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Landscaping & Gardening Information |
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Gardening - An Expression
Give the same plants to several people, you will see several arrangements. Each one distinct and different, yet, using the same plants. This is the ultimate reward of gardening- a means to express, to create with the help and inspiration from the gifts of Nature. Gardening is not just physically and aesthetically rewarding.It enriches the spirit. It awakens one's creativity that lies dormant from neglect, or lack of motivation, or a popular excuse, not enough time. Gardening is fast becoming a popular hobby of the times. From the tropics, to the frigid climes, gardening centers are offering more choices to tantalize even the most conservative taste. Each year, gardeners look forward with excitement to their gardening; a hobby they take passionately. What new plants are being introduced? What variety of surprises awaits them? The ornamental gardener will be glorious with the new plants or hybrids for the present growing season. The vegetable/herb gardener looks forward with anticipation at harvest time. With so much variety to choose from, what factors determine which plants to buy? After considering the soil, weather, sun/shade location factors, the choice is all about self- expression. No two gardens are alike, given the same set of plants. Colors are as revealing as the plants. A conservative gardener will opt for traditional plants. At times, you see the same plants, the same arrangements year after year. Aha!! Perhaps the gardener does not adapt to change too quickly. It may be lack of time, or change of physical health. Vibrant colors in the garden reflect a vibrant gardener. A garden bursting with colors is very attractive and pleasing to look at. It is inviting. What about passion? They say red is a color of passion, of energy and courage. Add white to the reds, and the garden beckons the passer-by to take a look. Someone said this combination looks like a candy cane. My garden is overcome by burst of yellow and orange, not really by choice. Somehow, it gives out a golden glow as the blooms bask in the sun. It reflects my enthusiasm for life. Many of my plants are gifts from friends, treasures for my garden. Yellow flowers remind me of my mother. Purples and blues in the garden are colors of reflection, of peace and calm. Add white flowers to this and it invites a meditative mood. After colors, the arrangements of the plants reveal something of the person. I have a friend whose flowerbeds are symmetrical, weedless, picture- perfect, right out of a magazine. Indeed, this expresses her organized way of thinking and living. A gardener who loves to re-arrange the plants and adds new plants and ornaments every year shows an enthusiastic and energetic spirit, ready to welcome change, eager to experiment. What about an overgrown garden? Perhaps it reflects someone with scattered energies,or, at times, a full plate, or one who does not have the time or energy to tend the garden. It may well show one who starts with a burst of enthusiasm that wanes quickly after the planting is done. No matter how you plan your garden, it is a creative tool that allows you to express yourself. Gardening is therapeutic, physically, mentally and spiritually. Happy gardening and don't forget to talk to your plants. Bonnie Moss writes about new age related topics for her website. Her writing also covers a wide range of subjects to include writing and inspirationals and self-development. She is the Executive Secretary of Tarot Canada International. Her articles are published on high end e-zines. Visit her website: http://goldencupcafe.tripod.com
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Water Conservation in the Garden - Use a Rain Barrel to Harvest Rainwater If you are a gardener you probably already do a bit composting to recycle yard and kitchen waste. This homemade "Black Gold" does wonders for your plants and soil. But, have you discovered the gardening benefits of harvesting and recycling rainwater to use in the garden? Think Vintage for Your Garden Container gardeners take note. Tired of clay pots? Think vintage, because when you do, there'll be lots to choose from. Most likely vintage items will be worn and chipped which will only add charm to your garden. Durable Wooden Swing - Decorate Your Outdoors with One There is nothing better to do on a hot, lazy afternoon than to lounge in your favorite outdoor swing while reading, napping or just watching the world pass by. And when evening approaches and the breeze gets cooler, an outdoor swing is also the perfect place to sit and unwind after a hard day while you watch the fireflies light up the ever darkening sky. About Hummingbirds and How to Attract Them to Your Garden Visualize watching a bright green hummingbird in your garden moving from flower to flower in search of the tasty nectar within. These beautiful and tiny birds weigh about 2 to 20 grams and are found in a wide variety of environments from the high Andes to lowlands, and from dry desert areas to rainforests. They have slender beaks, extensible tongues, ten primary feathers, and tiny feet suitable for perching but not walking. Hummingbird Nesting Facts Every spring the United States and Canada are blessed with the presence of humming birds migrating north to make a home for their coming young. They come from Mexico and South America in search of a cooler, more suitable climate to nest and have a family. Picking the right location for a nest is critical to the survival of the bird's young. Finding just the right spot is only half the battle, however. Next comes the actual construction, and for a pregnant humming bird it proves to be quite difficult a task. How to for Lawns ? Mowing How often you mow your lawn will depend on a number of factors. Firstly how much time you have to devote to your lawn's maintenance. How fast your lawn grows, and this in turn will depend on whether you fertilise it regularly and whether it receives adequate water and sunlight. Normally, lawns should be mowed at least one a fortnight to keep them in check, so to speak. Wildlife Gardener Gardening for wildlife has become quite a passion for me, although I only have a small urban garden I have still managed to fit a fair amount of bird and insect friendly flowers and plants in. Growing a Sustainable Garden! Do you wish you could grow a sustainable vegetable garden? Now you CAN have a sustainable garden of your own in a very small space. And it can be fun and productive! Low Maintenance Teak Furniture In all likelihood you have heard of teak furniture and have wanted to know why it's such a big deal. This article contains some simple info regarding the building material that seems a little mysterious, even has a weird sound to it, but dominates the market of outdoor furniture. How to Grow Chocolate Cosmos Chocolate cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguinea) is both nose and eye candy for your garden. When it's in full bloom, mature blossoms on long, slender stems look like candy kisses on a stick and fill the late afternoon with the sweet scent of vanilla tinged chocolate. New blossoms hug the foliage of the plant, nearly concealing it with their numbers! Add to that the sweet chocolate fragrance and you end up with something very special. Metal Garden Furniture Since Victorian times metal garden furniture has become a popular way to decorate gardens. In fact, since this furniture can easily last for many years with the proper maintenance, some people are still using pieces in their gardens that were made in the Victorian era. Metal garden furniture adds both a classic style and durability, which demand that it should be considered as the preferred choice of garden furniture. The Meanings Behind the Colors of Roses Roses are a sign of love and friendship and by giving someone a rose you are telling them how truly special they are. There are a number of colors of roses available and each one represents a different meaning to the receiver. If you are looking to purchase roses for that special someone, but aren't quite sure which color would best suit your relationship, keep reading to find out what each color represents. Selling Your House? Trim Your Shrubs! Shrubbery and other greenery that has an unkempt appearance can often be misconstrued as a sign of neglect, and gives a bad impression of your house overall. Prospective homebuyers who see shrubbery that has not been well maintained may not even be aware of their observation, but it will have an impact on the way they view your property as a whole. Tips On Caring For Your Cut Flowers Imagine it's a special occasion and you've just received a glorious bunch of roses. You put them in your best vase and you stand back to admire them. You'd love to make them last as long as you possibly can, but other than keeping them out of direct sunlight, you're not sure what to do. Plant A Simple Tea Garden Materials Needed 1 decorative clay or metal planter 1 package of clay pellets (approx. 30 pellets) 3 packets of organic tea leaves seeds (YOUR CHOICE) Grow-rich or nutrient-rich potting soil (ASK YOUR NURSERY FOR THE BEST RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR AREA) Directions 1. Spread the clay pellets evenly along bottom of planter. These will absorb water and promote healthy root development of the tea plants. 2. Moisten potting soil in a large plastic bag and then spread mix over clay pellets in planter, leaving 1/2 inch at top of planter. 3. Sprinkle seeds on soil, leaving about 2 or so inches between different varieties. 4. Lightly cover the seeds with dry soil, and then moisten slightly with a spray bottle or a few drops of water. 5. Label the varieties of tea on the bottom or side of planter, or create popsicle-stick signs to place in the soil. 6. Move planter to a warm place in indirect sunlight until germination takes place. After germination, relocate planter to a warm area with natural sunlight. 7. When tea leaves reach a height of about two inches, thin out seedlings across the total planter surface to provide adequate space for future growth. 8. Water periodically, only when the soil is moderately dry.DO NOT OVERWATER!!) Delavays Blueberry (Vaccinium delavayi) Whether we know it or not, most of us are familiar with the genus Vaccinium as it has among its members several current or potential commercial crops, such as blueberry, cranberry, bilberry and huckleberry. Vaccinium delavayi, however, is strictly ornamental and very unlikely to be our next export success. Garden Hot Tubs Imagine starting your morning with a saunter out the back door to enjoy a cup of coffee in your garden hot tub, or relaxing just before bed with a lazy soak in your backyard hot tub under the stars. More and more homeowners are taking the plunge (pardon the pun!) and installing a hot tub in their backyard or garden. If it all sounds tempting to you, here are a few things to consider when deciding where and whether to put a hot tub in YOUR backyard. Pressure Washing Decks A beautiful wooden deck, properly maintained, can add greatly to the aesthetic and resale values of a home. All About Hybrid Tea Roses Hybrid tea roses and the original tea rose are the worldâ??s favourite roses and are available in many gorgeous colors. Canopy Swings - Escape the Weather with One Do you love to sit outdoors and swing for hours but have to cut your relaxing excursions short due to the intense sun or brief summer showers? Do you get tired of having to wipe down your outdoor furniture before you can actually sit in it and enjoy it without fear of soiling your clothes? If so, maybe you should think about getting a canopy swing or purchasing canopies for your existing swings. ![]() |
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