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How to Calculate the Value of Your U.S. Savings Bonds
If you're like many Americans over the age of 55, you've probably had money taken out of your paychecks for years and years in order to purchase U. S. savings bonds. Those bonds are probably sitting in a safe deposit box at your local bank or in a drawer safely tucked away at home. But, while you might know where those bonds are right now, do you have any idea how much they are actually worth? It seems to be a fact of life that World War II-era Americans purchased U. S. savings bonds for any number of reasons. First, it was the patriotic thing to do. America needed the money to support the war effort and Americans were more than willing to lend their support. Second, it was an excellent way to save for retirement, or for a child's education, or for any other reason. Third, the interest paid on U. S. savings bonds was competitive and the income taxes were deferred until the bonds were actually cashed in. For some reason, though, many of the U. S. savings bonds that were sold never did get cashed in until after the owner's death. Then, a family member would discover them and wonder how much they were actually worth. Of course, if you're in that situation today, you could take the bonds to your local bank and have them figure it out. But, there is another way to get the information. The Bureau of the Public Debt, Department of the Treasury, has a web site that provides all that information, including a calculator with instructions so that you can figure out how much your bonds are worth today - and you can do it all by yourself. So, if you have any questions about your savings bonds, go to http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/. And don't forget to bookmark the site for future reference. Attorney Michael Pancheri is the founder and CEO of the Living Trust Network. You may contact him directly by email at info@livingtrustnetwork.com. You may also contact at the Living Trust Network's web site. Its URL is http://www.livingtrustnetwork.com Copyright 2005. LivingTrustNetwork, LLC.
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Just Say NO to Your Stock Broker We have all heard that slogan that started back when Nancy Reagan was in Washington. It was all about drugs. Now I want to remind you this can be your slogan when you get one of those telephone solicitations from a strange broker or even your own stockbroker who is acting a little strange. By that I mean he wants you to buy something. Types of Investment The word 'investments' is one that most of us are familiar with hearing in financial context. For many of us, it may make us thing of big business and vasts sums of money, but there's much to the world of investments than multi-million dollar deals. Justify Social Security ... Dont Save for Retirement It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan-should we include social security benefits into our retirement income projections? Annuity Investment Guide While there is not a lack of information on annuities, there certainly is a lack of good information. In an age full of information, we are constantly bombarded with irrelevant data. Annuities are great investment vehicles. Annuities are bad investment vehicles. Annuities were my mom's worst nightmare. You have heard all the stories. So what do you do? Wit and Wisdom on Money, Wall Street and Success - Part #2 Here are ten more WISDOM packed GEMS that ooffer very unqiue insights to the world of trading and investing. It?s Not the Size of Your Bank Account You might think that if you win the lottery or get a huge raise, all your problems will be solved. Sounds logical, right? Well, it might sound logical, but it isn't. Having a bigger bank account will not make all of your problems disappear. Why? Because money is nothing more than a giant magnifying glass. Any problems you have with money only get bigger when you have more of it. There are people who earn $150,000 a year who have huge money problems because they have never learned how money works. Investing As A Sport? I said last week that money doesn't generally buy happiness, but the lack of it can buy absolute misery. This, by the way, is not just my personal observation. It is the conclusion of some of the most respected happiness researchers (Yes, there is such a thing -- read my book.) Almost Anyone Can Open A Roth IRA! The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain. Just what is Arbitrage Investment? In the simplest of terms, Arbitrage means to exploit price differential. Franchise Investing, Franchise Opportunities and Franchising Renewals Have you considered buying a franchise instead of trying to start a business from scratch. Many franchise agreements are renewed every five or ten years, automatically. If you do not want to renew your franchise you need to let the franchisor know a little bit in advance as it generally states in the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC) The franchise Disclosure Document used in franchising. Most require that you out it writing so there is no question about your intent, some require this 180 days before expiration. Others state that if you do not specifically say you do not wish to renew the agreement you are automatically renewed. If you do not want to renew your franchise at the end of the five year period, that is ok, but there are generally stipulations after termination. You cannot simply change the "Burger King Hamburger" sign out front to Joe's Burgers and keep operating (example only). Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer Rich people: fortunate, lucky, selfish, and arrogant? Or highly educated, caring, brilliant individuals? Becoming rich isn't hard, but it does require a bit of time and knowledge. Having time to get rich, educating oneself, and buying assets are the three key factors in attaining untold wealth. Missleading Fund Names Wreak Havoc On Investor Returns! Mutual fund managers use fake fund names to part you from your money such that you cannot judge what a fund does by its name. Many funds have names that are outright misleading or even deceptive. In the late 1990's, for instance, during the technology stock bubble, some portfolio managers took advantage of public's desire to chase the latest fad by slapping "internet" in front of their fund names. Investment Rowing You have rowed a boat at some time haven't you? Yes, put the oars in the water and pull. Of course, you don't know where you are going because you are sitting backwards. Every so often you have to turn to look ahead to see if you are pulling in the right direction. Realistic Investing Expectations Over the long term stocks have provided us with great average return results. But this average return masks a great deal of volatility, because returns have fluctuated within a very wide band. Should You Put Your Annuity in an IRA? Let me start by answering that question...if an annuity fits your investment objectives than there is no reason that an annuity should not go in your IRA. Okay all you smarty pants out there who keep arguing that it is tax deferred and it does not belong in your IRA...SO WHAT??? The fact that it is tax deferred is only one reason why people buy annuities. Help with My Annuity The cries are heard from the distance, "I need help with my annuities." Nothing has changed...just a lonely senior who can't trust anybody with her annuity because every time she asks for advice, someone tries to make her invest in a different annuity...Sound familiar? Well you are not alone. IF - The Wonders of Investing If it seems as if all investors are selling, who is buying? Trading Expert Discovers Ways To Beat Stock Market Odds With Money Management The first point to mastering money management is that you have to understand when you're trading on the stock market is that you are playing the odds ? but unlike many forms of gambling, you can make money. The key to making this money is to respect the risk that is part of the market, and manage it. Money management is a set of rules and guidelines that enables you to turn a profit. By being triumphant with your money management skills, you can keep your risk at a level at which you're comfortable with, keep from making poor trading decisions, and ensure you don't loose your trading capital. This is why it is so important to follow money management rules. Investing Psychology Today Requires All Traders to Awaken Their Speculator Minds Stock trading strategies are as rampant today, as they were during the Great Bull Market. Yet, can you truly master the stock market like so many investing books propose? Playing With Money - And Making More Ready to start playing with your money? Not interested in complicated businesses or boring bank C.D.'s? Here are some methods that aren't quite a business because you can do them once, or just whenever you feel like it. Start small and the risk is small. ![]() |
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