Be a Change Agent ( Part 1)

Aligning business organizations to be successful in the present and keep on doing this in the future means to develop a new style of Leadership. To celebrate success in our days a leader most is able to craft a strategic vision, define objectives, design, implement and monitor the execution of a strategy and be a change leader in those same organizations.

The success of these change initiatives depends largely on leadership and each leader's ability to not only face change but to welcome it and facilitate it. In addition, leaders must ensure that those who work for them will not only accept the change but embrace it.

Most change initiatives focus on the operational and processing aspect.

What managers too often ignore is the human side ? the humanistic aspect of change. Anyone who has ever attempted to implement a change of any kind has experienced some kind of resistance by people in the organizations. Therefore it is vital to make the change project, their project as well as yours.

The only way to give people a sense of ownership is to involve them make them believe that this is primarily their project and that the expected outcome will benefit them in may ways.

To achieve this You have to take in consideration some basic rules:

2 way communication: it is important to listen to each others ideas and thoughts

To show respect: Everybody participating in a team must have respect for each other. Treat others the same way You want others to treat You. Involvement in the change process: make sure that everybody is able to participate with thoughts and ideas in most of the decisions that have to be taken.

Share best practices expertise and allow that everybody learn with each other: provide feedback, by ensuring that people are committed to the aims of the change process, be sure to pass around any favourable feedback. Communicate, send out emails - anything, just make sure that everybody hears the good news.

And last but not least, have fun: Team members should be able to have fun together. It can be amazing how productive a good laughter can be. It improves motivation, increases moral, team spirit, and performance.

Henrique Plöger Abreu has a Master Degree in Business Administration. He has more than 20 Years of working Experience in Sales and Marketing as a B2B Consultant and Public Speaker. He is the President of the L.T.C. a non profit Organization

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