How to use NLP for Business?

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

Neuro-Linguistic programme is nothing but the study of human excellence. It is an art. It teaches you to be at the very best. It can change your life once for all. Neuro refers to your nervous system, the mental bridge of senses through which you feel, taste, hear, see and smell. Linguistic refers to our ability to use language, gestures and habits that reveal your thinking and belief and Programming refers to the way you can program your thoughts and behaviour much like a computer which is programmed to do specific things. NLP was invented by John Grinder a Linguist and Richard Bandler a Mathematician, Psychologist and Computer Expert. Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied 3 psychotherapists who were consistently outstanding in their field like (Doctor Milton Erickson the greatest hypnotherapist of all times, Virginia Satir an outstanding family therapist and Gregory Bateson a British Anthropologist) and developed this method which is applied in business, sports and personal development. NLP helps you to create a successful future for you. It can clear all your negative thinking which is holding you back.

1. First find out what you want to change. It may be a habit, behaviour, a thought, proscrastination, attitude whatever it may be.

2.Now you have to establish a communication with that part of you which needs a change. It is very simple. Put yourself in a relaxed state what we call it the Alpha State. Relax every portion of your body, your muscles and focus on the breath. If any other thoughts interrupt just ignore them. Don't worry. Thoughts are always there. An average person has 60000 thoughts a day. Most of them are the same thought you had yesterday. The time you were born till the time you die you can't do anything about your thoughts. But you can alter your thoughts any time. That is where NLP works better.

3.Very carefully listen to your self talk. Ask why that particular behaviour is given much importance. What is the ultimate goal to have the behaviour. Find out what benefits you have achieved having that behaviour. Now see what happened from the time you started till now and see the positive and negative. Now visualize in your screen of your mind what was it like before the particular behaviour started. Where you happy, relaxed, calm and serene if so see how your situation has changed. If you are nervous, anxious, frightened and depressed start to compare your past happiness with the present pain and suffering.

4. Now create an alternative behaviour to change your present situation. It can be anything. You can change your negative thoughts to positive one. Instead of hatred and anger you can create in your imagination love and happiness. The choice is yours. Use your creative imagination.

5. Now the part of you that was responsible for the old behaviour is responsible for generating the new behaviour. It is like anchoring love and Serenity to your past hatred and restlessness. Once again use your creative imagination.

Spend 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night for 28 days to change a particular behaviour. Listen to your self talk and make changes which will enhance your life.


1. I will elimate hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, fear, doubt, anxiety and develop love for humanity because the negative attitude towards others can never bring me success.

2.Say the Lords' Prayer. It is full of positive affirmation.

Winston Saga is one of the world's leading sales legends. He is also the CEO of Sales and Motivation International. Winston has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of sales and personal development. Last year International Biography Centre selected him ''International Man of the Year'' for his outstanding contribution to sales and Service. He has written 100's of articles to magazine, journals and websites. Visit to know more about the Author and his latest book, "How to become a Master Salesperson"

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