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Take Control of Your Doctor: Ten Actions To Get What You Need At Your Next Office Visit
Michael Richardson, MD has some suggestions on maximizing your next doctor's visit. ?Find a primary care doctor you can talk to and start building a relationship. Make a "well visit" to get acquainted. Be sure your medical and alternative health care providers keep your doctor up-to-date. This will help to avoid drug interactions, duplicate testing, and unnecessary health expenditures. ?What are your top 3 concerns? Write them down in order of priority. Make sure they are understandable and logical. Most doctors are very efficient in addressing multiple issues when necessary, as long as you are organized and clear. In other words, don't waste time piecing a story together. Save it for problem solving. ?Where does it hurt? This is not the time to act heroic or shy. Tell it like it is. Be honest about your concerns. ?Listen up! Don't move on to thinking about how to ask the next question without understanding the answer to the first one. ?Do you have any problems taking specific drugs? Let the doctor know. Keep a written list of drugs and supplements that have given you problems. It will save time and help prevent future adverse reactions. ?How healthy is your family? Medical problems experienced by family members may directly affect your health risks. Keep the doctor up-to-date about new family events. ?Don't be passive. Make it easy for your doctor to contact you with test results or other health-related information. Refuse to accept "If you don't hear from us, then everything is OK". ?Know your insurance and what you'll get paid. Some medical offices deal with hundreds of insurance plans, including those that have different versions depending on the employer. Your doctor may not know what your plan covers, when referrals are required, or what you drug plan is like. Do your homework! ?Make sure you're #1. Watch for signs that you may receive better care elsewhere such as long waits, frequent interruptions, unreturned calls and differences in philosophy. ?Over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Not all doctor relationships work out either. If your approach to medical care, philosophy toward life, and/or style of communication are simply not compatible with your doctor's, recognize it and move on. Dr. Richardson is the author of "Health Basics, a Doctor's Plainspoken Advice about How Your Body Works and What to do When it Doesn't". It's a goldmine of vital information on managing your well-being. Barbara Kimmel is an award winning book publisher and publicist at Next Decade, Inc. (http://www.nextdecade.com)
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Generic Drugs: How They Cost You Less? If you are wondering why the chemist has charged much less than what you expected then it is not because he has developed sudden liking for you or the government decided to subsidized your medical bill. ?Ooohhh? my aching knee!!!? Insider Secrets on How You Can Get Relief Quickly and Easily! When your knee hurts, getting relief is all that's on your mind. Getting the right relief, though, depends on knowing what's wrong. The correct diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment. Arizona Drug Rehab: Finding Help in Arizona The state of Arizona has one of the worst drug problems in the United States. Historically and currently, the state is known as a transhipment location for a variety of drugs, including heroin, cocaine and marijuana, which are imported from other countries. As a result, these and other drugs are widely available in the state, and their abuse is common. There are probably few states that require the presence of rehabilitation centers as this one does - thankfully Arizona drug rehab centers are some of the best in the world. Medical Tests: What Does a Normal Range Mean? We have a marvelous array of medical tests available to us. Many of them-typically blood-tests-even come with results expressed in numbers signifying the exact quantity of something that was measured. On laboratory reports these measured quantities are often accompanied by a "normal range" for what the laboratory apparently thinks the value should have been, showing a lower number and a higher number. So if you had a laboratory test, what does it mean when your measurement falls inside or outside this range? Talking Money with Your Doctor: Drugs and Tests for Less Would you buy groceries without knowing their prices? I suspect not. You probably compare the costs of different boxes of cereal in order to get the best deal. But when it comes to medical care, do you even ask for the prices involved? ?Get Rid of Tendonitis ? Now!? Advice From An Expert? Tendons are ropes of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones. It is this connection that permits joint motion. When muscles contract, they pull on the tendons which cause the bones to move. In order for tendons to glide they move inside a lubricated sheath of tissue that is lined with synovial tissue. This synovial tissue is the same type of tissue that lines the inside of joints. Tendonitis refers to a condition where the sheath through which a tendon glides becomes inflamed. This leads to severe pain. The pain usually gets worse with use of the affected joint. However, when tendonitis becomes severe, there may be pain at rest. To Buy Pain Meds Online, a Dangerous Move Many people want to buy pain meds online simply because it is cheaper for them. Recently, thousands of online pharmacies have popped up offering for people to buy pain meds online without a prescription. They offer to sell the medication at cost, or at wholesale prices. This sounds all and good at first, but is it really safe to buy pain meds online? 10 Reasons To Buy Drugs From An Online Canadian Pharmacy 1. Online Canadian pharmacies offer overall best prices on Canadian drugs, as well as on international drugs. This is due to the fact that there are many online Canadian pharmacies and they lower their prices to increase the sales number. 195,000 Die Annually From Hospital Mistakes It just seemed too absurd to be true, but there it was in the August 2, 2004 edition of Newsweek I picked up the other day: "According to HealthGrades, the health-care-rating organization that conducted the study, needless deaths averaged 195,000 a year in 2000, 2001, and 2002. 'That's the equivalent of 390 jumbo jets full of people dying each year,' says Dr. Samantha Collier, vice president of medical affairs." Drug Interactions: Five Common Dangerous Interactions You Should Know About Prescription drugs can save your life. But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences. Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. See examples of common interactions and what their results are in the table on this webpage. Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way By now, you have probably heard of the prescription drug Bextra. You may not know, however, why that a recall is in order. The reason is quite simple. The FDA has asked Pfizer to withdraw Bextra from the market because of increased risks of heart attack and stroke. Discipline Medicine Most writers suffer from a lack of discipline. The urge to procrastinate is strong as writing is agonizing work because it is done alone without support from colleagues, acquaintances, and friends unlike other occupations that take place in an office, a store, a factory, or some other location where people are present. Thus a strong incentive is needed. Acid Reflux ? Symptoms and Treatment Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month. Army Report Validates Prediction of Vaccine-Induced Epidemic "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." - Joseph Mengele SUPERLASIK- Enhance Your Vision; Safer Than LASIK Things are moving forward and new and advanced procedures are being developed for those who originally could not receive the standard Lasik procedure. Dr. Khanna has introduced a brand new procedure called "Super Lasik" a new, safer and more stable procedure that has now been created for those who have thin or abnormal corneas. What is great about this new procedure is the effects are more precise and long term. This procedure is a culmination of the merger of benefits of both PRK and LASIK. To accomplish this cutting edge surgery, Dr Khanna uses a new FDA approved instrument called a Epikeratome. This instrument raises an approximately 50 micron flap (thinner than even an Intralase). Laser surface ablation using the latest generation of LASERS is than done. Like in LASIK the flap is riposted back. A bandage lens is than placed over the eye. This is a safer method of visual correction. There is no distortion of the architecture of the cornea. So if the cornea has a young's modulus which is low, or is thin or asymmetric this method is safer. Young's modulus= stress/strain Implant Dentistry ? The Convenient and Safe Alternative to Dentures If you are missing a tooth or a group of teeth, you may find that you are afraid to smile, you don't like to speak because you think you sound funny, or you may not be able to eat certain foods that you enjoy. Until recently, your only option was to replace these missing teeth with dentures. Patients often complained that dentures were uncomfortable and inconvenient. Facial Pain: When a Nerve Is a Live Wire Of all the places in the body that can hurt, the face might seem the strangest. But for some people, that's exactly where the agony occurs, and the cause is a nerve gone haywire. Tempest in a Tea Cup, Wisdom in a Sake Cup What an oxymoron the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has turned out to be. This vegan organization has one colossal ax to grind with their archrival, Darth Atkins. This is an old score that they've unfairly flung in front of the public before, all in the effort to squash the low carb idea and its adherents. Medical Tourism Opportunities in India More and more people have started travelling to India for Medical Treatment and during the past year alone, over 150000 people travelled to India for their medical requirements. Medical Tourism is finally coming of age. Does Heel Pain Mean that I Need to Stop Running? Heel pain, medically termed plantar fasciitis, is a common and frustrating injury for many runners. It accounts for up to 10% of all running injuries and results from overstressing the band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, you probably experience sharp pain in your heel not only after running, but also with the first steps in the morning or after long periods of sitting or being on your feet. ![]() |
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