Trading Tips No 3: Online Trading and Investing: Buy, Hold, and Hope

So you have learned how to trade the markets by mastering a few trading tools like Moving Averages, Channels, Stochastics, MACD, or RSI - that is a great accomplishment achieved by only a few. However, having the tools and rules to trade markets successfully, year in and year out, is only half of the challenge. The other half is far more daunting and achieved by even fewer investors - I am talking about good old-fashioned discipline. That is, discipline to follow your indicators and rules without fail - every trade entry and every trade exit. This is why it is critical that you learn how to trade. This is the ‘moment of truth’ in the life of every trader or investor.

Here is a test. Are you able to consistently pull the trigger on your sell signal when all the ‘experts’ are screaming, ‘buy’? Do you ever give your stop loss a little more room because you can’t stand to lose, not even one trade, only to have the market gap open the next day against you? Are you always available during the trading day to follow your trades? Do you let your emotions cloud your thinking and cause you to violate your own trading rules in the ‘heat of battle’? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are absolutely normal and that’s the reason why it’s so difficult to trade successfully even with a good methodology. If you fail to learn how to trade, you are your own worst enemy, when it comes to disciplined trading or investing.

Is there a remedy for this problem? Yes! The solution, when you are learning how to trade, is to find a good mechanical trading system that provides superior returns consistently over time and a broker to trade it, verbatim, on your behalf. You will have instantly solved the discipline problem and dramatically increase your potential for success.

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