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Top Ten Things You Should Know About Contact Lenses
1. Soft lenses are perceived by most patients and practitioners alike to be more immediately comfortable while adequately correcting vision. They come in all formats - even toric and bifocal. Disposable soft lenses take minimal but important care to maintain their safety and usefulness. Soft lenses do absorb elements from the tears and the environment. They can change in fit with their age and cleanliness, perhaps causing a lack of oxygen to the eyes. Their surfaces break down rapidly, causing a decreasing sharpness of vision. On the other hand, many patients feel they see sharper and more clearly with rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. RGPs become very comfortable after adapting to them. They are easier and less expensive to maintain, last longer and are available in all formats. RGPs can more easily be custom designed to offer a wider range of vision correction than soft lenses. They can breathe more oxygen, don't deteriorate as fast and don't absorb things as easily as soft lenses. 2. Soft lenses generally center by themselves if they fit well. Just put them straight on the cornea and they will go where they belong. Use the iris, the colored part of the eye, as a guide. Make sure you have a competent eye care practitioner evaluate the fit of your lenses before you wear them, though. Improperly fit soft lenses can cause damage to your eyes! 3. Almost all nearsighted people can wear contact lenses, no matter how high their prescription. In fact, there are contact lens laboratories that make custom lenses up to -30.00 diopters! It is essential to follow your contact lens practitioner's rules, however. Contact lenses are extremely safe when prescribed and cared for properly. 4. Improperly worn contact lenses can cause a loss of oxygen to the cornea, which in turn can lead to blood vessels growing over the front of your eyes, infections, lid changes, allergies, corneal warping, corneal swelling and possibly even blindness. 5. Do not share contact lenses with your friends. Everyone's tears are filled with normal bacteria, but transferring these bacteria to someone else's eyes is not a good idea. And not only is there a risk of infection, if the lenses don't fit, the eye can suffer from a lack of oxygen or develop other problems. 6. Contact lenses are medical devices. Changing parameters should be done under the supervision of an eye care practitioner. Do not take chances! 7. If you sunbathe while wearing contact lenses, there is no problem with heat. But your corneas can swell and make your lenses fit tighter, causing some temporary redness and irritation. Put some form of lubricating drops in your eyes before tanning. Wear protective glasses to block the really harmful UV radiation from getting to your eyes - it has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration, etc. 8. Bloodshot eyes are a sign that something is not right. It could be as simple as a solution allergy or dirty lenses. But it could also be a sign that your corneas are not getting enough oxygen. Go see your eye care practitioner and find out why your eyes are so red! 9. Eyeglass prescriptions are higher than contact lens prescriptions because contact lenses sit on the eye, whereas eyeglasses sit in space in front of the eye. This is called the vertex distance. The closer a lens sits to the eye, the less strength is needed to focus light on the retina. And the stronger the prescription, the more the power adjustment. This is true for both soft and RGP lenses. 10. Some contact lens practitioners find that lenses with lower water content can sometimes be better for people who have dry eyes. But some patients actually do better with high-water contact lenses. It has long been felt by some practitioners that the thicker the lens, the better, as well. Are you planning to wear contact lenses? Visit Contact Lenses Center for the latest news and information on contact lenses.
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4 Reasons Why You Should Use Canadian Pharmacies Let's face it: purchasing prescription drugs in the U.S. can be a costly undertaking. By filling your prescriptions online through Canadian pharmacies, your savings can be substantial. Here's why you should consider having your drugs shipped to your home from Canada: How Do I Choose The Best Arthritis Medicine? Are you spending a fortune on prescription arthritis medicines? Are they helping? Are you concerned about side effects? You may think a particular drug is a miraculous godsend. Yet, someone you know may take the same dose only to experience little relief and life-threatening side effects. All of the choices can be confusing. Your Kidney Function Really Matters: A Lighter Look at What You Need to Know to Prevent Adverse Dru When you (or loved ones) are taking prescription or over the counter medications...there is a lot you should be worried about, and a lot that your pharmacist may not be telling you. 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It prevents your body's exocrine (moisture-producing) gland from producing enough moisture for different areas of your body. This leads to chronic and lifetime dryness. Sjogren's syndrome affects many areas of your body. In addition to the mouth and eyes, other affected areas include the skin, vagina, respiratory tract (lungs), and gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines). Adaptogens for Life - The Science Behind the Discovery of Adaptogens Modern civilization has produced an unusually stressful environment to humans and animals, with extreme high demands on our physical and mental abilities. The last one hundred years have brought unique new challenges for all. It doesn't take much reflection upon the obvious and not so obvious sources of stressors today to realize the average person endures a lifetime of extraordinary physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stress. The Arthritis Pain Reliever... A New Program That Just Might Make You Younger! 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By then it had been in popular use for many years, but because strokes are such serious and unpredictable afflictions and safer alternative drugs readily available, the FDA alerted customers to the danger and issued a recall on phenylpropanolamine. Why Our Healthcare System Isnt Healthy Most people are well aware that an estimated 45 million Americans currently do not have healthcare, but is the crisis simply the lack of health insurance or even the cost of health insurance? Is there a bigger underlying problem at the root of our healthcare system? Although the U.S. claims to have the most advanced medicine in the world, government health statistics and peer-reviewed journals demonstrate that allopathic medicine often causes more harm than good. Lumbar Puncture: This (Really) Is Spinal Tap I couldn't resist the title's corny riff on the name of the rock band and their movie, but the kind of spinal tap featured in this article was a spinal tap before Spinal Tap was Spinal Tap. 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Hypothermia - The Cold Facts If you ever go to cold countries, you should undoubtedly have heard of Hypothermia. If you haven't, you should learn something about it. Your very own life may depend on knowing the information below: ![]() |
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