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Getting Married? What You Should Do With Your Checking Accounts and Credit Cards
Marriage is a wonderful thing, but planning the wedding is a difficult task. The coming together leaves many things as an afterthought to the wedding. Each has their own credit cards, checking accounts, and utility bills. Hopefully, neither has a lot of debt. Most people do not think about finances when they are getting married. It takes the romance out of it. But it is necessary to make some sort of arrangements, or at least a plan of how to get things consolidated. Let's start with checking accounts. There are a couple ways to go about it. Many financial experts believe that you should keep your individual accounts. It will be easier to manage and keep track of transactions with only one hand in the cookie jar. Open up a joint account for your expenditures. Each should deposit a certain percent into the joint account to cover your allotted expenditure budget. What is left over can be deposited into your separate accounts and savings account. Credit cards are a different story. Each of you will probably have numerous cards of your own. Take an evening and call all of the issuing banks. Tell them that you just got married and are eliminating some of your accounts. Whichever card issuers give you the best rates are the ones you keep. They will add your spouse onto the account with a phone call and send out your new cards. Settling your accounts is easy it just takes a little time. It is best to take care of these matters quickly, as time will not make it any easier. Some of the institutions may ask for your marriage license, and be prepared to send it. They will send it back if you provide a self addressed stamped envelope. Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for He has researched and written hundreds of articles and can simplify your online search by recommending merchants for the best value and selections in business or personal checks, address labels, rubber stamps and envelopes. More information about personal checks may be found at
Beach Wedding Cakes Looking for beach theme wedding cake ideas? Marriage Advice: Twelve Steps to Creating an Affair-Proof Marriage There's no way to absolutely guarantee that your marriage won't be blindsided by an affair on your part or your spouse's, but there are definite steps you can take to greatly reduce the probability of that happening. 5 Tips To Select The Best Wedding Reception Location Being disc jockeys, we get the opportunity to evaluate many reception facilities while having little or no bias to "sell" one location over another. Most Brides and Grooms know where they will be holding the ceremony before they decide where to have the reception, so we have compiled five observations that can help you when selecting your venue. Shopping For Elegant Mother Of The Bride Dresses There are many places to shop for elegant mother of the bride dresses that are also affordable. You don't have to spend a lot of money to ensure elegance. In fact, if you shop with an eye on line, cut and style, rather on designer name and price, you'll be surprised at how elegant you can look without spending an outrageous amount of money. There are elegant mother of the bride dresses to suit every budget size. Dealing With Your Spouses Sexual Past "Couples who've had sex before marriage will inevitably have sexual difficulties in marriage." Engagement Rings & Celebrities Whether we like it or not current trends in engagement rings say bigger is so much better. Just have a look at what style engagement rings celebrities are choosing. And of course what's good for them is good for the rest of us. Ten Tips for Writing Your Perfect Wedding Vows 1. Start with a nice clean piece of paper (lavender is good, but any kind will work). Down the left side of the page, write the numbers 1-10. Now ? without stopping to think about it, fill in this page! Write down the first 10 things that come to mind in response to this sentence: "I love (my partner's name) because . . . " Set this piece of paper aside. Bridal Shower Basics A bridal shower is an excellent way for the bride to surround herself with her closest friends and family and relax, loosen up and have some fun. The bride can also use this time to share the experiences of those that have already married, and in a general way, espouse her expectations and dreams for the new adventure she is about to enter. The bridal shower should be memorable for the bride-to-be and her guests and can be based on a particular theme, just like the wedding. Games, themes, decorations, and gifts are all important to include in the bridal shower. Many couples choose to have "couple showers," where both bride and groom are able to share the time together. Other brides choose to have their bridal showers in a creative 'themed' location ? a beautiful ocean-side resort comes to mind, for example. Using your unique ideas will help you create a distinctive setting for your event. While the goal is to have fun and enjoy the event, there are some simple plans you can follow to make your bridal shower a most memorable occasion for everyone involved. Florida Beach Weddings There is nothing more romantic than a wedding by water especially at dusk.The sound of the waves lapping to shore provide music to a resplendent sunset creating an unequalled backdrop of constantly changing reddish orange gold hues dancing above the ocean's horizon. Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks Planning a wedding is an exciting thing, and can be very scary. With some basic tips and tricks, you will be sure to make you day special. Your Wedding Flowers - What Are Your Choices? Your wedding flowers usually tie to your wedding theme. When most of us envision wedding flowers we think of more of the traditional choices but there are literally thousands of flower choices that work very well for wedding bouquets, ceremonies, and receptions. Invitation Anatomy 101 - Optional Components II - Part 3 of 3 Almost there! This is the third lesson of my "Invitation Anatomy 101" list of articles. Remember, this article continues the listing of common Optional Components typically seen in invitations. While many examples are directly relevant to wedding invitations, I've tried to be broader to include the general invitation and corporate invitation components as well. Wedding Speeches Made Easy: Wedding Speech or Best Mans Speech Tips Have you ever had to give a wedding speech? As the groom or best man? 6 Ways to Save Money on Wedding Invitations Inviting your possible guests on your wedding day can be costly. You have to give them traditional wedding cards to inform them of the date and venue, and possibly those cards are made of elegant or high quality papers and other materials that might cost a lot. If your goal is to save money, then you should think of cost ? effective alternatives to send out cards to your guests. Here are some tips. Top 40 Marriage Quotations "Is it better for a woman to marry a man who loves her than a man she loves. "-- Anonymous Las Vegas Wedding Receptions Las Vegas wedding receptions are where people tend to go absolutely wild. For most people, the ceremony is not where the real action is. The real action begins at the party that follows the ceremony ? and the two don't have to be held in the same place. You can have a traditional wedding ceremony at a chapel, at the County Clerk's Office or anywhere you choose and then you can have a party for as many people as you'd like anywhere else in town. Save Money on Your Wedding Dress Your wedding is quite possibly the most important day of your life and you've probably been dreaming about it since you were about 12 years old. The dress you choose is ultimately going to be what people look at and remember about your wedding. That being said, you want to find the perfect dress that will make your guest's and husband's jaws hit the floor when you walk down the aisle. Are you thinking that may be unrealistic with your wedding budget? Think again! We have some of the best shopping tips in order to help you save money on your wedding dress. This way you can enjoy your wedding while maintaining a reasonable wedding budget. Wedding Gown Styles The wedding gown is most important choice for a bride during her wedding. Every bride dreams of an enchanted wedding and a beautiful gown is what can make the bride look like a princess. Celebrate With Butterflies ? The Flying Flowers Make your upcoming event the most memorable ever by adding butterflies to your special day. Butterfly Releases are a perfect way to celebrate all of the important occasions in life. They are wonderful additions to weddings, anniversaries, funerals, memorials, birthdays, holidays, ceremonies, and even corporate events. Fun Dating Ideas to Spice up Your Marriage One of the best benefits of marriage is that you have a permanent dating partner. Don't let the fun end after the honeymoon. Here are some ideas for fun dates. |
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