How to Coach Your Employees - 5 Simple Steps Anyone Can Do!

Want to get more from your people, but you don't know how? Are you up for a small challenge and prepared to do things a little differently? If so, we have five changes to your style that you will find easy to incorporate into the way you work and your people will love you for it; you will have more time and your business will flourish.

Think about it - is that not worth just the little effort required?

  • Stop Fixing Things
    Next time someone comes to you with a problem in your business, STOP, before you give the solution and try the next step.
  • Ask them
    For more information - ask it as an open question, start with words like:-

    • What?
    • How?
    • When?
    • Who?
    • Where?

    You can even ask Why?, if you don't make it too intimidating.

    Three particular favourites of mine are:-

    "Tell me more about that...", "What have you tried already?" and "What do you think?"

  • Listen
    Their answers will tell you a lot - you've gone to the trouble of asking, so listen to the answers. Here's a big tip - once they stop talking, leave a space for them to say more - they usually will and in that second burst, often comes the revealing solution for them!
  • Ask More
    When they finally run out of steam, ask them another open question. This time about something they have just told you. Listen hard and the right question will come to you (note - there are no 'wrong' questions to ask!).
  • And Finally
    During the discussion they will have processed their own ideas and solutions. You can then give them licence to give their ideas a try, with a "Do you want to try that and let me know how it goes?"
    Simple ideas? Of course! In the workplace, start using these tactics and you will become a coach!

    Your people will develop new skills to help your business progress. And you will not only be able to let them develop their confidence and make some of 'your' decisions for themselves, but you will create time for you - and that will be a big help for future growth!

    True, coaches who make their living from it have more tools in their chest. For day to day success, these five steps will more than suffice.

    Everyone's a coach!

    Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, (Note to editors. This article may be edited for use in your publication or newsletter as long as a live link to the website is included)

    ...helping you, to help your people, to help your business grow...

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