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Raising Capital in Today?s ?New Economy?
We've helped a number of clients develop business plans and raise capital from "angel" investors, corporate entities and venture capitalists during the last 6-8 years. It's always a daunting process that can be full of pitfalls and require a tremendous amount of work ? but it can be done! Here is some perspective gleaned from years of experience. The most important rule for raising capital to consider is: it's never easy to raise capital when you need to! Meaning, investors are inherently risk aversive, can be very picky (a real understatement!) and they are looking for the best deal with the greatest upside and minimal risk. Rule number two ? don't raise capital! Self fund your company (called bootstrapping in entrepreneur-speak) by finding customers that will purchase your products and services. This enables you to involve your most important business asset in your business from day one ? customers! Rule number three ? use the "FAF" or "VMC" methods. Raise seed (early stage) money from your friends and family and/or if you are really committed, pull some cash from a Visa or MasterCard. These methods can and do work for many entrepreneurs ? be aware it can be very painful on the back end if your company does not make it! Angel investors can add so much to your company ? they can bring "intelligent capital" to the business. Not only do they invest capital but will very often take an interest in helping you grow the company by taking a Board of Directors seat and/or temporarily assuming a senior management role. In my experience finding and recruiting a blue chip management team with advanced degrees and a strong corporate pedigree can sometimes kill a startup as quickly as no cash or revenue ? yes, they look great in your business plan and venture capitalists love a "strong team." But, you need "fly by the seat of their pants" manager/leaders who don't need to grind five sets of scenarios (analysis paralysis) before they can take action ? hire entrepreneurial types who've excelled in small companies. Dealing with venture capitalists can be a significant challenge that is fraught with risk and no upside! Remember, they are highly skilled at the entire process, in most cases they've done it hundreds of times before. So, your on their turf when you step into this arena and you better do your homework properly (market size, revenue projections, cost of sales, marketing plan) and/or consult with a consultant, attorney or "angel investor" who has been through the process before to give you guidance. Round two in dealing with venture capitalists (assuming you are one of the 1% that submitted a business plan and/or were referred to them by another "VC approved" entity) can also be fraught with risk ? know how to value your company (equity for capital), look at comparable deals in the marketplace and be prepared to negotiate hard and to give up more now than in the last 2-4 years. Round three in dealing with venture capitalists or corporate investors. Don't (never!) be so desperate for capital that you agree to turn over the reins of the company if you don't meet specific performance milestones based on a first or second round of funding. There are too many variables in the marketplace for you too control and you're taking too much risk for not enough upside. If this is the only way you can raise money from this venture firm or corporate investor then walk away, in the end you will be better off. Here are some "cliff notes" on how to write a business plan - there is no set formula other than covering the basics about your company; i.e. technology, market analysis, marketing/business development, competitive analysis, management team and a five year set of (detailed by month from startup to year three) financials. The Executive Summary (first 3-5 pages) is the most important, as it is a summary of the entire plan and most investors read this carefully and scan the rest of the business plan. Don't get caught in the trap of endless rewrites based on investor feedback ? put your plan through one or two reviews by your BOD members and or seasoned execs that will give you honest feedback. Once the plan has been reviewed and approved then go to market with this iteration and stick to it ? investors should be investing in you ultimately, not an artificial business plan that more often than not is out of date by the time you get to market. Think about how you are going to market your company as you would any other product or service, blending traditional (fax, direct mail) with interactive processes (web site postings, e-mail, etc.). It's a numbers game, you have to aggressively market your company and be prepared to see a return of only 1-3% versus your output ? 1K in direct or opt-in email may only lead to 10-20 casual inquiries, generating 5-7 serious conversations, resulting in 1-3 term sheets (what we will invest for "x" equity) discussions. Finally, the last and most important rule of all is be tenacious, there is no substitute for absolute commitment to growing your company by raising capital or bootstrapping it! Your vision, guts and passion will very often carry the day when/where others may give up!! About The Author Lee Traupel has 20 plus years of business development and marketing experience - he is the founder of Intelective Communications, Inc., http://www.intelective.com, a results-driven marketing services company providing proprietary services to clients encompassing startups to public companies. Lee@intelective.com
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Retire Dollar Smart Jim Miller is a registered investment advisor. This means that he is not beholden to a particular brokerage or financial institution. As such, he does not charge monthly fees for "money-managing"; instead, through a consultation fee he is free to give whatever advice will best benefit his clients; he doesn't have to serve them whatever "flavor of the month" the brokerage or financial institution happens to like at that point in time. His investment advice in his book, "Retire Dollar Smart," is clear and filled with common sense. Almost Anyone Can Open A Roth IRA! The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain. Just what is Arbitrage Investment? In the simplest of terms, Arbitrage means to exploit price differential. Franchise Opportunity Sellers Beware; franchise buyers lie on forms? It seems completely absurd that franchise buyers lie about their financial position, available cash and abilities in order to buy a franchise. After spending 8 years setting up franchises around the nation and fielding inquiries I am appalled at the lack of integrity of the average business buyer. If you wonder why franchisors make franchise buyers fill out forms and ask lots of questions it is because 75% or more of every franchise inquiry to a franchise company is misrepresentative of their reality. A franchise opportunity seller should beware of franchise buyers lying on forms. Before You Start Investing There maybe several reasons why you to want to invest your money. You may want to retire early, want to build your own business in the future, or to pay for your kid's education. Should everyone start investing outside their retirement accounts right away? The answer to this question is that it depends on your financial situation. First, you must have a basic understanding in financial management. What would happen if you lose your job, accumulate large medical expenses, or losing money on your investments? Do you still have money to pay your bills? Do you have to sell your investments that you have worked so hard for, with a loss? No one knows what the future will bring. Therefore, you must have a safety net to fall back on in an unexpected event. This article contains 5 concepts that you should follow before you start investing outside of your retirement accounts. Annuity Help Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs. The Cost of Green Eggs and Ham Young readers know that March 4th is the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Many parents trip their tongues over Seuss stories like "Green Eggs and Ham". "Do you like green eggs and ham?/I do not like them, Sam-I-am./I do not like green eggs and ham". An Investment Real Estate Strategy Unknown To Most Is A Negative Amortization Loan If you want to make the most of your personal or investment real estate, you should consider a negative amortization loan. Mortgage amortization is basically mortgage balance reduction. Consequently, when a mortgage has negative amortization, the loan balance not only is not reduced, it actually grows. So, why should you consider this? Simple. It is a great way to invest money from real estate someplace else. Why Should I Use Penny Shares to Build Wealth? A strategic question. Why indeed? DXPortfolio: A Great Passive Investment of 25% to $40% per month First, I need to explain about e-currencies or digital currencies. DXPortfolio are based and supported by the supply and demand of e-currency. Before, I go on to explain how I have used my e-gold account in accordance with my DXPortfolioto grow a nice size nest egg for later (which is growing as we speak), I have to tell you something. As you can guess, the growth of digital currencies are just beginning. That brought me to the idea of DXPortfolio. This is a portfolio based on the ongoing collection of worldwide e-currency exchange fees. Since these fees will only increase, the portfolio will only increase. As you can see it is a win win situation. The only factor that is involved is how fast or slow it will increase. My experience has shown an average gain in my portfolio of between 25% to 40% increase per month. That will account to an increase of over 500% per year. I have been involved for over 6 months and plan on continuing my involvement. I almost forgot the best part. While this DXPortfolioincrease you can borrow the money you invested to use in other areas, and the portfolio still increases the same. Yes, you read it right. You can continue to use the money you invested while it continues to show profit. If you are interested in this kind of opportunity, I will tell you how I am doing it. Before you begin, you need to open a e-gold account. This is a free account that we will need to fund the DXPortfolio and also get the money back out for use. Raising Capital Using a Public Company Going public in this manner is ideal for companies that may not be large enough to attract an underwriter for an IPO and those that don't need to raise capital immediately. They want to go public because of the many benefits that being a public company offers such as increased valuation, using public stock as currency to acquire other companies and assets, liquidity, prestige and to reduce the need for expensive venture capital and other financing sources. It also makes it easier to raise capital since once you become public it gives you credibility and a benchmark trading price to raise capital against. Understanding The Real Rate of Return! There is one indicator more than any other which determines the health of an economy and it is the Real Rate of Return. Furthermore this is the simplest of all indicators to understand because it determines the safety of assets. Next time you hear the TALKING HEADS discussing the nuances of the markets, filter what they say through your own understanding of the Real Rate of Return. Asset Allocation: Critical to Your Investment Success Asset allocation is a critical component of investing success. Both research and academic studies show asset allocation to be single most significant factor in determining your financial goals. Allocation influences both the total long-term return and risk of your investment portfolio. Other factors such as security selection and market timing account for a very small percentage of your investment returns. Unfortunately, the most important decision to achieving financial success is also the least understood. How to Calculate the Value of Your U.S. Savings Bonds If you're like many Americans over the age of 55, you've probably had money taken out of your paychecks for years and years in order to purchase U. S. savings bonds. Those bonds are probably sitting in a safe deposit box at your local bank or in a drawer safely tucked away at home. But, while you might know where those bonds are right now, do you have any idea how much they are actually worth? Success Trading: Some Basic Terminology for New Traders The world of trading can get very complex because the financial markets are complex. There thousands and thousands of successful traders out there today. The amazing thing is that they all have carved their own niches and approach the markets in a unique way. This should be wonderful news for beginning traders because it demonstrates that there are thousands and thousands of different ways to proper in the markets. It's just a matter of discipline and finding the approach that suits your style and personality. With all that being said, new traders must begin somewhere, so let examine some basic terms and approaches to the markets. Retirement or Financial Freedom? In the past most people never retired. They died. The average life expectancy was much less than it is these days, and there were no financial planners around to help people save up enough to quit work. As recently as the 1960's, if you did manage to save up enough money to retire, you'd be lucky to live another 5 or 6 years before you kicked the bucket. This made financial planning for retirement a little easier because you really only needed enough income for a few years. Out-Of-State Investors Check List of Questions The following lists of questions are suggested questions to ask before you plan to purchase residential real estate outside of your neighborhood. Should You Put Your Annuity in an IRA? Let me start by answering that question...if an annuity fits your investment objectives than there is no reason that an annuity should not go in your IRA. Okay all you smarty pants out there who keep arguing that it is tax deferred and it does not belong in your IRA...SO WHAT??? The fact that it is tax deferred is only one reason why people buy annuities. Real Estate Clubs Hot Among Investors Six or seven years ago, the stock market was booming, Internet companies that no one had ever heard of were valued at billions of dollars, and anyone and everyone was investing their money in tech stocks. Then, in 2000, the stock market crashed, the Internet companies closed their doors, investors lost trillions of dollars, and life went back to normal, more or less. Five years later, tech stocks are nowhere near their 2000 peaks, but investors are salivating again. This time, they're putting their money in real estate, and they're forming real estate clubs to help them achieve greater success. Need To Trade! You don't HAVE to be trading. ![]() |
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