How to Delegate More Effectively

Do this simple excercise, and transform your life.

First, Make a list of recurring "to do's". (Daily To-Do's, Weekly To-Do's, monthly To-Do's, Quarterly To-Do's, Annual To Do's, and "Event-Driven" To- Do's)

Then, change the titles to "delegation Worksheet" (Daily delegation worksheet, weekly delegation worksheet, monthly delegation worksheet, Quarterly delegation worksheet, Annual delegation worksheet, and event driven delegation worksheet)

You may end up delegating everything back to yourself... But you also open up your mind to enrolling an army of helpers.

When you think about it, growing your business, you only have 3 choices:

First, you can pray that the four winds will be kind to you. Maybe that works for you. Maybe not.

Secondly, you can do everything yourself. That can be exhausting.

Finally, you can get the help of others. You can build a team, you can have interns, you can get employees, volunteers, free-lancers, or hire an entire company. Hire the neighbor kid. Get your family involved.

Many people have an attitude... In order to get something done right, you have to do it yourself. I call this the Pressumption of Internal Genius (P.I.G.)

Grow up.

There's no reason to go at it alone.

There are so many brilliant people... let other people's genius shine... let them participate...let them help you.

Your success depends on the support of others... delegate to others, and your team will help you cross the finish line.

Joe Nicassio designs marketing campaigns, and coaches entrepreneurs to improve their bottom-line profits. To get your free CD "Joe Nicassio Reveals Marketing Philosophies And Secrets That Advertiser Don't Want You To Know" Send your snail mail address to

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