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How To Use W Edwards Deming
Human beings and the way they interact are extraordinarily Complex. Deming tried to define that complexity. We have since learned the impossibility of defining natural events in a digital way. When we ignore the complexity and allow people to get on with what they want to do by removing the barriers to their performance, their performance becomes extraordinary. I have been trying to discover why there is so much resistance to what is essentially some very basic philosophy. Demings early work on statistics and quality was built around an ability to analyse complex systems and the use of that analysis to predict complex outcomes. Deming was a statistician and his work very soon leaves the basic philosophy and becomes bogged in the complex use of numbers to define complex systems. The very complexity of his approach deters many students but there is a more fundamental problem with complex systems that was identified by the later work on chaos. There seems to be two approaches to the world. There is the modern Digital approach where every action and interaction is controlled at the microscopic level by single bites of information. Below this level it is not possible to go because a single bite of information is not divisible. But we know from chaos theory that below the level of that single bite of information there is a whole world of complexity that has huge and unpredictable outcomes. The flaws occur when we begin to realise the limitations of the start point digital data. When the weather centre at Bracknell decided to tighten up its long range forecasting ability with the purchase of their first computers the reaction of the computers was completely unexpected. The computers told the forecasters that they should stop issuing long range forecasts because the probability of a correct forecast was no better than chance. Natural events are far more complex than a digital approach can ever define. We can take a digital picture that looks great but when we blow it up we start to discover its limitations. By trying to try to define complex systems in this way we are building in errors that become evident in the variation we encounter and are magnified massively whenever one complex system encounters another. The second approach is the analogue approach. In nature the interaction of complex systems occurs all of the time without any trouble at all because when a wave hits a beach what happens, just happens. If we try to define what happens to the wave or the beach in a digital way we will probably end up concluding that nature is at fault. The digital approach to managing process's and operations will always have the same built in errors when it contains these complex natural components. The component that causes most trouble is the human operator whose actions and interactions may be the most complex on the planet. When treated in this digital way the complexities cannot be resolved. The human being has to be treated in natural way that instead of trying to define the complexity of the condition simply creates the environment that allows the conditions to interact and come to a natural conclusion. In this way we avoid the impossibility of trying to define a complex system and instead concentrate on the result when the two systems combine. Try to define sex. What is it, what starts the thought processes that lead to it, what are the physical changes that must preceed it, how do we feel during and do we have to smoke afterwards, what about the partner, what appealing characteristics, body type, skin tone hair colour etc. There are an enormous number of questions before we can define the act in a digital/analytical way and an even bigger number of answers to those questions. The complexity of the analysis puts us off the act. If we appreciate the possibility of the act then we just have to create the right environment for the act to take place and ignore the complexities because it is what people want to do. In the same way, if we assume that people want to be able to do a good job we simply have to create the environment that allows them to do a good job. As Deming said, "Remove the barriers that stop people from being as good as they can be". You will be amazed at what happens. Peter A Hunter
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Five Reasons Why Leaders Fail to Create Successful Change A bold title, don't you think? I mean, change is a complex thing, so to define five reasons seems to oversimplify the issue. Why Would Anyone Hold a Bad Meeting? Pssst, want a stock tip that will make you rich? Okay, here it is: phone a public corporation and ask to speak with the CEO. Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: The Role of Character in Leadership This article relates to the Senior /Top Level Management competency, designed to measure satisfaction levels regarding top-level management at your organization. AlphaMeasure defines senior management as the team of individuals at the highest level of management who have the day-to-day responsibilities of operating the organization. For many employees, this competency will target the managers occupying positions above their immediate supervisors. The questions included in this competency are written to investigate topics such as strategic leadership, corporate vision, and corporate direction. This competency is especially useful in understanding how much your workforce favors the present direction of the organization. Hiring Productive Employees: A Checklist for Assessing Their Appeal The characteristics of job applicants have a strong influence on whether or not they get hired. Their characteristics also indicate the level of their productivity. If you are about to hire employees, consider the characteristics listed below in checklist form. The candidates who possess them are probably the ones who will be readily accepted by your staff. This acceptance plays an important role in the team-building process and the productivity of the staff. 5 Steps to Continuous Process Improvement Part One of Creating Well-Defined Processes Series Employees Commit Corporate Fraud Imagine the following scenario; Ten years ago you decided to quit your job and start your own company. For ten years you worked hard, made sacrifices, and it paid off in the end. One of your first employees, a loyal, hard working employee has been by your side the whole way. Are You in Control of Your Practice or Does it Control You? One of the most common complaints that business owners have today is that they feel their practice is running them and that they're being pulled in every direction instead of really running the business themselves. Tales From the Corporate Frontlines: An Unexpected Benefit This article relates to the Compensation and Benefits competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It tells the story of a company that offered a new benefit to its employees, solved the problem of lagging productivity, and boosted morale at the same time. The Compensation and Benefits competency focuses in detail on how your employees feel regarding their compensation and benefits packages. The questions included in this competency will help your organization determine whether your employees feel they are fairly paid for the work they perform when compared to a similar job at a different company. This competency also queries their feelings regarding the adequacy and quality of their benefits package. A fair and attractive compensation package is critical for hiring and retaining quality employees. A high satisfaction level in this competency requires that your compensation structure and benefits package be fair, balanced, and understood by your present employees. Five Steps to Increase the People Power in Your Business Take some bold steps and help your employees and business partners open up to real change and help them start thinking again to the longer term. Send a message that you are ready to commit to new ways of thinking and that that includes a commitment to the success of your employees in the changing workplace. The Silent Assassin - What to Do When They Visit You? Introduction Are You A B.O.S.S. -- Boisterous, Omnipotent, Self Indulgent, Sociopath Boisterous, Omnipotent, Self- indulgent Sociopath. Avoid the B.O.S.S. syndrome with five leadership principles that translate academic leadership theory to real world, 21st century application. Qualities of a Great Manager In the call center environment we are often only as successful as the people we hire. While our front line employees are critical to our business, choosing the right managers powerfully impact your success. So what makes a good manager? Ask 100 people and you might get 100 different answers. While the behaviors that make a great manager may be open to interpretation, there are some competencies and corresponding questions, which stand the test of time. Innovation Management ? idea selection, development and commercialisation, what are the differences? Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Three Ways to Transmit Loud and Clear The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. --Benjamin Franklin Business Innovation ? Organizational Structure Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Turbo Charge Your Career With The Most Powerful Leadership Tool Of All: The Leadership Talk: Part 1 Leaders speak 15 to 20 times daily. You speak at meetings, you speak across their desks, you speak on the phone, you speak in e-mails, you speak at lunch, beside the water cooler, and on elevators, etc. The 3rd Plan Missing from your Business If you're like most people, you probably started with wonderful ideas of fulfilling your dreams, to be successful and to take charge of your own destiny. Take The Guesswork Out Of Problem Solving In today's chaotic world and uncertain economic times too many good people are burdened by too many problems that seem insurmountable and too many businesses find it increasingly difficult to compete effectively. The old traditional methods of finding solutions to these problems don't seem to work like they used to. In fact, the world seems more burdened today with more complex problems than at any time in history. What the world needs is a brand new, reliable approach that DOES work. Solve Problems Permanently - Ask WHY As Albert Einstein said:- 5 Tips For Creating Great Jobs 1) Create A Powerful "Mission Statement"- ![]() |
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