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Pressure Washing Decks
A beautiful wooden deck, properly maintained, can add greatly to the aesthetic and resale values of a home. Just look around, decks are almost everywhere. Not just houses but both municipal and commercial facilities use wooden decks and walkways extensively. Because of this pressure washing decks can be a great profit center for your business or even the whole business. The great news is that decks need maintenance. As beautiful as a wooden deck can be it can be a real eyesore if not properly maintained. Why Decks Need Maintenance When a wood deck absorbs water the natural resins and color can be washed out over time. The combination of wood and water creates a food source for mildew, fungus and mold promoting their growth. Wood and water combined with dirt and even air pollutiom will also contribute to the proliferation of mildew, fungus and molds. One thing to remember is that a wet deck with a thick coating of mildrew is very slick and slippery. This creates one heck of a "slip and fall" liability problem. Keep this in mind when speaking to the decision makers of commercial and municipal facilities. Learning Curve There is a learning curve involved when getting proficient enough to clean/seal/restore wood decks for the public. It is best to learn on your own deck or on the decks of close friends and relatives. When learning make sure to do more than one. Different decks can present different challenges. Inspect When organizing your project or preparing your bid make some simple observations. Has the deck ever been sealed? Is there old sealer that needs to be stripped and reapplied? Do I have all the chemicals, tools and equipment required for this project? ( we will include a sample list at the end of this article) Is there any damaged or rotted wood that needs to be replaced? ( Now is a good time to measure.) Are the any missing or loose bolts, nails or screws? Are there any adjacent bushes or plants that need to be protected? Are there any electrical appliances, outlets, light fixtures or telephone jacks? Note: these will have to be sealed water tight. Remember water and electricity is a dangerous combination. Decks in upscale neighborhoods will probably contain most of these challenges. Make sure the circuit breakers will be accessible to you prior to starting. Beginning Ok you've cleared everything from the deck and placed it far enough to be out of harms way. You've locked out the circuit breakers that provide electrical service to the deck area. Outlets, fixtures and jacks have been sealed water tight. Close proximity plants and bushes have been protected with a clear plastic tarp. Loose bolts. nails and screws have been tightened or replaced.with galvanized fasteners. Rotted or damaged wood has been replaced. Only now are you really ready to begin. Clear the Deck of Dirt and Debris With a stiff bristle broom or a leaf blower clear all loose dirt and debris from the surface of the deck.. What Chemicals to Use Sodium Hydroxide ( a high caustic chemical) is very popular with professional deck cleaners. Because this chemical does most of the work very low pressures of 500-1200 PSI can be used which helps avoid the condition known as "furring". Safety note: Always wear headgear with face shields and cartridge type respirators when working with high caustic or acidic chemicals. This is not a suggestion it's a must. While Sodium Hydroxide is a very effective chemical it will darken or may even blacken the deck. Because of this the PH will have to be nuetralized with a mild acidic solution. Acids used are Citrus,Oxalic or Phosphoric. These acid solutions will act as brighteners. Neutralizing the PH of a high caustic cleaner will restore a deck very close to it's original color. Add approx. 5oz. acid to each gallon of water. Citrus Acid- Used on hardwoods. Oxalic Acid- Primarily used on redwoods. Phosphoric Acid- Used when an unfinished deck has turned "gray". I'm very hesitant to suggest a pressure level when it comes to cleaning decks because it's just so subjective. One deck will have harder wood than another and other decks will have softer and harder areas on the same deck. In this respect only experience can really guide you. As a general rule of thumb use the least amount of pressure that will get the job done. Test pressure on an inconspicuous area of the deck. The underside works well for this Excessive Pressure. Excessive pressure will cause a deck to "furr".This is the appearance of small hairlike fibers protruding from the wood.. Your customers will not like the way this looks and light sanding will be required to correct this condition. Ready, Set, Go! Soak the area to be cleaned thoroughly. This serves several purposes but most importantly, the deck must remain damp throughout the entire cleaning process. Apply cleaning chemical with the applicator of your choice.When just starting out a pump up type sprayer will work nicely. Allow your chemical to dwell for 15-20 minutes. Do not allow to dry. If necessary spray more water or reapply chemical. If you've sufficiently dampened the deck and haven't dawdled this shouldn't be a big problem. Clean. Remember when cleaning use low pressure. Never clean against the grain or accross the grain. Feather each pass. The pressure used should be enough to remove dead wood but not enough to cause "furring" Experience will be your best teacher. Rinse deck thoroughly removing all chemical. Apply nuetralizer/brightener solution, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse well again. If you are going to seal wait 24 hours if not 48. If you chose your day well rain won't become a problem. "Furring" Happens. Sometimes "furring will become apparent even at low pressures. These short hair like fibers are the result of a "tearing" action on the wood. These will probably be gone in 2-3 weeks but your customer will want them gone sooner than later. Give them a light sanding with a bronze metal scrubbing pad. Use bronze, steel wool can leave rust stains. What not to leave behind Here is a general list of things to bring to your job site. Some of this may not apply to you. The point is to always work with a job list to avoid the embarrasment or expense of missing that tool you need right now. Pressure Washer- Cold water gas machine 5.5-11HP commercial grade unit. (Hot Washers are also used but at very low temperatures not exceeding 110F) Hoses- Sufficient lengths of both pressure hose and supply hose. Brooms/Blower- A stiff bristled push broom (not metal) and/or a gas powered leaf blower. Chemical applicator - Pump-up type sprayer or Flo-Jet type sprayer Mixing Buckets - 2or3 5 gallon plastic mixing buckets. Mixers- Drill type chemical mixer. Respirator- Cartridge type with spares (When working with high caustics and acids) Face and Eye Protection- Some type of helmet with face shield. Cordless Drill- With phillips screwbit and chuck large enough to accomodate chemical mixer. Hammer- If nails are required. Deck Screws, Nails and Bolts- As required, use galvanized only. Duct tape, Clear plastic sheeting,Cardboard- To protect areas Extension Cords- Must be adequate length and gauge. 12 gauge minimum. Electric Rotary Sander- With 60 and 80 grit sandpaper Knee Pads - You didn't think you'd always be standing when sanding did you? Remember practice makes perfect get out there and start learning. About the Author Randall Madon is the founder and president of ATT Pressure Supply along with a new educational resource site: The-Power-Washer-Advisor.com - Learn More.
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Hydroponics Gardening - An Introduction To Hydroponics Gardening For Beginners (Part 5) Plant Growth PLANT GROWTH & PHYSIOLOGY. (Part 5) Orchids Are One Of Natures Most Beautiful Flowers Orchids are beautiful flowers. The interesting thing about orchids is that they seem to draw people to them. There is hardly another plant or flower that has been able to capture the attention and desire of people the way orchids have. In the past orchids have been hunted and collected in almost every part of the world. Today there are millions of people who are absolutely devoted to the plant and its beautiful "faces." The Basics Of Pruning The technique of pruning varies with the type of rose and the landscape purpose for which it was planted, whether it's growing in the ground or in a container. Pruning can range from removing unwanted buds to severely excising canes. Proper pruning stimulates growth at the buds closest to the cut, which produces new flowering stems. Chives - Allium Schoenoprasum Known as common garden chives, Allium schoenoprasum, can be grown indoors and out. Chives are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and calcium. They are grown for the flavour of their leaves, which is reminiscent of onion, although much milder. Both the stems and light purple flowers are used in cooking and the snipped leaves are an addition to many dishes. Chives lose their flavour with long cooking so it is best to add them to dishes at the last minute. For chopping stems, a pair of scissors is the best tool. The Amazing Hummingbird Without a doubt, hummingbirds are beautiful and interesting creatures. Planting Roses The art of planting roses doesn't have to be a complicated thing to do. When you have the right knowledge there is no limit to how beautiful a garden or rosebush that you can create. In this guide, you will not only have all of the right skills at your fingertips, but you will get 101 tips that you can use to grow your very own bed of roses. With this extensive manual at hand, you will never have to buy another bouquet again. Now you will have all of the beauty and delicious fragrance that roses can give you with you all the time. Here are some of the best ideas and tips for planting your roses. Wild Flower Garden - Recreate the Splendor of Nature in Your Own Backyard A few years ago I made the decision to create a wild flower garden within my existing garden. I had been working to develop a more earth friendly approach to my garden, trying different options for fertilizing and pest and weed control. The next logical step for me was to establish a wild flower or natural style garden. Planning a Vegetable Garden It is important when you start to plan a garden, to know what you want the garden to do. For instance, if you are hoping to feed a family of four all year round, you will need to plan a garden that is approximately 100 square meters of space (not including walking paths) that produces more than once. If you live in a cold climate, you will not be able to grow year round. So asking yourself a few basic questions is a good way to start. Teak Patio Table - Why You Need One Do you love to cook outdoors but end up having to dine on makeshift outdoor furniture or maybe even inside because you simply do not have the furniture to properly entertain in your yard, deck or patio? Would you love to find the perfect patio table or set to transform your empty space to an elegant outdoor dining room? If so, maybe you should think about enhancing your outdoor space with a teak patio table. Orchid Care - What The Root Tells Us Orchid Care Part 4 Diseases of the Roots You Take The Vacation - Not Your Garden If you are planning to go on vacation, there are some important tasks that you really must undertake to ensure that your garden continues to maintain that well cared for condition which you constantly strive for. When to Plant Vegetaibles Planting times for vegetables and other annual plants vary from species to species. In much of the United States the prime consideration is the date of the last spring frost/freeze. Many vegetables can be planted up to four weeks before the last frost, while others need to wait until a couple of weeks after the frost. Fertilizing Your Water Lilies... Unfortunately, sunlight is not enough. Tips on How to Plant Roses When spring comes and the ground is thawed, it is time to start planting your rose garden. Roses have been a cherished aphrodisiac since biblical times. They have been around for over 3000 years, yet they still hold a particular mystery and fascination, not to mention the fact that they just look and smell good! Mint: The Herb of Hospitality The Mentha species or mints as they are commonly called include many varieties that flavour everything from appetizers to desserts. The best-known species in North American are peppermint (M. x piperita) and spearmint (M. spicata), which are highly valued for commercial use. Mint symbolises "hospitality" and can be grown in pots and containers indoors and out. In the garden, mint should be grown with a barrier around the roots, as it can be extremely invasive. Most mints do not come true from seed so it is best to purchase plants from a nursery or garden centre. Fresh mints are a source of Vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Think Vintage for Your Garden Container gardeners take note. Tired of clay pots? Think vintage, because when you do, there'll be lots to choose from. Most likely vintage items will be worn and chipped which will only add charm to your garden. How to Decorate your Outdoor Space without Breaking the Bank Noted English clergyman Sydney Smith (1771-1845) is quoted as saying, "Economy in the estimation of common minds means the absence of all taste and comfort." But finding thrifty ways to decorate your outdoor living space doesn't mean you have to sacrifice either of those things. Here are some ideas to help you: Orange Perennials For Your Garden Perennials are wonderful because, they bloom year after year. Sometimes, I forget that I even have them planted and then they spring up to my surprise and delight! I like to add some zip to my garden with flowers that are orange in color. They add a vibrant touch and the brilliant colors attract birds and insects. Cultivating Plants In Your Garden...What To Watch Out For There are so many plants available for you to choose from that it's hard to know where to start. Are you looking for house plants, tropical plants or some beautiful garden plants? Green plants are not only beautiful to look at they also provide a much needed source of fresh oxygen for our breathing. Nature has a way of providing a balance for everything. Gardening - An Expression Give the same plants to several people, you will see several arrangements. Each one distinct and different, yet, using the same plants. ![]() |
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