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How to Manage Your Most Valuable Assets - People?
People management and leadership has become a major topic of conversation in today's market place and have assumed mythical qualities. Managing you people is not that difficult if you are willing to invest one thing in their development; YOU. The emotional cost and some simple training and mentoring can see you be a successful leader and manager. As a previous CEO of companies (before starting Biz Momentum) I proved this time and time again and often baffled and confounded those that wanted to make the whole leadership thing complicated! What's it all about!! 1. Managing your people is largely COMMON SENSE 2. Leaders don't wait for others to show the way. 3. Leaders participate in the workplace and are seen doing the hard yards, leading by example we used to call it. 4. Leaders inspire other people through authenticity (Random Acts of Kindness, Mentors not Tormentors) 5. Leaders know their people - Mother Teresa took the time to know her 700 sisters? It's all about choice. As for your people, do you now their partners and children's names? do you know what is important to them? A Metaphor - Motor Vehicle - How do you treat your car? Most people put more positive effort into servicing their motor vehicles than taking the time to fine-tune their employees. ? Get to know your car A. What has this to do with employees? Sign the Contract Fuel the Car - Empower your people Take out Insurance Insurance ? might have 'an excess' ? MULTI-SKILL Maintenance Regular Service Regular Inspection Go for a Joy Ride Celebrate successes and Learn to have fun in your business. THE LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES (Phil's law of unintended consequences) You cannot escape your responsibility to manage your people or they will manage your time and you. People who feel and are genuinely valued are priceless and add great value to your business. The ball is in your court! For more helpful information visit www.biz-momentum.com you can sign up for our free monthly newsletter. Philip Lye is Director of Biz Momentum. Philip has considerable international and cross cultural experience. He works with small to medium businesses to help them cut through the maze of people matters. Clients get specific actionable strategies to protect their business interests. For more information on Philip, visit http://www.biz-momentum.com and subscribe to his free monthly e-zine.
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Finding the Right Way to Motivate Your Employees Fear, Incentives and Growth How To Get 10% More Work Out Of Your Employees It is getting harder to run a business for a profit. We are faced with rising costs, lowered demand etc. Our businesses have to be super effective just to keep up. Credibility - A Golden Key to Becoming More Influential You have been named a new leader in your organization, or you are a long time leader with some new people in your organization. Or maybe you aren't a formal leader but are working on an important new project. Or perhaps you are staff person with expertise that can benefit the business? but only if you can get others to see your perspective. To Outsource or Not to Outsource In these days of restricted head count and tight budgets, the question of whether to outsource or hire in-house staff is more critical than ever. The technical publications function, however vital, is undergoing more scrutiny and also facing greater challenges than ever before. Companies that already employ an in-house technical publications department are looking at doing more with fewer resources. Start-ups, with no internal technical publications staff, are struggling with how to develop technical documents in the most cost-effective way. Ten Business Reasons Why Asking for Help Works In fact, bringing your people - any of them - into your confidence and asking for help, is a very powerful tool indeed. The form of words' "I need your help", works best. Here are Ten Reasons why this is:- Temporary Employees and Operational Problems; Your Use of Temps Might Reveal Warning Signs A recent Washington Post article, described the life of temporary employees working at an automobile plant in Kentucky. Working at a fraction of what permanent employees make at the plant, some employees had been working as temps for extended periods, as long as three or four years, when early indications had been they would be permanent within six to 12 months. Business Innovation ? 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Your life has changed dramatically. People on your staff are frightened, fearful that they may be next to go. They will lie low hoping that they can be spared the next swing of the ax. (You may be feeling the same thing as well.) Teamwork will decrease as people begin to view the person next to them as a threat to that increasingly scarce resource -- a job. Employee Orientation: Get New Hires Off To a Great Start The good news is that a new hire orientation program offers an opportunity to build a lasting impression of the new company. The bad news is that that is going to happen whether you plan it or not. So why not get new hires off to a great start? Here are seven ways. Working with Hearing Impaired Employees - Giving Them a Fair Go Hearing impaired people often encounter difficulty at work because their disability isn't visible. I'd like to relate to you, briefly, the sorry saga of a young man who has recently been dragged through a performance management process, essentially brought about by misunderstanding, frustration on his behalf, and failure by an employer to make a 'reasonable adjustment' [Australian law includes the concept of reasonable adjustment which in effect means that employers are required to make reasonable adjustments necessary to enable employment opportunities for disabled people]in relation to this person's employment. The Truth About Performance Reviews Now that it is January, many of you are putting together, or have just finished putting together your annual Performance Appraisals for your staff. Feedback on performance is certainly one of the most critical aspects of personnel development and one that deserves to be taken very seriously. But after 25 years of managing people I am going to finally confess how I feel about the whole process. Marketing Miracle: Outsource Your Creative Services The current economy is causing most companies to tighten their belts. With limited staffing and a restricted budget, how do you continue to promote your business? The simple solution is the occasional or ongoing use of outside resources such as graphic designers, writers, webmasters, and other creative talent. The DNA of Motivation It really is about motivation. After all, what impels someone to climb a mountain, or go to college, or save for a car, or learn a new language or anything of a thousand things? What is it that moves someone to action from a position of comfortable stasis? The answer is motivation. Motivation is the process of stimulating you to action. It takes a need, desire or some other impulse and incites a response. Motivation is the high-octane fuel of success and, as such, it's vital that individuals and teams capitalize on its power. Often motivation seems to occur spontaneously -- the result of apparently random events. But random motivation isn't the stuff of greatness - to say the least of profitability, innovation and success. It's imperative that team makers and leaders cultivate and nurture motivation throughout the life of a project. Fortunately, motivation is relatively easy to create. In fact, it can be reduced to a formula: M = (D+ A)U. That is, motivation equals dissonance plus accountability, multiplied by urgency. This is the DNA of motivation. It's the essence of what will fire individual imagination and resiliently drive action. Contained within this simple formula are the seeds of phenomenal success. Effective Ways to Give Performance Feedback Consequences of Not Giving Effective Feedback Employee Retention: Five Leadership Fundamentals Are your management practices on the right track? Retaining your valued or high performing employees must be a strategic issue for your company. Throwing more money at your workers is not the answer and can become very costly. The more effective way to retain top talent is to address their important needs. ![]() |
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