67.80 a barrel Friday, and closed the week at $67.40 a barrel. Persistently high oil prices will eventually slow economic growth, which in turn will cause oil prices to fall, ceritus paribus. Eight Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor You may like your financial advisor, but is he really looking out for you? All advisors are not created equal, and you have a right to know what makes them different! You also have a right to ask yours if he compares! Dont Catch a Falling Knife One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced investors is trying to "catch a falling knife". This is the phrase used to describe the habit of buying stocks that are in "freefall", and is a poor strategy, albeit common among new investors. Sadly, it is a common practice even among old and experienced investors. I've even fallen prey to it myself. Options Education : Opinion versus Fact! The most basic aspect of trading is learning to differentiate between what is FACTUAL and what is OPINION. If you stay interested in the financial markets long enough you will discover that there are a lot of sharks out there who have become expert at making that task very difficult. The Switzerland of Asia Shines In many respects, Singapore is the Switzerland of Asia. Retirement is Never Urgent Until If you're like many people, your retirement savings have not been growing consistently over the years. We're not referring to the wild fluctuations in the stock market, but rather the fluctuations in our short-term needs. Every once in a while, it just seems like a good idea to yank ALL those retirement savings out and pay for something. ![]() |
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