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Have No Misconceptions
I just received an Email from a woman who has a child (3 year old) and about to have another. Considering my wife is in a similar situation, this question couldn't be more relevant. This idea can be expanded to those of us getting older, injured or of smaller stature. Keep in mind, a little common sense goes a long way. First of all, the life you used to enjoy has changed. You can not casually go to places you used to go. A woman, preoccupied with the safety and care of two children, let alone one, is a prime target for the pieces of sh$t who earn their lining taking advantage of this situation. So, how can you best prepare yourself? First, pick your fights. Go to only very public, very safe places that are mother and child friendly. Going to malls in the evening or quickly running into the Laundromat with the kids in the car is probably not a great idea. If you can schedule a day to run errands child free, great, if you can't, just ask yourself, if I came back and my child was missing, was it worth it? That's it, it's a simple as that. Once you start talking about, I can't afford a sitter or I have no support- that's your decision, but if you chose a Laundromat with a delivery service worth it? What's it worth to you? Would you be thinking about the cost or inconvenience then? The point is you have to think in this way because the predators or banking on the fact you will play the odds and hedge your bets. All you have to do is be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Beware of people telling you, you will have no problems fighting with a child strapped on your back, protecting another while trying to escape a determined assailant. Those people should be arrested at the very least. I hear some of these experts talk and one thing comes to mind- this idiot has now idea what he's talking about. Plus he believes his own B.S. Personally, I don't care if you're teaching how to levitate, move rocks with your mind or prove the nothingness of lute-fish. But as soon as you tell a mother of two in her forties that she will be able to handle any attacker after a one hour seminar, you should be arrested. Now, don't get me wrong, people can be trained. It just doesn't happen in an hour or two. As I said before in previous articles, if you're serious, really serious, take shooting lessons and be armed at all times. Next step would be push-daggers or finger-hole design knives; something that you can grab, squeeze and not let go. Next is pepper sprays and stun guns. Have these at the ready. Strategically, the most vulnerable you will be is packing the kids in the car. If you are alone, have a system for packing the kids away while you have one hand on your weapon of choice. Your weapon if not in your hand should be at the tip of your fingers. Practice: drill when you put the kids in the car in your driveway. Picture the assailant and draw your weapon. Do this during times of the loading process that you feel the most distracted. Know your route, and pay attention to who's following you. A few extra turns may smoke someone out. Driving to the police station is an excellent option. Plus, we all have cell phones. Choosing the correct equipment is essential. We have one arm, one hand EVERYTHING, from strollers to car seats. Think about this when you make your next purchase?HOLD THE PHONES!!! Here's your million dollar idea: The Tactical Tot Stroller. Hideaway compartments, pepper spray holders- stun gun caddy, .50 cal mount. You get the idea. Run with it. Put a stroller, a video. Hey, a magazine "Tactical Baby" is you child ready for the apocalypse? See what all the best dressed babies will be wearing in all the bunkers! PLUS, How to Burp you tot under fire? Any way, what you want to do is be aware and plan ahead. People get jammed up because they don't think a situation through. The idea is to realize when you're getting in over your head. Don't let your ego put you in a place that you can't get out of. Be paranoid, be a little late. Plan and leave early. It's been my experience, if you have kids, the world will wait for you. If not, screw 'em. So where do our videos and training fit in? As an absolute last resort. ALL HAND TO HAND is a tactical last resort. The training does two things: First, it gives you something to fall back on, second it gives you confidence and it awakens the part of you that doesn't think tactically and defensively. Finally, our stuff works, but its still a last resort. Will someone trained fair better than the person untrained. ABSOLUTLEY. But like the man says, "You don't bring a knife to a gun fight". If you choose to end the fight with out a weapon, that's YOUR CHOICE. I'd rather have it and not use it, than need it and not have it. The person who doesn't prepare for the absolute worst and thinks they are going to get out of every situation with just their empty hand is either very ignorant, very lucky or very dead. Just like the sign says www.thetruthaboutselfdefnse.com Maybe I didn't sell a video, but I still have to look at my self in the mirror. © www.thetruthaboutseldefense.com Damian Ross is the owner of Zenshin and instructor of Tekkenryu jujutsu and Kodokan Judo. He started competing in the combative sport of wrestling in 1975 at the age of 7 and began his study of Asian martial arts with Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwon Do at the age of 16 in 1984. In 1989, Shinan Cestari gave a seminar at Sensei Ross's dojo. Sensei Ross has trained under Shinan Cestari's direction ever since. In addition to Tekkenryu Jujutsu, Judo and Tae Kwon Do, Sensei Ross has also studied Bando. Sensei Ross continues his study of Judo under the direction of 8th degree black belt Yoshisada Yonezuka and Tekkenryu Jujutsu under it's founder, Carl Cestari. Below are is a list of some of his title ranks: Yodan (fourth degree black belt) Tekkenryu Jujutsu under Carl Cestari
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Interesting Facts on Samurai Sword Manufacture A samurai's sword is his most sacred and prized possession. Not only did the samurai rely on his sword to defend him, but spiritually the sword held greater significance as the samurai actually believed his soul inhabited the sword. Therefore it comes as no surprise that the same discipline and respect in which the samurai wielded his sword, went into the actual making of the sword itself. So You Think You Train Hard "Tokio Hirano (1922-1993) 8th Dan The Man Who Revolutionized Judo" By Jim Chen, M.D . and Theodore Chen A Samurais Power Is In His Little Finger, Not His Samurai Sword In the 12th Century the Shogunate was formed. The head of this regime was the Shogun, the supreme ruler. Under him where his regional 'daimyo' or 'dukes'. Under each 'daimyo' served the Japanese samurai. When a samurai stepped out of line, became too unruly or displeased his 'daimyo', the samurai would often have to go through a procedure known as yubizume. This procedure is a very barbaric punishment in which the first joint of the little finger on the sword hand would be amputated. Fairbairn on the Fairbairn Method Something for our shooting "enthusiasts" - Are You Frustrated Yet? I was talking to a parent recently and they told me that their son was not going to compete in wrestling because they were afraid they would get frustrated when he lost. The parent felt the child was far too sensitive to handle the frustration of failure and may get 'burnt out'. My response was, "What will they do when they get frustrated in life?" What happens when that kid has got to suck it up and go forward when it REALLY counts? Being a new parent, my daughter is 2 and I have another on the way, I only want the best for my child. What parent doesn't? It's obvious this parent I mentioned loves their child, but that's not the issue. The issue is what's best for everyone involved. What this child is being taught is to quit when things get tough. In an effort to protect the child, the parent winds up doing a disservice to the child. The result is undermining the ultimate goal- the training of the child. Historical References to W.E. Fairbairn, E.A. Sykes AND Dermot Pat ONeill FROM THE BOOK: "PIERCING THE REICH" AUTHOR: JOSEPH E. PERSICO Nuts & Bolts of Self Defense Fundamental "Nuts & Bolts" training for close combat should be directed at dealing with the extremes. That is a life and death struggle for survival, i.e. worst case scenario. Restraint, control, and use of force scenarios and methods are peripheral to this core training. In other words train to deal with these beliefs at the forefront: The enemy is quite willing and capable of killing you - there are multiple threats - they are armed - the assailant(s) are bigger, stronger, faster than you and they CAN FIGHT! Can it get any worse that that? Now add this to the mix: You are physically/mentally exhausted - ill or injured - caught by absolute surprise - may have to protect others as well - no viable avenue of E&E. Tai-Chi for the Masses--and Others Kuang Ping was the T'ai-chi set favored by Yang Lu-Chan, the man who brought forward the "Yang" style in the mid-1800's, now so popular throughout the world. Kuang Ping is what the man trained with himself. The popular "Yang" set was/is something for the masses--not for the aficinado, the athlete, the martial artist. Aikido Philosophy: An Oriental Concept of Energy, Self, and Mind Preface Bogu Training About four years ago Carl recommended we start using the Bogu during our kumite (sparring practice). This method was developed in Okinawa and then found its way into mainland Japan and eventually to the U.S. where only a few clubs still do this. And even in those clubs, only a few members do it. I know there is other equipment out there that looks similar and I have used most of what's available. But it does not provide you with nearly the same overall effect that the bogu does. Rules in bogu training ? Any punch, any kick, save foot stomps, a strike to the spine and to the back of the neck. Throws and leg kicking is certainly allowed. Use, dare I say, your commonsense. What To Expect When You Least Expect It The time you will be attacked you will most likely be: Basic Drills We all have a good foundation in the basic blows and combinations. Real Life Self-Defense Starts From... "Nicky Bats" was an "old school" kinda guy. He was "street" thru and thru. He was a hard bark tough as nails S.O.B. He was a survivor. His definition of "success" in life was dying peacefully at a ripe old age of natural causes, not dying on some frozen blood-soaked battlefield in Korea after being over run by a human swarm of Chi-Coms. Not winding up in a landfill dead of lead poisoning and not dying in some filthy gutter with your innards spilling out from a gaping knife wound. Samurai Sword Facts The first samurai swords we're actually straight bladed, single edged weapons imported from Korea and China known as chokuto, which were later replaced with the curved blade variety at the end of the 8th Century. The name of the curved blade swords which replaced them was Tachi. The reason for this transformation was samurai found that a curved sword could be drawn from the scabbard more swiftly and provided a far more effective cutting angle. Safety Awareness & Self Defense: Circle of Safety Safety Awareness & Self Defense is the responsibility of each individual. Knowing your surroundings and being aware of potential dangers is your first step towards self-defense. Avoiding and distancing yourself from circumstances that could be trouble are your responsibility. Dermot Michael (Pat) ONeill Dermot O'Neill was born in 1905 in County Cork, Ireland. As a teenager he traveled to China, and settled in Shanghai. In 1925, at the age of twenty he joined the Shanghai Municipal Police. This police force comprising of 9000 active and reserve officers was task with bringing law and order to the International Settlement. Elements of Unarmed Combat Custom build your own personal "system": What Can We Learn From What Has Already Been Done? Pre-WWII Judo was a far different thing than what we see now. Tae Kwon Do As A Means To Stay In Shape Becoming a martial artist is a fanatastic method of fitness. While there are many martial art forms to choose from, taekwondo is clearly the most beneficial, and the most practical. And while many realize the benefits of such exercise, the simple fact is most have no idea how to begin. Okinawan Karate So you are thinking of starting to train in okinawan karate. There are a lot of choices as far as okinawan karate schools are concerned. Which school do you choose ? What is the best school or system? If you are a parent, what okinawan karate school is best for your children? ![]() |
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