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A Few Simple Facts About Purple Martins
Purple Martins are the largest member of the swallow family. However, in flight their wings are more triangular than other swallows. Males are a handsome lot having a violet head and body with black on wing and tail. Females, youngsters, and first year males are light bellied and look very similar to smaller swallows. The song of a martin is a distinctive, low pitched liquid rolling twitter and is unmistakeable. Purple Martins have been known to build their nests in cavities of dead or dying trees, holes in cliffs, or just about anywhere from 3 to 30 feet high. But the most popular nesting place for the martin is in your own back yard int the houses you construct and put up for them. Their nests are made from leaves, grass, straw and twigs and the eggs are white and unmarked. Purple Martins feed on a variety of flying insects, flies, bees, beetles, flying ants and moths, and here in the south, the dreaded mosquito!! Many people build Purple Martin houses to attract martins early in the spring, which are generally well liked by the birds. They prefer the wooden condominium type houses. Most people like to paint there bird house white as white keeps the house cooler and is attractive to the birds. Aluminum and plastic is used also in the commercially built bird house, but wood is by far the best choice for keeping cool. The best height to mount your bird house is from 15 to 20 in the air, but lower heights to 10 feet will work in wide open spaces. Always be sure to put a predator guard on the pole to prevent predatory cats or other vermin from raiding the nests. You can find just about any type of Purple Martin bird house made of Western Red Cedar at Cedar Creek Woodshop. Give it a look, won't you? Thanks Courtesy: Cedar Creek Woodshop Courtesy: Cedar Creek Woodshop
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Release Some Tension...Spend Some Time In Your Garden Gardening can be one of the most rewarding and relaxing hobbies that you can engage in. Picture a beautiful spring day, the sweet smell of grass in the air and you get to go out and work the soil and prepare your garden. Roses and Juniper Rock Gardens Wide circle driveways don't happen much anymore, but when they do, what do you do with them? Clear out the grass, mound up some soil, and park a few boulders in strategic positions and you've got the perfect spot for an artistic rose garden. Plant some dark green Juniper and a few golden-tipped junipers for background color before adding your roses. Hummingbirds ? Attracting Those Little Flying Powerhouses It's early in May a beautiful fairly warm day so I've decided to enjoy it and sit on the front porch. Pond Construction The location of your pond should be decided. You've picked a good spot in your yard where you can see the pond from different places, and it's near enough to the house so you can see it from a window. This is really part of the fun because you can visualize the landscaping ideas you'll be incorporating into the pond area once the dig is finished. Dog Days of Summer Here are a few tips to keep your garden and a few specific problems from getting away from you during the month of August gardening. Your lawn, again usually three things or any combination of them may be the culprit(s) for making your lawn or patches of your lawn turn brown. New for 2006 - Granite Flexible Preformed Rock Ponds Traditionally, preformed ponds are large shells, which are extremely burdensome and difficult to transport. For example, a typical preformed pond kit would come in a box that is 60" x 48" x 24", which is too large for many car trunk sizes. Liner kits, on the other hand, present many difficulties for the beginner pond gardener. Since every liner pond shape is different, pond gardeners must customize their own pond and ensure that it is level, and that it does not have excessive wrinkling. Summer Pond Tips Low Oxygen levels Kill Fish Daphnes for Scent and Colour Anyone with even a passing knowledge of plants knows that daphnes have wonderfully fragrant flowers. And because some of them - usually the most scented - flower in winter, they're the sort of must-have plants that are usually among the first planted in any new garden. Vermicomposting - Worm Composters For Eco-Friendly Waste Disposal and Recycling Worms are not only the gardener's best friend, they are also the recycler's new found best friend as well. Nature's little waste disposal experts have found a new place in eco-conscious household's across the globe as more and more people are catching on to the idea of using worms' special talents to dispose of their organic household waste. If you have ever pondered on the idea or are in the least bit interested in giving your world environment a helping hand then you might like to delve a little deeper into the world of worms... The Perfect Porch Swing There is a magical quality to porch swings. In his summertime classic Dandelion Wine, Ray Bradbury describes the "ritual of the front-porch swing." Planting Roses in Pots In years past, serious rosarians would never consider having a potted rose on their property unless it was just waiting for its home to be prepared in the garden. A Guide for Servicing Your Chainsaw Chainsaws provide many years of service for very little upkeep. Taking the time to service your chainsaw will help ensure that your equipment will not let you down. For safety reasons, make sure you only service your chainsaw when it is fully cooled, with the spark plug disconnected. If you are working with an electric chainsaw make sure it is unplugged first of all. You should also wear gloves and protection for your eyes. Hydroponics Gardening - An Introduction To Hydroponics Gardening For Beginners (part 4) Environment THE BASICS OF HYDROPONICS. Fall Pond Cleaning Doing a full pond cleaning during the colder winter months can be very stressful on your fish. However, if the pond is really dirty and full of 'muck' - then you may want to consider it because all of the decaying organic matter in the pond can cause problems if the pond ices over, and this begins to de-gas and rot. What You Should Know About Miniature Roses Miniature roses are exactly what they sound like. They have all of the fragrance and beauty of a regular rose, but they have smaller blooms. These particular roses are great for indoor planting. Teak Planters - Accent Your Outdoor Space with One Do you want to add something to your outdoor space that will take it from beautiful to breathtaking? Do you have all of the right teak furniture but feel that something is missing, some accent that will truly make your space unique and worthy of only the highest praise? If so, maybe you should accent your outdoor space with teak planters. Pruning Roses Secrets Pruning your roses is one of the most needed and the most annoyingly difficult tasks that goes with proper rose care. It takes a steady hand the proper procedure to ensure the best possible roses that you can get. Rose - The Flower of Love and Romance What is the flower that everyone visualizes and associates with love or romance? ‘Rose’ is the instant answer by anyone. The rose is placed on a high pedestal by almost all the ancient civilizations which is indicated by the fact that the flower has been associated with numerous myths and legends. Numerous instances abound in the Greek, Roman, Hindu, Jew and Egyptian mythologies and legends. No wonder, the flower is a delight to the viewer and has made inroads into our everyday lives and true to its importance the rose has been acclaimed as the ‘queen of flowers’. Flower Meanings Certain types or colors of flowers mean different things, and you don't want to send the wrong message if you give them as a gift! Of course, not everyone knows what a particular flower means, but you can never be too sure! The Incredible Daylily Some people have referred to daylilies as the poor man's orchid. Indeed, daylilies, like orchids, are a beauty to behold. Daylilies are no longer just the muted yellow and orange plants grown in road ditches. They come in every color from white to deep purple (almost black) and in a variety of sizes. ![]() |
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