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Business & Family Safety and Health Rating
For good reason, practically every endeavor in life is rated. I've seen ratings on who or what's #1 in business, industry, NFL, NBA, MLB, person of the century, athlete of the century, technology, restaurants, university, neighborhoods, travel destination, best looking, best movie, best book, etc. It doesn't stop. In fact, there are multiple ratings for the same #1 spot because of varying value systems. Of course, each of us has our independent rating to see if it's in agreement with the masses, the experts, or promotional efforts. Here's a rating I haven't seen that applies to business and family. What is the safety and health rating of your business and family? To take it further, how does your business and family rate in respect to others for improvement? It could be separated by many categories. My point is, with high safety and health levels all good endeavors are made possible. Therefore , safety and health needs to be rated. I know several employees who have taken drastic measures (resigning) to alleviate a personal or family problem because they didn't feel comfortable and confident the employer would help resolve the problem. Case one, a family member became ill and the employer and employee did not discuss work solutions during this difficult period. Possible solutions could have been talking through this situation, working from a home office, working part time, extended time off, or taking a leave of absence. Case two, an employee became very ill because for years he received special recognition but was not promoted. There seemed to be no known process in place to steer his career and ensure success. Case three, a newlywed's husband went out West for a one year job assignment and she wanted to go with him. The employee was able to talk with her employer and work out West for a year while living with her husband. The employer provided all the essentials for her to do her job remotely. In two of the cases a health problem precluded an employer and employee from considering options because of perceived ideal employer and employee relationship. An employer and employee lost a "good working relationship". In case three, the employee is still working for the employer years later. If there was a safety and health rating, all three cases could have been an opportunity to develop loyalty and show the employer cares. What's the level of your safety and health (individual(s), corporation, association, organization, etc.)? Consider these metrics (use a 0 to 10 (best) or 100% (best) rating for each) and total: ? Are you getting along with others to develop/grow relationships and do more good? ? Are you having fun? ? Do you know the medical health of each individual in your business & family? ? Are you promoting employees? ? Are you generating genuine enthusiasm for each employee? ? Do employees and customers show enthusiasm? ? Do employees know the health of each other at work to give support? ? Are you setting up (positive encouragement, training/educating) colleagues and customers for more success? If the total average does not equal 10 or 100%, then there is need for improvement. Diversify (try something new) to stimulate employees to perform at a new best level. Improve your business and family safety and health rating to new levels. You might live life forever and you'll be able to be with family, friends, do good work, pursue new interests, and help someone achieve similar success. Call or e-mail me to validate how this rating affects your business and family. Raju Gavurla, President of LiiiVEN?, Inc. is a Motivational Speaker and Business Development & Growth Consultant. Client Modular Approach programs on motivation, communication, and mental health assist you in achieving your professional/personal goals. Contact him at 404.918.7366, e-mail raju.gavurla@liiiven.com or visit http://www.liiiven.com. Copyright 2005 LiiiVEN?, All rights reserved. Duplication whole or in part must include this entire attribution.
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Paretos Law- Your Formula For Success A 'dirt-world' retail business I used to manage had a large turnover, a very high profit, and less than 100 lines. Early in 2001, I was contracted to manage another business. This one carried over 800 different lines, yet had a turnover of only about a sixth of the other business, and a lower profit margin. They both had a comparable amount of traffic and credibility in the market, so how can it be that the results were so different? Top 10 Things NOT To Tell Angel and VC Investors I am not writing this to create a list of things not to say so people can hide the facts or in any way mislead potential investors. On the contrary I personally believe you must be 100% upfront with any potential investors, and even volunteer some weaknesses to be credible. I am writing it to help entrepreneurs and CEOs "design" these issues out of their business so they never have to say them. Although there are certainly many exceptions to these, as a general rule there are many good reasons why all of these things should not be part of your company, if you are looking for outside investors. I have discussed some of the logic why, but this should not be considered a comprehensive discussion of the reasoning behind each item. You should also realize some of the reasons are a function or perception, of the market. I would never say they all make sense all the time. Each situation is always different. Employee Turnover: Seven Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs There are many reasons why good employees quit and go to another company, perhaps even your competitor. Most of the reasons start with management and most are preventable. Good people don't leave good companies, they leave poor managers. Here are seven reasons. Are they prevalent in your organization? Management demands that one person do the jobs of two or more people, resulting in longer days and weekend work. This turns into a morale killer not only for the person but for the team. Assessing Managers for International Competence How do you select staff for international assignments? It's an important question because, no matter how effective and successful your employees may be at home, they cannot be guaranteed the same performance in a different culture-unless, that is, they can demonstrate some key competencies. But beware, these may be quite different from the competencies they need to succeed in their own environment. A Journey of a Thousand Miles You can't build a reputation on what you are "going" to do. Think Before You Talk What you say to other people can make or break you and it can happen without you even knowing about it. That old saying "loose lips sink ships" is oh so true in business. If you like to gossip as most people do, learn to listen rather than participate. 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Whatever the discipline you are trying to model (from software development to supply chain management), it is highly probable that a standard framework exists, that can serve as the basis for your own methodology. How To Jump Start Your Profits and Keep Your Profits Rolling There are so many ways to jump start your prifits and keep your profit rolling. These top 20 ways are essential if you want to run a successful business. The Power of the Contract in Performance Management An essential step in managing the performance of salespeople is that of establishing a sound and agreed contract between manager and the salesperson. A contract in this context is simply an agreement between the manager and the salesperson as to how best they are going to work together. It is a chance for each party to outline expectations, hopes and fears and is a superb opportunity for both the manager and salesperson to fully understand each other in terms of personality style, motivators and de-motivators. It is also an opportunity for the manager to ensure that the salesperson fully understands their role and their responsibilities as well as their sales and activity targets. Performance Expectations - 5 Tips and 5 Questions People want to understand their role - they want to do well! So by being clear, really clear about what it expected of them, makes a big, big difference! And that improves performance as well as saving you time chasing others around to deliver what you want. Tales From The Corporate Frontlines: Job Security in Todays Workplace This article, Job Security in Today's Workplace, is part of AlphaMeasure's compilation, Tales from the Corporate Frontlines. It tells the story of a manager who decides to look for ways to bolster the morale in his company when it crashes after an extensive layoff. How to Fire an Employee One of the most difficult tasks you will face as a business owner will be firing employees. Employees who consistently break the rules, do not perform the functions of their job, or cause difficulties for your business can be a strain on the work environment, your cash flow, and even disrupt your business from thriving and performing as expected. This tutorial will give you steps and hints about firing employees or associates. Improving Your Inter-Company Communications At No Cost It's all very well having a flashy (and expensive) advertising campaign, backed up by a wealth of positive PR, but if your staff are not all pulling in the same direction this could be the biggest leak in your plan. Lean Principles in Action Abstract Productive Meetings: How to Make Your Meetings More Productive There's one simple secret to effective meetings: set an agenda and stick to it. The agenda drives the content and outcomes of the meeting and, where appropriate, should reflect the needs of all attendees so everyone has a buy-in and an interest in the outcomes. Follow these simple steps for planning and running meetings and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. And, just in case not everyone in your organisation is following these steps to great meetings, I've included some key questions you should ask before you accept any meeting invitation?yes, you do have an option and you can say no if joining in the meeting is not the most effective use of your time. Multiple Channels, Multiple Times I've just been reading about the frustrations of a Human Resources manager. He's tired of having to answer the same questions about benefits over and over again. Avoid These Seven Deadly Dangers Of Outsourcing Here are seven dangers of outsourcing your software development. They become deadly if your career or entire company depends on the timely release of your software. Use Every Weapon You Have One of the strongest weapons available allows business, non-profit and association managers to begin changing the behaviors of their key external audiences in ways that lead directly to achieving their primary operating objectives. ![]() |
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