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Types of Investment
The word 'investments' is one that most of us are familiar with hearing in financial context. For many of us, it may make us thing of big business and vasts sums of money, but there's much to the world of investments than multi-million dollar deals. Although it's true that, at the top level, investments may run into many millions, it is possible for the average person in the street to invest smaller amounts of money and to invest it wisely. If you've ever thought about trying to help your money to grow, then maybe you've wondered what opportunities are available. In truth, investments can cover a wide range of options. One of the most traditional types of investing is in the stock market. This has been viewed by some as being a difficult type of investment to get into, but times are changing. The new range of online stockbrokers available mean that it's now easy (and fairly inexpensive) to get involved in buying and selling shares. If you're interested in share dealing yourself, then you'd be wise to remember that there is a risk involved ("shares may go down in value, as well as up"). It's vital that you investigate the area thoroughly before taking the plunge and you should view shares as a medium to long-term investment. If you invest expecting to make a quick buck, then you're likely to be disappointed. An alternative type of investment, which has become particularly popular in the UK, is that of property. Putting money into residential properties and then taking a rental income is seen by many as a win-win situation. The largest downside to this type of investing is that you'll need a large capital sum to begin with, or else you'll need to take out a sizeable loan. As with the stock market, property should be looked at as a long-term investment. If you'd like to know more about investment opportunities, then there's lots of good, free information available online. The www.financefacts.co.uk web site is one of many sites that deals with personal finance. About The Author David Johnson is a freelance writer who specialises in informative personal finance information. This article is provided free of charge, on the condition that you provide a link to www.financefacts.co.uk
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Annuity Owner Mistakes Okay, so I can tell you I have sat in front of countless numbers of people who have made mistakes when purchasing and owning annuities. And I have visited people who wish they never got involved in an annuity. And I have seen people who say that their annuity is their worst nightmare...So what is it that makes the annuity such a bad thing for some people and such a great vehicle for others??? Well I am about to tell you...and it all goes back to the annuity owners biggest MISTAKE. Yes, not mistakes but mistake. The Differences Betweeen the Wealthy and Everyone Else I recently received an e-mail from a young lady who had doubts about the principles of wealth found in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". She mentioned a couple of past failed investments, and wanted to know what I thought about investing and financial freedom - whether it was just a myth, or whether it could be acquired. I thought I'd share it here for the benefit of those who have struggled with investing, or perhaps from ventures that didn't quite pan out. Here's what I wrote back to her: Remembering TEOTWAWKI and Learning from It Its only been about 5 years since we had major scares in the marketplace regarding Y2K. You might recall that many computer systems were not programmed to be able to understand the change from 1999 to 2000. There was a tremendous amount of panic created by those who were convinced that as the clock hit midnight on on New Years Eve 2000 that we were going to enter the Dark Ages. Fundamentals of Option Pricing When one begins to consider an option, it is very important to figure out how the premium is calculated. Option premiums depend on a variety of factors including the time left to expiry as well as the price of the underlying security. There are two parts to an option premium: intrinsic value and time value. Consequently, several different factors have an influence on intrinsic and time value. Can Your Annuity Do This? Many people buy annuities according to their agent's recommendations. However, many people do not even know what they own. It is a good idea to take inventory of your investments, and particularly your annuity. It is important to understand what your annuity can and cannot do and what features it has. Here are some of the things you definitely must be sure to know about your annuity: Investing Online Has Its Rewards: Find Out How To Take Advantage Of Them Computerized investing. Online investing. Have you taken the next step yet? These days among savvy investors, online investment resources are synonymous with opportunity. Choosing A Financial Advisor With so many financial advisors trying to woo you with their qualifications and experience, how do find one you can trust your finances with? 'Trust' is the keyword here, as you will depend on him/her for your future financial security. A good financial advisor can help you determine which investments are best suited for you, based on your financial goals. He/She will also be able to help you with a savings program to build your assets. What If You Absolutely Positively Could Not Lose - Would You Play the Stock Market? Seniors on fixed incomes face a unique problem. Where do they invest their savings to get maximum return on investment with limited risk? Some of the traditional places like CDs and Treasury Notes are extremely safe, however the yields tend to be very low. Stocks and Mutual Funds while offering a potential for a higher yield have a risk factor that most seniors find unacceptable. Learn How to Lose and Risk Management One of the leading traders on Chicago Mercantile Exchange, because of a single trade lost everything! Global Markets: A Window on the World Economy Expectations drive the market. Every stock price is driven by what people expect the company to do. That's why all the talk about a strong or weak economy has such an impact. But those aren't the only expectations moving us. We've seen the impact of war and terrorism worries on markets and the impact of SARS concerns on Asian markets. Planning for Retirement Almost without exception, people don't start planning for their retirement early enough in their lives. Young people leaving High School or College and going into their first paid position find it difficult to look or see ahead to age sixty or sixty-five. Still, time marches on and retirement does arrive. It?s Never too Early to Start Investing! Remember the old saying, "never too late to start"? Well, try this on for size: when it comes to investing, it's never too early to start. Time really is of the essence here. Those of us who find ourselves between the ages of twenty and forty should make investing for retirement a key priority on our list of things to do. Stocks: Reduce Risk Yet Maximize Profits It is important to note that every smart investor wants to minimize risk while maximizing profit potential. Yet conventional investment theory tells us that in order to increase returns, you have to increase risk. Trading Tips No 3: Online Trading and Investing: Buy, Hold, and Hope So you have learned how to trade the markets by mastering a few trading tools like Moving Averages, Channels, Stochastics, MACD, or RSI - that is a great accomplishment achieved by only a few. However, having the tools and rules to trade markets successfully, year in and year out, is only half of the challenge. The other half is far more daunting and achieved by even fewer investors - I am talking about good old-fashioned discipline. That is, discipline to follow your indicators and rules without fail - every trade entry and every trade exit. This is why it is critical that you learn how to trade. This is the ‘moment of truth’ in the life of every trader or investor. Asset Allocation Lessons: The 70% Inflation Solution For investors only... and for speculators who need to invest their winnings. The Switzerland of Asia Shines In many respects, Singapore is the Switzerland of Asia. The Demise of Buy & Hold Based on consistent results I think Buy & Hold should be renamed Buy, Hold & Bye-Bye. It sounded great for a while, especially for the huge majority of investors who don't have the time or interest in really doing due diligence on investments. Part II of Day Traders and Swing Traders and Options? Maybe! Before every protective put trade it is possible to calculate your anticipated maximum loss. Use the formula: (stock price minus strike price) plus option price. For example, suppose you will pay $30.00 for your stock, and you want no more than a $3.50 loss on the position. Then you would choose the $27.50 strike put which costs $1.00. Following the formula, you take your stock price ($30.00) and subtract the put's strike price (27.50) which leaves you $2.50. To this $2.50 loss, you then add the amount you spent on the option ($1.00), which gives you a combined, maximum loss of $3.50 for this position. You can set your loss limit by the strike price of the put you buy and the cost of the put. This formula will work every time. Remember, stock loss, (stock price paid - strike price), plus option cost (option price) equals maximum potential position loss. Rolling your 401k: Contributory IRA vs. Rollover IRA In an ideal world you would start your working career with a great company in your early 20s, steadily climb the corporate ladder, retire at age 65, and draw a sufficient income from your accumulated 401k account to live happily ever after. Larry, Moe and Curley, Investment Brokers Larry, Moe and Curley were sitting in their favorite restaurant just off Wall Street having their usual 3 martini lunch and were discussing the day's events and their client portfolios. ![]() |
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