Mobile & Cell Phone Information

Kids & Cell Phones

Is it safety? Is it security? Or is it just cool?

SMS Daycare & Gaming

Using the Physical World as a Game Board.

Cell Phone Etiquette


New Tips For Shopping Cellular Services

The best money saving practice for buying new cellular phones and service plans is to buy from a dealer, not through the cellular provider directly. Dealers compete against each other with lower prices than the actual cellular providers do.

The Importance Of Cell Phones In Modern Society

Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, business associates, and access to email are only a few of the reasons for the increasing importance of cell phones. Today's technically advanced cell phones are capable of not only receiving and placing phone calls, but storing data, taking pictures, and can even be used as walkie talkies, to name just a few of the available options.

Knowing the difference between Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans Will Save You Time and Money

Many people go looking for cell phones without too much emphasis being put on the cell phone plans. Many new users who sign up to the different networks have been sold to rather than choosing the best option the suits them. Research is important. Cell phones & plans can be an expensive commodity.

Overview of Cellular Phone Carriers

How many times have you heard of people spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest cell phone only to be disappointed by the bad signal? Dropping calls is another very annoying occurrence with cell phones. You need to look very carefully into the cell phone carrier that you wish to sign up with. You will be signing a contract usually for one year so make sure it?s money well spent.

Camera Phones - Are They The Real Deal?

It's no surprise If you've become interested in the new camera phones being advertised by cellular service providers on television. They have quickly become one of the fastest selling technologies in U.S. history and are well on their way to becoming one of the must have cellular phone accessories. Almost 6 million cellular phone users within the United States now have camera phones. Surprisingly this number is extremely low when compared to Japan where the camera cellular phone has become a trademark in almost all of the cellular phones. Don't be alarmed though, camera cell phones are here to stay in the United States and with the cellular phone providers making it easier and cheaper to mass produce them an estimated 50 to 90 percent of U.S. cell-phones will contain built-in cameras by 2007, according to market research.

Should Your Teenage Have A Cellular Phone?

The time has come and your teenager has asked for one but you're not sure if you should supply one or not. No were not talking about a car. This is the digital age we mean the cellular phone. Perhaps no other decision has caused so much alarm and grief (aside from a credit card) then if you should give your teenage their own cellular phone. The cellular phone companies would advocate for allowing your teenage the use of a cell phone. And certainly there is merit to that suggestion. After all teenagers can use the cell phone in times of emergency such as breaking down on the side of the road or needing a ride home. Don't forget that nearly half of today's teenagers already have a cell phone. Leaving your teenager without one could affect their cool factor with their friends and other teenagers. There probably exist many other emergency situations in which your loved one would need a cell phone.

Mobile Phone Accessories

Discounted Mobile Phone Accessories

Cell Phone Abuse - Tips to Curb Employee Abuse

Looking for a way to save your enterprise or government organization tens of thousands of dollars a month or more on wireless mobile communication use? First off, it?s going to take some discipline and innovative management for your cellular communication services to become more cost efficient and less prone to abuse. Cell phone and handheld usage can bleed a corporation?s IT communications funding dry without so much as a turn of the head, or at least until it?s too late.

Short Messaging Service (SMS) for Enterprise Messaging

SMS for Enterprise Messaging ? Value added services

Why Mobile SMS/Text Messaging?

What is Mobile SMS/ Test Messaging?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prepaid Cell Phones

We are constantly seeing advertisements on TV promoting cell phones and cell phones carriers with what they call great introductory offers if you sign up with them on their network.

Satellite Phones: Essential for the Marine Industry

With more offshore fishing boats taking customers further out into the deep blue ocean in search of Billfish, Tunas and others, satellite phones are quickly becoming an essential for all offshore fishing and boating enthusiasts.

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The 5 Best Cell Phone Plans of 2025 | Reviews by Wirecutter  Wirecutter, A New York Times Company

Mobile Fact Sheet  Pew Research Center

The Best Cell Phones for Older Adults  Wirecutter, A New York Times Company

16 New Cell Phone Deals in March - Clark Howard

The 4 Best Android Phones of 2025 | Reviews by Wirecutter  Wirecutter, A New York Times Company

What’s Happening With Hello Mobile? - Clark Howard

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