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Martial Arts Information |
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"Fronting": The dodge to get in close to you. The frontal assault, as opposed to the ambush. Fronting can be either a direct confrontation (intimidation) or it can make use of "artifice", i.e. "got a light?", "got the time?", "how do I get to such and such?" Anything "innocent" to throw you off your guard and allow the assailant to "get into your safety zone". That is the area where action is ALWAYS faster than re-action. The key here is NEVER TRUST anyone's "intention", NEVER! Maintaining the "reactionary gap" is the single most important "thing" in this situation. In order for ANY attack to be optimally effective three things must "work" in the attackers favor: Time - Distance - Opportunity. NEVER "allow" anyone within arms distance. If they are close enough to simply reach out and touch you, you have a BIG PROBLEM. How did you get there? I wish I had a dime for every self-defense "expert" that starts with this line - OK, the bad guy throws a punch............... WHAT? Did he just appear in a cloud of smoke? Simply materialize from nowhere? What preceded this "punch"? How did he approach you and manage to get into your safety zone? Is it an "ambush"? How did you wind up dealing with the attack? The equation for dealing with this is NOT the "defense", it's understanding our "triad", TIME - DISTANCE - OPPORTUNITY. Increase the TIME necessary for the assailant to be effective. Decrease the TIME necessary for YOUR attack to be effective. Increase the DISTANCE necessary for the assailant to be effective. Decrease the DISTANCE necessary for YOUR attack to be effective. Remove or minimize the OPPORTUNITY necessary for the assailant to be effective. MAXIMIZE your OPPORTUNITY to make YOUR attack effective. The assailant has to TARGET YOU, COVER THE DISTANCE TO GET TO YOU, and then have THE OPPORTUNITY to implement his assault, in other words you have to be there when he gets there. Now! Time - Distance - Opportunity = SPEED - POWER - ACCURACY. That's the full "combat" equation. It works for the assailant AND it works for you. So, I'm more concerned with "how" we disrupt the equation for the attacker and use it to our advantage, than I am about "defending against the punch". Here are two good ones: "A miss is as good as a mile" "Almost only works for horseshoes and hand-grenades" That's also what I mean when I say look at the "big picture". Combat shooting: Speed and "man-killing" accuracy: "nail driving" accuracy is great as long as it doesn't affect your SPEED! Distance: measure off the longest "area" in your home. Hallway, bedroom, kitchen, or all the places that an attack may occur. What's the distance? Don't waste time at firing ranges over that! I know people that have weapons strategically placed around their living environment. Never know where you'll be when you need what you don't have, right? How about the one place where you really are naked as a jay-bird? How about the shower? Drawstring or a plastic bag (waterproof) with you, in the shower, containing 230 grains of "soap". No, I'm NOT kidding. Better to have "it" and NOT ever need it, than to need "it" and NOT have it. ALWAYS, ALWAYS.....remember Uncle Murphy! The SOB will always show up when least expected, ALWAYS! Copyright 2003 www.thetruthaboutselfdefense.com © Carl Cestari began his study of the martial arts with judo at the age of 7 under the direction of Yoshisada Yonezuka. During the past forty plus years Carl has dedicated his life to studying the martial arts, hand to hand combat systems, history and religion. What makes Carl unique is his combination of martial arts, law enforcement, military and real world experience. Carl has been exposed to a multitude of people with a wide variety experience. The following is a list of some of Carl's ranks and honors. Shinan (Founder) Tekkenryu jujutsu Ryokudan (6th degree) Koshinkai Karate under John Burrelle Godan (5th degree) Jujutsu under Clarke of the World Jujutsu Fedaration (now defunct) Sandan (3rd degree) Nippon Kempo under Narabu Sada Nidan (2nd degree) Judo under Masafumi Suzuki Shodan (1st degree) Judo under Yoshisada Yonezuka Shodan (1st degree) Shukokai Karate under Kimura, Kadachi and Yonezuka Shodan (1st degree) Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Instructors Certificate- Charles Nelson System of Self Defense under Charlie Nelson http://www.thetruthaboutselfdefense.com
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Sensing Intention One of the 'mystical' aspects of the martial arts has always been the ability to feel another persons intention. The Dojo Just as an aside. For those who would "box" us in to specific "category"......... What Can We Learn From What Has Already Been Done? Pre-WWII Judo was a far different thing than what we see now. The Thumb Jab I'm sure a lot of you remember the scene in the movie "The Presidio" were Sean Connery's character decimates the jackass in the bar with nothing more than his thumb! Real Life Self-Defense Starts From... "Nicky Bats" was an "old school" kinda guy. He was "street" thru and thru. He was a hard bark tough as nails S.O.B. He was a survivor. His definition of "success" in life was dying peacefully at a ripe old age of natural causes, not dying on some frozen blood-soaked battlefield in Korea after being over run by a human swarm of Chi-Coms. Not winding up in a landfill dead of lead poisoning and not dying in some filthy gutter with your innards spilling out from a gaping knife wound. Eight Simple Rules for Saving Your Life Let's put the non-lethal fantasy to rest. Basic Drills We all have a good foundation in the basic blows and combinations. Who Created Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing)? I have read a number of books, articles, and novels, and have watched movies and television series that touched on the origins of Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi Boxing), and the question, "Who Created Tai Chi Chuan?" made me concern very much! Do You Take Yours Trained or Untrained? If you ain't pissing anyone off, you're not doing anything worth while. Like religion and politics, martial arts are not for a lack of its zealots. Decide right now, you can either A. Continue to "sip the kool-aide" or B. Look to improve. One criticism about our training material is that it is simple and would work against some one who is untrained. What the hell does this mean, exactly? Does this pertain to the woman who takes muay thai or the serial rapist sociopath that has successfully applied his trade a dozen times? Does it apply to the mixed martial artists or a bag man on a pick up? Who do you want to fight for your life against, the martial artist or emotionally disturbed person (EPD) who gargles with pepper spray? Grown Man Quits After 3 Mat Pulls! A matt pull is the simple act of lying on flat on your stomach, reaching in front of you and pulling your self across the mat. This is one exercise that helps develop your muscles for grappling. We do these as a part of our warm up. Content, Are We? I asked a simple question at the last seminar: How to Become A Modern-Day Ninja Master The ninja were a military order in Japan. Most people have seen them in movies and fictional books. Samurai Sword Facts The first samurai swords we're actually straight bladed, single edged weapons imported from Korea and China known as chokuto, which were later replaced with the curved blade variety at the end of the 8th Century. The name of the curved blade swords which replaced them was Tachi. The reason for this transformation was samurai found that a curved sword could be drawn from the scabbard more swiftly and provided a far more effective cutting angle. COMBATIVES A Rose by Any Other Name?....Part 2 The advent of World War One (the war to END all wars) brought warfare into a new and foreboding era of man to man killing and slaughter. Air power, mechanized warfare, chemical warfare and the general widespread use of machine guns changed the face of battle almost completely. However the solitary fact remained that in the end it was STILL man against man in a desperate, brutal and deadly struggle for survival. The static and stagnant lines created by entrenched warfare demanded new and innovative tactics and strategies. Among these was the advent of "raiding" parties. Small groups of lightly armed men who ventured out into "no man's land" for the purpose of recon, probing, intelligence, prisoner grabs, and psychological "demoralization" missions. The nature of fighting under these conditions became popularized as "trench warfare". This was close-in knife to belly hand to hand combat. All manner of expedient, purpose designed and improvised close-combat weaponry was employed. While technological advances were being made in all other forms of warfare, this particularly nasty and vicious man to man fighting reverted to the most barbaric, primitive and bloody "methods" imaginable. Just as it has been since Cain slew Abel and how it WILL be until the last two humans clench fists or seize stones in raging anger during the final melee of the Apocalypse. Samurai Armor Part 1 The first prototype for Japanese samurai armor came about in the form of the yoroi during the Gempei War of 1181-1185. The weight of the yoroi was around 60lb. The upper-body armor of the samurai was known as the 'Do'. This comprised of the 'Sode', the suspended shoulder and upper-arm protection plates. The Sode had hoops by which silk cord was tied and then fixed to the back of the armor in an 'agemaki' / decorative knotted tassel. Guards were also placed over the shoulder cords, and a leather plate placed across the bow cords to prevent them from been cut or becoming ensnared during a skirmish. Women in the Martial Arts 1st Lady Assistant to Sensei Henry Ellis Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido Break the Bones "HONE O ORERU" is a Japanese term that translates literally as "BREAK THE BONES". It is an essential concept of true SHUGYO and a central theme of a true Budo Dojo. What this term means at it's essence has EVERYTHING to do with the forging of an iron will and a determined resolute SPIRIT. Hone O Oreru epitomizes the nature and purpose of true Budo as expressed in physical "keiko" or training. Martial Arts Traditionally, people trained in Martial Arts in order to utilized their skills as a form of attack and defense in both armed and unarmed combat. Today, people train in Martial Arts in order to keep fit, as a form of meditation, to learn self-discipline and as a competitive sport. Although Western culture associates Martial Arts with Asian countries, many countries developed their own Martial Arts as a form of military defense, prior to modern technology. There are many different styles of Marital Arts, such as Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi and Karate. All styles of Martial Arts follow a system of teaching. During teaching, a student is taught a series of forms. These forms, once learnt, help the student to develop a technique that they can then utilize when needed. There are also different levels of training that a student can progress through, once they have mastered the first level. All students must study under a Master of the particular Martial Art that they wish to learn with the hope of one day becoming also a Master. This is the traditional way in which the skills all Martial Arts has been handed down over the generations. Is Aikido a Martial Art ? Sensei Henry Ellis Co-Author of the new book Positive Aikido.- 2005. A direct student from 1957 of the legendary master Kenshiro Abbe Sensi 1915 - 1985.. Learning the Modern Dynamics of Judo You may have the erroneous idea that force is not necessary in judo, especially when you see a sixty-year-old instructor throwing many young- and strong men seemingly without effort. Dynamics, however, denies this illusion. A body begins to move only when an external force works on it, as will be explained later. A human body is a physical entity. Therefore, if you want to break your opponent's posture and make him fall down or hold him down on the mat;, you must apply the proper force to him. ![]() |
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