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Performance Evaluation: How To Create Change
STEPS TOWARDS GIVING A GOOD APPRAISAL INTERVIEW: Give specific feedback. Statements such as, "You're doing a good job" and "You'd better shape up" are almost without value unless accompanied by specific feedback on what the employee is to continue doing or to stop doing. If you evaluate with the word "positive," describe how the employee manifests that characteristic. If you say that the employee "shows initiative," talk about specific occasions on which the employee did indeed take the initiative. If in your appraisal you must deal with other vague adjectives such as "cooperative," talk about instances in which the employee has worked well with others. STEPS TOWARDS GIVING A GOOD APPRAISAL INTERVIEW: Outline aspects of performance where improvement is needed. Clarify areas in which you both agree there is a need for improvement. Jointly plan ways to make these improvements. Focus upon just two or three performance areas in which to concentrate during the next evaluation period. The result of this phase of the discussion should be a list of two or three areas of strengths and weaknesses in performance and commitments from the employee and the supervisor (you) to an improvement program. STEPS TOWARDS GIVING A GOOD APPRAISAL INTERVIEW: 1. Get commitment to change. Don't conclude the session without the employee acknowledging the specific improvements you have agreed upon and committing to dates, review meetings, and follow-up times. 2. Do not rush: allow sufficient time. The review should be open-ended. Take as long as you believe is necessary to discuss past present and future performance issues and to get agreement on what is to happen. 3. Set a follow-up date. Set a follow-up date to evaluate progress in achieving the objectives. Don't wait until the next appraisal discussion. Instead, set a specific date when you will meet again to evaluate progress on the object-wives. 4. End on an encouraging note. Show the employee that this is the beginning of a better future toward which you are both working. Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortium CEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.
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The Do?s and Don?ts of Giving Feedback Being able to give effective feedback is not just a good skill to possess in business, it is a great life skill to have. Because when you are masterful at giving feedback, not only can you help your employees to sustain continuously improving performance, you can also improve the performance of the baseball team you coach, the cleaning lady at home, or the performance of your own children on completing their chores. Any person's performance in any activity can be positively impacted by effective feedback. Isn't that a powerful skill to have? Wouldn't you want to be a master at giving really useful and impactful feedback? Delegation for Business Leaders - How Letting Go Works A leader's role is to focus on those areas of operation where he or she can deliver the greatest value and this requires huge shifts in perspective of the role. Leaders differ from managers in terms of accountability. Protect Your Organizations Proprietary Information The other day one of our overseas clients called in a state of near panic, to ask a question. At issue was whether they had unwittingly violated U.S. law by transferring technical information to a joint venture partner in a European country. After hearing a two minute description, I was able to answer a resounding "Yes"! Such are the dangers of operating in a global environment. The worst part is that my client had been lead into their misdeed by following the well intentioned advice of a Fortune 100 U.S. corporation. One that certainly should have known better, but obviously does not. The potential penalties for such errors are daunting and ignorance of the law is not a defense. For a mere administrative ("civil") infraction, the penalty is up to $100,000 per occurrence. For intentional misdeeds, which are accorded criminal penalties, well, let's not even go there. Meaningful Diversity: Creating Cultures of Inclusion In the fitness room the other day, I caught a glimpse of a movie trailer on television. A father spoke very open-heartedly with his son about his work as a fireman. He acknowledged the fear that welled up in him when he looked into a small, dark room filled with life-threatening heat and flames, and described the instinct to run in the opposite direction. How to Enhance Quality in Your Business Every business must strive to provide quality products and services to customers. To achieve that objective the company must draw well thought out policies and procedures to ensure 100% achievement of the targets. The High Cost of Employee Turnover Among Project Managers Imagine for a moment this scenario from a frustrated Senior Manager of a large pharmaceutical organization: "Our organization has experienced a large turnover among project managers in the past year. This creates problems providing ongoing quality and service to our stakeholders. We just don't know what is causing the problem!" Sound familiar? Well you're not alone. I remember that filmmaker Woody Allen once said that "80% of success is showing up." However, the greater challenge is finding ways to keep people there. Where Businesses Fall Short 1. No vision. Successful businesses have a clear vision or picture of their business purpose and mission. Your vision serves as a roadmap to help you see where you are today in relationship to where you want to be tomorrow. Your business plan serves as the mechanism that will help you to bridge the gap. When you don't have a clear vision as to why you're in business or where you intend to take your business, it's like taking a road trip without a map. When you don't know where you're going, you'll waste a lot of time, money, and energy trying to find the right road leading to your destination. A well-defined vision will help you stay focused and on track. Five Steps to Better Employee Management Hiring employees is a huge responsibility. Before hiring anyone, be sure to carefully analyze your needs in terms of extra assistance. Squeezing the Blood Out of that Old Turnip I suspect all of you out there have someone that you rely on for insight and perspective ? that wise old mentor that seems to have an unlimited depth of experience to draw from in helping you navigate life's little challenges. You know, those little parables and anecdotal tales that always relate perfectly that very problem you're trying to solve. Today, I go to that well of experience in responding to a problem I know many of you are facing right now- squeezing that last drop of improvement that never fails to elude us. Meeting Your Meeting Expectations "To get something done a meeting should consist of no more than three people, two of whom are absent." ~Author unknown New Leadership For A New War Military analysts call this "asymmetrical" war (as if war has a terrible symmetry); and we know that it will be as different from conventional war as three-dimensional, blindfolded chess is from conventional chess. But one thing is certain, leadership lies at the heart of achieving victory. You only have to look to history to understand that when people needed to accomplish great things, whether in war or peace, great leaders had to rise to the occasion. The Leaders Fallacy May Be Howard Deans Undoing Howard Dean's tenure as chairman of the Democratic National Committee will be fleeting unless he avoids a common leadership trap I call it, the "Leader's Fallacy". Enable Continuous Improvement of IT Services through ITIL One of the major benefits, if not THE benefit of process orientated approaches to managing your IT services and infrastructure is that it enables continuous improvement. Stopping The Brain Drain: How To Capture Key Business Knowledge Before It Walks Out The Door The verdict is in: More and more baby boomers will be leaving the workplace sooner, rather than later. Many industries are predicting that between 25 and 45% of their more senior employees will soon be departing their organizations. And as they leave, they will be taking vast amounts of accumulated business knowledge with them. Behavioral Extensions and Its Implications at Workplaces The study of Behavioral extension involves investigating the source of an actual demonstrated behavioral action. According to Behavioral Extension belief, no action can be seen as a disconnected expression. Every action is a result of deep set embedded Behavioral sets that are almost unalterable. The unalterable Behavioral set is a result of rooted beliefs and/or prejudices built and integrated into the psyche as a part of growing up. This Psyche ends up dictating the very personality of a person. Most people on their part are not aware of their own personality construct. This awareness if existent is what is known as 'Self Awareness'. Innovation Management ? Good Leadership Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Improving Your Inter-Company Communications At No Cost It's all very well having a flashy (and expensive) advertising campaign, backed up by a wealth of positive PR, but if your staff are not all pulling in the same direction this could be the biggest leak in your plan. Business Innovation ? Tacit Knowledge Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. I Cant Use This Approach Unless My Boss Does - Power, Accountability, and Consequences People who work with us often struggle with this dilemma: in theory, they come to believe that it would be very helpful to use our approach with people who have more power than they do, and in practice, sometimes it seems too risky to try. Some examples of things that feel too risky include raising questions with your boss about his or her performance, disagreeing publicly with people who have more power , or otherwise sharing information that might lead you or the person in power to feel put on the sp ot. What Cross-cultural Training Can Do for You International business is more complex than ever before. Success in every sector is now seen in global terms. Yet success in working with colleagues from different cultures is no easy goal. In order to connect, we have to communicate effectively and we can only do this in an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding and trust. Cross-cultural training helps you understand the underlying cultural values that drive behaviour-you first understand your own cultural background and then other people's. ![]() |
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