July 2005: Hurricane Forecasts for Weather Traders

Tropical Storm Arlene formed as a tropical depression on June 8, 2005 near 83 West Longitude and 17 North Latitude. Although Dr. Bill Gray's updated hurricane forecast for 2005 calls for 15 named storms, with 8 of the 15 being hurricanes, orthodox meteorology cannot pinpoint the time and place for the origin of any of those future storms. My June forecast published on Ezinearticles.com entitled "June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Weather Traders" called for tropical storm or hurricane formation between June 7 and 11, 2005 around 86 West Longitude and 24 North Latitude. This forecast was prepared in May 2005 long before conventional meteorology had any indication of tropical storm activity for June. As can be seen, Arlene formed near these coordinates. It then passed close to them on June 9th and 10th.

Although modern meteorology, as dictated by our present-day understanding of the laws of physics, has enjoyed top billing, it's not the only show in town. The extraordinary but little-known exogenic theory of weather states that forces outside our atmosphere assist in molding our weather. The most obvious example of this is solar energy. But according to the theory, the moon and eight planets along with the continuously changing angular relationships that form among them and the sun are contributing components. Since such planetary phenomena can be calculated months and years in advance, these make long-range forecasts feasible. Johannes Kelper, the renowned 17th century astronomer, worked extensively with this theory and initially achieved fame for his long-range weather forecasts long before his discovery of the planetary laws of motion brought him acclaim.

Hurricane season is now upon us. Some initial hurricane forecasts for July 2005 are now posted at the URL mentioned below and more will be posted in the coming weeks. Although no forecast method, be it conventional or alternative, can claim 100 percent accuracy, interesting results have been achieved with Kepler's method. Some of these results are are also posted on the aforementioned site.

Having worked with this system for a number of years, I never cease to be amazed at the beauty and the "down-to-earth" practicality that its designer bestowed upon the heavenly bodies. The members of our solar system no longer appear to be unrelated and meaningless masses of rock and gas circling the sun as science sometimes leaves us feeling. But God has given purpose to the planets and equipped his offspring with a built-in, environmentally safe, long-range weather forecasting tool for our service. Have a safe hurricane season.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's long-range weather forecasting method for about 14 years. His published forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at kensweather@msn.com. The results of his latest long-range forecasts and hurricane forecasts for July 2005 are available on his blog at http://www.theweatheralternative.blogspot.com

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