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Kids and Medication Part II
In continuation of mood enhancement drugs for kids and adolescents, we next discuss the issues of Prozac. Of course there is the other favorite drug Prozac which was approved back in 1987 and was the first anti-depressant aimed at regulating serotomine which is the major chemical contributing in the brain for mood. Side effects yes we have all heard. Insomnia, nervousness, weight loss and mania. Lithium is interesting and a popular thing often prescribed which stabilizes the episodes of elated, intensely joyous moods. If not taken it can cause severe negative emotion swings along with mania, other side effects include nausea, loss of appetite, trembling of the hands. Zyprexa is a mood stabilizer designed to balance levels of serotomine and dopamine. It has side effects of weight gain, drowsiness, dry mouth and even seizures and it has not been approved yet, good. Depakote is an anti-seizure medication which treats the grandiose, hyperagitated states of mania, with other problems it induces which are serious; liver and white blood cell abnormalties, headaches, nausea and drowsiness. Also not approved. Effexor targets serotomine and norepinephrine to regulate one's mood with side effects too; nausea, constipation , nervousness, loss of appetite and drowsiness. Paxil is similar to the theory that both Prozac and Zoloft uses as it elevates the levels of serotomine in the brain. And like the others causes drowsiness, nausea and insomnia. Now Zoloft enhances the levels of serotomine to maintain the feelings of satisfaction and stability. Now then is this really what we want to be feeding our kids? Not me. I am so concerned with the 7% of kids being prescribed under the age of 10. And in adolescents almost 17% in some regions of our country, this is nuts. How can we know when we hire workers that they are not of severe deficiency and if they are on these drugs and have stomach pains and head aches won't this effect their work performance and productivity? Of course they will. The question is will the benefits out way the problems? Should people on these drugs be paid less than those who are not? Or are we as employers expected to accept this and call it a handicap? Is that fair to the others? Who do not call in sick and perform better? So parents realize when they do this to their kids for the short-term gain in controllability that they are putting their kids at a disadvantage the rest of their lives when simple discipline could take care of the problem and no drugs would be needed? We do not know the longterm affect of these drugs but will we all be blindsided with health care costs starting in the next few decades? If the experts are telling us this stuff is okay maybe they need their heads examined? An interesting book on this is "Living on Prozac" and it will scare you after you read it. Here are some thoughts on what we need to do to make sure we do not zap the minds of our future generations: http://www.parthe.net/_cwg1003/00000012.htm Why is this important to small businesses and to my company The Car Wash Guys? Well because we have team members who are ADHD who are generally more intelligent than others and perform just as well or better without any enhancement drugs. Why would we want them to take any drugs with side effects? I am simply stating that if 30 percent of the kids ages 18 to 28 are doing some type of drug, recreationally or prescription only that they may not be able to work for our company. If we do drug tests and 30 percent do not qualify we have a big problem, if the unemployment rate goes below six percent and 30 percent are doing drugs that means my unemployment rate for the business is really four percent. This means it will be very hard to find employees. Drug Testing could kill a small business in costs alone. I once read a report where a Trucking employee was accused of running over his boss, this article in the Bowling Green Daily News, in KY. No kidding; A trucking company employee is accused of running over his boss after refusing to take a drug test. Are businesses going to be forced to hire people with such a disability, which requires Prozac or some other drug and then if something goes wrong they go berserk one day? Well, what do you think? We all need to be thinking here? It affects everyone in this great nation and the future of the country depends on healthy minds and bodies. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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The economic consequences of arthritis are important to review because each year, arthritis takes a devastating financial toll on our society. Jet Lag Pills ? Panacea or Placebo Effect? We live in an age that demands an instant cure for every conceivable ailment under the sun and so it's no surprise that jet lag has joined the band of conditions for which there is the promise of a cure in the form of a pill. But can a pill really provide the panacea to jet lag, or are the results of taking such pills nothing more than imagined. Discipline Medicine Most writers suffer from a lack of discipline. The urge to procrastinate is strong as writing is agonizing work because it is done alone without support from colleagues, acquaintances, and friends unlike other occupations that take place in an office, a store, a factory, or some other location where people are present. Thus a strong incentive is needed. Meridia Lawyer: Meridia Diet Pill Side Effects Following the recall of Fen-Phen and Redux in 1999 (two diet drugs that cause heart valve diseases) Meridia was released. Meridia is a diet drug similar to the ones that were recalled. Like the recalled drugs, it releases serotonin into the brain to trick the patient's body into feeling full and choosing to eat less. These drugs do not so much remove weight from the body as they do encourage and facilitate a lifestyle involving lower caloric intake. Does Heel Pain Mean that I Need to Stop Running? Heel pain, medically termed plantar fasciitis, is a common and frustrating injury for many runners. It accounts for up to 10% of all running injuries and results from overstressing the band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, you probably experience sharp pain in your heel not only after running, but also with the first steps in the morning or after long periods of sitting or being on your feet. Celebrex Side Effects Lawsuit Lawyer The Food and Drug administration urges people to stop taking Celebrex, but even so the drug has remained on the market. Recent studies have found that Celebrex causes heart attacks and strokes at higher doses. These same problems have lead rival pharmaceutical company Merck & Co to remove its painkiller Vioxx from the market. However, Pfizer, the maker of Celebrex, is leaving its dangerous drug on the market. Kids and Medication Part II In continuation of mood enhancement drugs for kids and adolescents, we next discuss the issues of Prozac. Of course there is the other favorite drug Prozac which was approved back in 1987 and was the first anti-depressant aimed at regulating serotomine which is the major chemical contributing in the brain for mood. Side effects yes we have all heard. Insomnia, nervousness, weight loss and mania. Benign Tumors Of The Cervix Endocervical polyps The 7 Most Dangerous Mistakes You Can Make When You See a Doctor for Arthritis! 1. Seeing a doctor who's not board-certified or a doctor who isn't really an arthritis specialist. A lot of doctors will tell you they're "board-eligible." That's nonsense! What "board-eligible" means is that they did the training for the specialty but either haven't taken or- heaven forbid- failed the examination for board-certification. Don't trust your health to one of those doctors. And worse yet, some specialists don't pass on the first attempt. They keep taking the board exam over and over in the hopes they'll finally pass. Ask the doctor how many times it took them. Would you rather see somebody who passed the first time or some idiot who took three and four times to pass? The Controversy of ViagraŽ (Sildenafil Citrate), Other ED Medications, and Their Generic Counterpart There has definitely been a good deal of controversy over ViagraŽ, it's use and more recently, it's side effects among some unfortunate patients however, apart from the specific drug itself and the effects, reasons and results of it's use, there has been another controversy of which only those involved would probably be aware. I am referring to the purchase and use of Generic Brands of Sildenafil Citrate. How Do I Choose The Best Arthritis Medicine? Are you spending a fortune on prescription arthritis medicines? Are they helping? Are you concerned about side effects? You may think a particular drug is a miraculous godsend. Yet, someone you know may take the same dose only to experience little relief and life-threatening side effects. All of the choices can be confusing. Stop Taking Blood Pressure Medications with Your Doctors Approval I have been swallowing three varieties of blood pressure pills for 10 years. In another month, I expect to be off of them entirely. And that's with my doctor's approval. Ulcers Are No Laughing Matter Peptic ulcers, which are in the stomach and the duodenum (the first part of the intestine leading from the stomach) can occur at any age and affect both men and women. Untreated, sufferers can look forward to a long siege with them. But today's peptic ulcer sufferers have a brighter prospect for relief than did those of even a single generation ago. There is now less than 1 chance in 18 that surgery will every be necessary and new medications act faster and better and offer more relief than ever before. Alzheimers Toxin May Be Key To Slowing Disease Australian scientists say they have identified a toxin which plays a key role in the onset of Alzheimer's, raising hope that a drug targeting the toxin could be developed to slow the degenerative brain disease. Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain. Toenail Fungus: Tips For Treatment The medical term for toenail fungus is "onychomycosis," pronounced on * EE * ko * my * ko * sis. Despite the commonly used term "fungal toenails", onychomycosis describes both fungus and yeast infections in the nail. The prevalence in America is about 2-3%, but some have reported it as high as 13%. Even at a low estimate of 2%, this accounts for 6 million Americans with toenail fungus. Toenail fungus affects men twice as often as it affects women. Potassium and The Dialysis Patient Any dialysis patient who has had a brush with high potassium will know only too well how dangerous this can be. We are forever being told to watch our potassium intake, so I thought I would explore the reasons for this, and what practical steps we can take to limit the risks. Ultram Story: Keeping Pain Control Under Control When Aspirin Isn't Enough Sinusitis: Sinus Infection Deals a Corporate KO Sinusitis and Sinus Infection Starts with a Little Sniffle ![]() |
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