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Cell phone Etiquette. The Do?s and Don?ts
With more and more people buying cell phones, it becomes more significant to know how to use your cell phone without looking obnoxious. Cell phones play an important role in our lives, but cell phone rage, like road rage, air rage and general rage is rising. Here are some tips for cell phone etiquette. Out with a group of friend(s) and your cell phone rings? Excuse yourself from the group and take the call elsewhere. Taking the call elsewhere will not disrupt the flow of conversation within the group. With a friend and the cell phone rings? Keep the call short and sweet. Otherwise, it gives the appearance that the friend you are with is less important that the caller. Out on a date? The point of the date is to be able to spend time to get to know the other person. I would suggest that you disregard such calls. The romance is lost by the sound of the ringtones of your cell phone. Your date will appreciate your undivided attention. It's a good idea to put your cell phone on vibrate when in restaurants, theaters, churches, weddings and funerals. When I'm out in a restaurant, I feel like asking for the non cell phone ringing section. Like many others, it is not often do I get to spend a quiet evening away from the children, work or other distractions. An evening going out to dinner with my husband is supposed to be relaxing, and we do not enjoy being distracted overhearing how wonderful your life has become since you started using Viagra. I was in a movie theater once and someone's cell phone rang and the individual took the call. Someone else in the theater did not react well to the intrusive call and started shouting at the cell phone user. The cell phone user ignored the cell phone raged individual and the focus of the movie was lost and everyone's attention was on these two people. While nothing came of the incident, a relaxing evening out with my husband was lost. I felt like asking for our money back. The next time we will. There is no question that cell phones are an important part of our lives. Use cell phones with good manners. Everyone will appreciate it. P.S. ? As for ringtones? Not all people will appreciate listening to the latest pop tune or classical music each and every time your cell phone rings. May I suggest using the vibrate feature instead of your ringtones in a public place. Catherine Kenyeres is a free lance writer and publisher for http://Best-4u-Cell-Phones.com. Catherine provides the latest information, reviews and comparisons for cell phone clients.
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Contemplating Selling Your Cell Tower Lease For A Lump Sum? Many landowners who have leased land for a cell tower on their property are receiving letters from third party companies. These letters suggest to the landowner that due to wireless carrier consolidation and due to technology, that the cell tower lease may be terminated early. By selling the lease to one of these companies, the landowner averts the risk of early termination and can recieve a lump sum immediately. What SMS Users Are Telling Telcos The recent rollout of 3G-ready mobile devices has caused a lot of excitement in the Telco industry, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This article will highlight the message that current customers are sending through their SMS messaging habits. Many consumers have been used to sending SMS for at least 2 years. Even with its humble typing of tiny keypads and source of simple news channel, SMS is a global phenomenon. Telcos must take time to study what their customers are saying. Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line Most of us have two phones, our cell and our land line (house phone). Realistically many people are paying two bills when one is sufficient. The cell phone is still more expensive than the house phone but with the massive increase of people signing up in the mobile world prices continue to fall. If you are working during the day the chances are you are only using your house phone in the evening. Negotiating a Cell Tower Lease: Getting Help A recent survey of the FCC's antenna structure registration database showed that in 2001 there were roughly 89,000 antenna sites registered with the FCC. Today, there are over 109,000 registered sites. It is important to note that most towers under 200' are not required to be registered, so there are significantly more towers in the US than this number suggests. Indian Mobile Infrastructure - To 3G or Not To 3G To most overseas investors circa 1994, a first look at the Indian Telecommunication Policy appeared to mitigate concerns. In our naiveté, we expected this Policy to put India at least on par with China where a stifling regime governed telecommunications. A disastrous implementation however ensured India languished behind its neighbor on tele-density, cellular usage and broadband coverage. Be In When Youre Out Busy entrepreneurs cannot be at their desk twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Wouldn't it be great if you could have your calls routed to your mobile phone, or find out who has called you first without having to wade through a large amount of voice mail messages when you get back to the office? 4 Dazzling Midrange Cell Phones Your next cell phone can be a stripped down model or contain features virtually unheard of one year ago. Chances are you will select something in between; in any case we are featuring four dazzling midrange flip top cell phones for your examination. Shop, compare, and save! Knowing the difference between Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans Will Save You Time and Money Many people go looking for cell phones without too much emphasis being put on the cell phone plans. Many new users who sign up to the different networks have been sold to rather than choosing the best option the suits them. Research is important. Cell phones & plans can be an expensive commodity. UK Top 40 Singles: Should It Include Ringtones As Well? I noticed two interesting stories today. The first one on the BBC stated that from Sunday the UK singles chart will include online downloads for the first time, which will have a major impact on the top 10. In the first three months of 2005, 4.5 million songs were downloaded legally in the UK - compared with 5.8 million bought over the counter, and also because downloaders tend to be mature males not teenage girls. Some Tips For The Safe Use of Cell Phones And Batteries 1. Increase the life span of your cell phone and battery by following the manufacturer's directions for using the phone and charging the battery. Cellular Ring Tones: The Latest Way To Say This is Me! Ringtones, those digital sound bites that 'ring' through cell phones especially during critical moments in darkened movie theaters, presentations, and anywhere there are signs posted to turn your cell phone off, have become a flaming financial success for the record and movie industry beyond all imagination. After the record industry lost billions to illegal downloads and digital music consumers and providers lost every court battle since, the market place going rate for an MP3 download has settled down to 99 cents per song. But then came ringtones! They can cost from $2.00 to $3.00 each and that's only for a 15 second sound clip of the same music! And the kids are willing to pay! Who knew? Calling Cards and Prepaid Phone Cards To Help You Save Money You can now save quite a bit of money on your long distance calling simply by using prepaid phone cards. It wasn't too many years ago that making a call overseas or even to an old friend in a neighboring state would be very expensive and even prohibitive. Cell Phone Abuse - Tips to Curb Employee Abuse Looking for a way to save your enterprise or government organization tens of thousands of dollars a month or more on wireless mobile communication use? First off, it's going to take some discipline and innovative management for your cellular communication services to become more cost efficient and less prone to abuse. Cell phone and handheld usage can bleed a corporation's IT communications funding dry without so much as a turn of the head, or at least until it's too late. Buying a New Business Phone System Buying a new business phone system is one of the most important purchases any business will ever make. The selection of a phone system can either bring a business closer to its customers and clients or, cause confusion and chaos amongst all that use or interact with it. Should Your Teenage Have A Cellular Phone? The time has come and your teenager has asked for one but you're not sure if you should supply one or not. No were not talking about a car. This is the digital age we mean the cellular phone. Perhaps no other decision has caused so much alarm and grief (aside from a credit card) then if you should give your teenage their own cellular phone. The cellular phone companies would advocate for allowing your teenage the use of a cell phone. And certainly there is merit to that suggestion. After all teenagers can use the cell phone in times of emergency such as breaking down on the side of the road or needing a ride home. Don't forget that nearly half of today's teenagers already have a cell phone. Leaving your teenager without one could affect their cool factor with their friends and other teenagers. There probably exist many other emergency situations in which your loved one would need a cell phone. Cell Phone Batteries, Money Saving Tips It's hard to imagine what the world did before the use of cell phones! We have become so dependent on having a cell phone that we tend to panic if we forget it at home or if the battery dies. Cell phones are an important part of most everyone's life that allows them to be reachable 24/7 for family, friends and business associates to contact them. Are Cellular Phones Just a Fashion Accessory? Cellular phones are used by millions of people in the United States and around the world. They are such a great device! With a cell phone, you can talk to anyone on the planet from just about anywhere! These days, cell phones provide an incredible array of functions. Selecting a Cell Phone More Than Just a Phone We Have Compiled a List of Wireless Cell Phones General Cautions and Warnings For the most part, wireless cell phones are safe. And who could deny the convenience and freedom they have bought to our lives. Wireless cell phones bring our family and friends closer and allows us to do transact business more conveniently than ever. But, take note as we compiled a list of general cautions that you should be aware of. Mobile Phone Accessories Discounted Mobile Phone Accessories ![]() |
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