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Keeping A Marriage Romantic
My belief is that most relationship problems should be given less attention ... how much do you want to stir up the bottom muck? A couple will be happier if they pay much more attention to what is good about their relationship. A romantic relationship happens because of the hopes and dreams a couple has for a happy life together. The relationship will be pleasant and rewarding as long as you pay attention to what inspires those hopes and dreams. To keep a marriage romantic, build upon what makes your relationship worthwhile and wonderful. Nothing is perfect -- Don't expect a perfect relationship. That happens only in fairy tales. Problems will occur. You will get hurt. Being too concerned with the problems will stop you from paying enough attention to what is good in the relationship. If perfection is the goal, you will compare how the relationship is now to what you think it should be. You will be continually disappointed. Making the relationship better should be the goal. Love happens by believing that both of you can continue to build a good relationship. Your attitude should signal the other person that you will try to patiently work through each other's shortcomings. It won't be easy. Being tolerant and non-condemning is a challenge. But consciously making an effort to be tolerant goes a long way. Build upon what is good -- Find activities that you both like and do them together. These can be activities such as gardening, cooking, hobbies, conversation, recreation, an interest in art, charity volunteering, and family activities. Having interests that are shared, keeps a couple involved in each other's lives. Share ideas to find ways to more enjoy living. Tell your sweetheart about strategies you use for such things as achieving goals and enjoying yourself. Tell each other about what you think is interesting, what is worthwhile, and what is encouraging. If you share positive ideas, you will think of each other as pleasant and enjoyable. Encourage your partner to act and make decisions. Both of you will be able to accomplish more with the other's support and encouragement. When there is a disagreement, be patient. If you need to criticize, offer an attractive alternative rather than a condemnation. Your encouragement likely will produce more good results than will your objections. The good things in life are much more important than the disappointments. Remind yourselves often of the good in what you are doing. And take some time to do what you enjoy. Alan Detwiler is the author of the ebook Date Ideas: Fun Things To Do For Couples available at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002WYFFC/leisureideas-20. He has a web site with a section about fun things to do for couples at http://www.leisureideas.com/date ideas.htm.
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Wedding Jewelry Tips Tricks and Helpful Hints So your not one of those fabulous actresses or models who has the luxury of the finest gems and diamonds being loaned to them by the likes of Harry Wintson. No matter, you can add a little sparkle and look extra-ordinaire in your gown on your wedding day. Here's some helpful tips on how to shine on your most important day! Relationship Advice: A Map for Your Marriage Have you ever been lost? How to Have a Sizzler of a Honeymoon! Article No.5 Every woman in the room agreed that Crichton was a cracker of a butler. Even before you began to open your mouth to say, "Crichton, I need" there was a shawl around your cold shoulders, drink in your thirsty hand, and a foot stool under your weary feet. Wedding Flowers -- Determining What You Need Wedding flowers make up a large part of the wedding decoration. When you talk about wedding flowers, you don't mean the flowers for the wedding reception only. Wedding flowers also include the bride's bouquet, corsages, attendants' flowers and all the other flowers you need throughout the wedding ceremony. Help is Here for Your Wedding Ceremony When it comes to your wedding services, nobody wants to spend too much and yet have to foot the bill for the reception. Really it depends on where you want to your wedding to be and what type of service that you are hoping to have. Your Disc Jockey Acts As A Wedding Event Planner Give disc jockey's credit. Many of them have endured so much criticism. The banquet managers sometimes won't acknowledge their existence or tries to dictate what they have to do and when. They am forced to haul their $15,000 worth of sound equipment through a greasy kitchen or up a rickety flight of stairs because they don't want them to be seen loading in the nice ramp in front. Wedding professionals need to work together because they should all have the same goal ? please the customer (the bride and groom). So many times other professionals forget that fact too easily. Living in LOVE : Remembering Why You Married The kids are yelling, the dog is barking, and you just found out that your spouse forgot to do the one thing that you needed them to do today?again! This scenario may sound typical for your family, or your scenario could be worse. Maybe you and your spouse are arguing more and more, and connecting less and less? You may have even asked yourself, "Is this marriage a mistake?". Though you knew your life wouldn't be like the Brady Bunch, you may find yourself surprised at just how much work a marriage can be ? and its twice as hard if only one person is working at it. Wedding Planning: Benefits of Online Wedding RSVPs Want to manage your wedding guests with style and ease? Forget about multiple checklists and trying to decipher the illegible handwriting sent in by your wedding guests. The days of sorting through scattered mail-back response cards and calculating, then recalculating your guest counts are gone. Thanks to the internet, there's a better way to approach the entire RSVP process for your wedding! Balance - Wedding Budget Blues Let's think about what goes into your wedding budget. Your caterer/banquet facility will get the lion's share of it. If you are having 150 guests (an average number) and the banquet facility charges $100 pp. (typical high-end facility in New England area - including gratuity, tax, hidden fees) - that works out to $15,000 right off the top. If you have it and want to spend it - great. If you are trying to stretch your wedding dollars, then you really need to step back. Many couples get so caught up in the facility that they spend all their budget on it and don't have enough left over for quality entertainment or wedding photos. A Wedding Theme Can Rescue Your Wedding from Being Another Ho-Hum-Boring Disaster Are you a Bride-to-Be? Wonderful! Congratulations! But what's that enormous cloud hanging over you? Of course! It's that insurmountable task you're thinking about all the time: "How am I going to create a beautiful and memorable Wedding Day out of thin air?" Personalized Wedding Favors Personalized wedding favors are among the most popular of gift selections made by brides and grooms to show appreciation to the guests sharing in their wedding day. Traditional ceremonies have made wedding favors a part of the celebration since the sixteenth century. Modern technologies have made it affordable for many small gift items to be personalized to reflect the gracious sentiments of the happy couple. Choosing A Wedding Photographer The wedding day is the day that most women wait their whole lives for and it is such a special time. Because of the advancement of technology, it is now easy to always remember that day using video and photography. Choosing a wedding photographer is important to take pictures of the bride and groom, and pictures of the bridesmaid dresses the bride has chosen. This is especially important to if you want to give pictures of the bridesmaid dresses as gifts to the bridesmaids. Requesting the Presence of Your Presents For better or worse, in people's minds weddings and wedding gifts go together like a horse and carriage. Social reformers in the guise of religious reverends and ministers might rail against the excesses practiced by bridal couples, but their words fall on unheeding ears. Even governments, from time to time, try to curb the tendency by passing laws against luxury and extravagance. Invariably their influence is as transient as their own existence. 5 Tips To Select The Best Wedding Reception Location Being disc jockeys, we get the opportunity to evaluate many reception facilities while having little or no bias to "sell" one location over another. Most Brides and Grooms know where they will be holding the ceremony before they decide where to have the reception, so we have compiled five observations that can help you when selecting your venue. Do You Hear Wedding Bells? So you've been in that perfect relationship for some time now. You've been dropping hints about the future and he is receiving you loud and clear. It's time to do a little "window shopping." After all, you don't want to leave one of the most important decisions in your life entirely up to him, do you? He WILL lose sleep over finding that perfect engagement ring, even though he will not admit it. So why not help him out a little, give him some guidance and direction. Family Law A frustrating lack of permanence plagues modern relationships. Approximately one of every two marriages ends in divorce and the average length of a marriage before divorce is only five years. Many couples today chose cohabitation over traditional marriage. What happened to the idealized family depicted in Father Knows Best, Leave it To Beaver, The Donna Reed Show and Ozzie and Harriet? Divorce Rate Plummets As More Americans Shack Up Instead of Getting Married More Americans are taking "til death do us part" seriously. According to the recently released Rutgers University National Marriage Project the number of divorces is declining. But the lower divorce rate is largely because couples are postponing, choosing not to, or are legally unable to get married. Like Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham, and Elton John and David Furnish, these 11 million unmarried couples are in committed relationships and sharing financial obligations, but aren't entitled to the 1,140 federal laws that apply to married couples. Planning Your Honeymoon -- 6 Tips To Help The groom traditionally plans the honeymoon. However, most brides prefer to be in on the honeymoon plans so that they can prepare ahead too. Here are some things the two of you need to discuss when planning your honeymoon. The honeymoon budget: The groom usually pays for the honeymoon so it is important that you both know how much you can afford to spend. The budget will determine your choice of destination and the duration of your honeymoon. Lingerie Party Ideas: Tips to Help Break the Ice Are you in the process of planning that last special party for the soon to be bride? The Monogram Theme Wedding Monograms are a huge trend in weddings, to the point where they feature strongly in some, and in others, provide the actual theme. And what's not to like about monograms? They're elegant, understated, versatile, and a dramatic visual reminder of your new life together. ![]() |
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