Mobile & Cell Phone Information
3G Technology
A ?third generation? wireless communications technology having evolved from first generation analog, and second generation digital, communication technologies.
Mobile Devices Security
As this security solution is not such a great idea, other companies have researched, and finally found a new way to prevent cell phones and PDAs theft. This method permits to remotely disable up to four different tasks of a stolen cell phone or PDA, rendering it inoperable. But at the same time data contained in the device are locked. The beauty of this option is that the unit is not damaged in any way - full functionality and data can be easily restored if the device is recovered. Thus, the device is useless to the thief, but it can be reactivated and restored if it is recovered and returned to its rightful owner.
Add a Cell Phone Booster to Make Life a Little Easy
Cell Phones have become a mainstay for every earthling. Right from 8 to 80 this has become a part and parcel of every day life. Cell Phone manufacturers understand this and have come up with clever ideas to make it Hip as well as functional. Have you seen the ?Do you hear me now?? advertisement? Are they really going to do that type of testing everywhere at different points in time. The signals are really dependent on how near you are to the tower. This along with how good is the equipment you use dictates voice quality. Not all phones are made alike. Manufacturers want to include a differentiation factor to the high end models hence they put in all their high profile research results in the high end model. This includes the higher quality of reception.
Best Cell Phones - Cell Phone Shopping 101
Before the advent of cell phones, communications may not have been as convenient, but life was definitely less complex. Since their introduction into society, the design, features and package plans have evolved to the degree that we now have to do research on cost comparisons and option customization, as well as peruse technical manuals in order to learn how to operate these gizmos before we can ever hit that ?send? button. Simply put, we need to find the best cell phone for meeting our needs, and it?s going to take a good deal of time to do so...or maybe not.
Free Cell Phones All Around - Cashing in on Consumerism
There?s no greater way to win the hearts of consumers than to give them something for nothing. In our society of advanced communications devices and state-of-the-art technology, one of the best commodities to target for these give-away tactics is the cell phone. From simple port-to-port communication to comprehensive electronic office features, these hand-held units have become a rather luxurious necessity in these ?need-to-know? times in which we live.
Mobile Content: An Expression of Individuality
Cell phones were created with the purpose of facilitating communication on the go. With the advancement of technology, cell phones matured into devices that are able to send text messages, surf the internet and even play games. Today, cell phones are one of the most important items an individual could own. We bring our cell phones with us everywhere, and they have essentially become an extension of our own self and a way to express our own unique individuality.
International Calling Made Simpler And Cheaper
When people make international calls from their cell phones or land lines they often have to be aware of what time they are calling, and even where they are calling from. This is because international rates can skyrocket through the course of a day. Things are not much different with traditional phone companies. International phone rates are generally extremely high with major phone carriers, so many people are forced to limit the number of calls they make outside of the United States each month.
Protect Your One and Only Brain From Cell Phone Radiation
Cell Phones have become a part and parcel of everybody?s life. They are no more the nifty gadget that a selected few carried around. They are carried around like the life depends on it. This is true, isn?t it, how many relationships have broken because someone forgot to take that all important call because they left behind or lost their cell phone. The cell phones are now the digital tracking device for spouses and businesses alike. One could be contacted anywhere on earth at any time of the day, because of the cell phones. These nifty gadgets work at close proximity to our brain, and you have to be cautious about this. After all everyone just gets to have one, and just only one brain unlike the eyes or ears. Each and every part of the brain controls a big ?Human Feature Set?. All small damage to a minute portion may stop your ability to speak or move one of the muscles. When there is so much debate about whether they radiation out of the cell phones can cause brain cancer or tumor or other yet Unknown diseases, you got to listen as a skeptic. Unless there is 100% proof that the radiations don?t cause any problems you got to be on side that considers this harmful.
Location Sensitivity - Cell Phone GPS
This is basically a system to locate the handheld when making a call to 911. In the mid to late 1990's, many people got cell phones just for the emergency use of being able to call for help almost anywhere. The problem came up when statistics showed that almost 92% of all serious 911 calls, (where the person was just barely able to make the call), they either didn't know where they were or was unable to tell the 911 operator where they were, or they might not have been able to talk at all. This caused a big concern, 911 operators couldn't do anything but listen to the person on their cell phone as they pass away. The Location Sensitivity system still doesn't work if you are in an area that only has an analog signal. (Which is the older cellular system of the mid 1990's and earlier). Most metropolitan areas and all interstate freeways are covered by the newer digital service. It's just when you get out in the middle of no-where, you might end up with an analog signal. Most phones will display the letter "A" in the top right or left corner when using this system. Check your phone documentation, some phones don't even have this capability. Which means if you get into one of these areas, you can't make any type of call what-so-ever.
Cell Phone Safety - Am I Really At Risk
It?s a sad commentary on the way of the world today, when you stop to think about the fact that people will go out of their way to avoid radiation exposure ? such as in the case of x-ray technicians who shield themselves within a protective booth or by donning lead aprons ? and, yet, those same people will walk around, day after day, with a cell phone attached to their ears without concern. Cell phones, cellular phones, mobile phones, wireless phones...call them what you will ? without proper precautions, they can still pose a significant threat to those who use them.
Cell Phone Accessories - A Guide To Wireless Phone Accessories
Cell phone accessories are a big business on the commodities? market today, and most folks have invested in at least one of the many options that are available for outfitting these handy little communications devices. From the practical to the bold-enough-to-make-a-statement, cell phone users of all walks of life can find just what they?re looking for in order to personalize their equipment.
DECT - A Brief Explanation and How We Could Benefit From It
DECT stands for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. Unlike analogue cordless phones that used to be frequent in many homes and businesses around the world, DECT is a digital wireless communication technology that is through its advanced reliable infrastructure bound to make cordless phones even more common in businesses and homes around the globe.
Small Business Phone Systems ? A Brief Explanation
How a business presents itself to its customers has to be the single most important factor in its potential success. In days gone by usually your first contact with new customers would have been through your storefront or through word of mouth, passed on by other satisfied customers. In today?s modern world, telecommunication plays an ever increasing role in reaching potential new customers.
Family Cell Phone Plans - Comparison Shopping To Help You Choose The Best Plan
With the myriad of cell phone plans that are available through the various carriers today, it can be a bit of a challenge to muddle through it all, trying to find the best package for your family. Each has their own special set of perks that are offered, in order to entice potential customers to purchase a contract and commit themselves to a particular amount of time with the company. Although you?d be hard-pressed to find a carrier that locks you in for more than two years ? those days are gone ? you?re still committing your patronage for a designated amount of time, and ? that being the case ? will have a bit of research to do before settling on a specific package. Where do you begin?
Toll Free Virtual PBX Systems Level the Playing Field for Small Businesses
Technology, some people fear it, some resist it, and others embrace it. As a small business owner, it could be the best thing that ever happened to your company. With the technology available today, small businesses are increasingly leveling the playing field between themselves and big companies. With toll free virtual PBX (Private Branch Exchange) telephone systems, small businesses are combining today's technology with traditional customer service to take their business to the next level.
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Cell Phones Endanger Children
If your child uses a cell phone, take note. A recent news report has prompted renewed concerns about the safety of cell phone use, especially by children.
What Are Smart Phones And Do You Need One?
Smart phones are a combination of a cell phone and PDA functions all in one device and are much bigger and notably more expensive than regular handsets, generally costing in the neighborhood of $600. However, one won't need to carry around two separate units.
Getting the Most of Your Cell Phone Batteries
Are you planning on buying a new phone in the near future? Or do you need to replace your dead cell phone battery? When it comes to cell phone batteries, it is more complex than that of buying AA batteries. There is more than one type of cell phone batteries to choose from on any given phone and also many factors to consider. For instance: cell phone batteries have different weight values, they vary in lifetime and talk time too. These choices can have a big impact on your cell phone decision, especially if you travel and need your phone available 24/7.
Instant Messaging through Mobile Phones
Instant Messengers are very popular on PCs, with the advancement of mobile technology it has become possible to connect to MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ and other instant messenger services through mobile phones. The possibility of using internet from mobile devices and the possibility of executing J2ME Java programs on mobiles makes signing on to instant messenger services using mobile devices. The only major problem becomes the input of messages as only a few can type in messages very fast. Particularly with the low cost of mobile internet and reducing cellular phone prices, it is only a matter of time before every cell phone user would also be connected to an instant messenger services. It is assumed the reader knows how to transfer programs to his mobile phone and has subscribed to mobile internet service.
Telephone Tips, Techniques and Etiquette
Whether using the telephone for business or personal use, using this
communication tool effectively means being timely, communicating clearly and
having the other person's interest in mind.
Your Next Virus Is Just A Phone Call Away
Calling Cards and Prepaid Phone Cards To Help You Save Money
You can now save quite a bit of money on your long distance calling simply by using prepaid phone cards. It wasn't too many years ago that making a call overseas or even to an old friend in a neighboring state would be very expensive and even prohibitive.
Should Your Teenage Have A Cellular Phone?
The time has come and your teenager has asked for one but you're not sure if you should supply one or not. No were not talking about a car. This is the digital age we mean the cellular phone. Perhaps no other decision has caused so much alarm and grief (aside from a credit card) then if you should give your teenage their own cellular phone. The cellular phone companies would advocate for allowing your teenage the use of a cell phone. And certainly there is merit to that suggestion. After all teenagers can use the cell phone in times of emergency such as breaking down on the side of the road or needing a ride home. Don't forget that nearly half of today's teenagers already have a cell phone. Leaving your teenager without one could affect their cool factor with their friends and other teenagers. There probably exist many other emergency situations in which your loved one would need a cell phone.
How To Save Money On Long Distance Calling Cards And Cheap Phone Cards
In the old days (7-10 years ago) there were no long distance calling cards and cheap phone cards so it could cost you a ton of money to make long distance calls. Calling your grandparents in another state or calling home from college on the weekends was very expensive and prohibitive.
10 Questions About Cellular Phones Answered
1. What's the difference between analog and digital phones?
Add a Cell Phone Booster to Make Life a Little Easy
Cell Phones have become a mainstay for every earthling. Right from 8 to 80 this has become a part and parcel of every day life. Cell Phone manufacturers understand this and have come up with clever ideas to make it Hip as well as functional. Have you seen the "Do you hear me now?" advertisement? Are they really going to do that type of testing everywhere at different points in time. The signals are really dependent on how near you are to the tower. This along with how good is the equipment you use dictates voice quality. Not all phones are made alike. Manufacturers want to include a differentiation factor to the high end models hence they put in all their high profile research results in the high end model. This includes the higher quality of reception.
Seven Costly Mistakes Businesses Make When Buying Telephone Equipment
Companies have spent BIG dollars for the telephone equipment that some vendor wanted to sell them - not necessarily for what they wanted or needed.
Cell Phones Safety - Are They a Risk ?
Cell phones are everywhere and I believe they are here to stay. With the advent of cellular phones for public use came a whole host of issues that I don't think anyone expected, at least not in the magnitude we are seeing today. There are two kinds of cell phone safety and then there is cell phone etiquette. There is practical cell phone safety, which addresses the safest ways for you to use your cell, and etiquette plays a huge part in this. The other safety concern is that there are some health risks to those who use cellular phones. We will look at each issue in turn and hopefully give people something to ponder.
Smart Phones ? Are They Really A Smart Decision
First, there was the standard land line phone system; then came the cell phone ? a convenient little portable item that everyone adopted a "must have" attitude toward. Progress didn't stop there, however. Now, we have the Smart Phone ? the answer to the on-the-go lifestyle that demands immediate access to whatever electronic needs that we happen to have, in addition to the ability to phone our family and friends for a chat whenever the whim presents itself.
Best Camera Cell Phone
Best camera cell phone - description.
Free Camera With Cell Phone
Free camera with cell phone - excellent deal.
Internet Cell Phone Deals - How to Take Advantage of Them
The internet can be a great place to buy your next cell phone. How many times have you been in the mall and were harassed by some pushy wireless telephone dealer? The internet store is a sharp contrast to this type of environment. On the internet, you can take your time, research a particular phone, and search for the best deals. In addition to this, internet dealers generally have better cell phone deals than their brick and mortar competitors. But how do you take advantage of these better deals?
Americans Catching on to Wireless Text Messaging
Once considered a teenage fad, text messaging popularity in the United States is rising dramatically. According to The Wall Street Journal, 4.7 billion text messages were sent in the USA in December, 2004 compared to 2.1 billion in December, 2003.
Phone Fraud
Please be aware of this, as I have had these calls from the switch board ? if you receive one hang up IMMEDITELY!
Built Camera Cell in Phone
Built camera in cell phone - technology is available.