One Crazy Cookie

In order to survive, you have to be happier than if you were in your right mind.

Chinese Fortune Cookie

When orienting someone new to the company, the last thing I tell them is to, "have fun." This usually raises a skeptical eyebrow, but it's true. Work should be about more than simply surviving the day. It should be a place where we learn from our mistakes and celebrate our successes.
When we do this everyone wins because the act of celebration creates a motivating force that is entirely disproportionate to the initial experience. A personal or team success, when celebrated, unleashes a long-lasting positive effect. Morale, productivity, effectiveness and quality all increase in response to a celebration. Best of all, the celebration need not be elaborate to create the effect. It can be as simple as a team picnic during a regular lunch break, or a potluck breakfast preceding a staff meeting. The essential elements are only that the success be recognized with credit given where due, and that it occurs in close proximity to the experience. 

So go ahead, have some fun!

George Ebert is the President of Trinity River Seminars and Consulting, a firm specializing in the custom design and delivery of team building, personal growth and ethical development programs. Mr. Ebert is a highly sought after speaker, educator and consultant with over thirty years experience in both the public and private sectors. He has presented widely throughout the Unites States. He is the author of the management cult classic, Climbing From the Fifth Station: A guide to building teams that work!

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