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Seven Costly Mistakes Businesses Make When Buying Telephone Equipment
Companies have spent BIG dollars for the telephone equipment that some vendor wanted to sell them - not necessarily for what they wanted or needed. If you are in the market now or will be soon to update your telephone equipment this report may contain answers to the questions you need to know before you make that capital expenditure. Armed with this knowledge you might just save thousands of dollars. Paying Too Little or Too Much To start with, what should a new telephone system cost? In general, you should plan on spending somewhere between $450.00 and $850.00 per station installed. If you spend less than that, you're probably buying something that you don't want. Cheap never lasts. The pleasure of low price is often long forgotten after the pain of poor quality hangs on for many years. If the price is higher, you are probably buying something you don't need. These numbers do not include specialty add on items like caller I.D., paging or voice mail. Those would increase the price. But this should give you an idea of what you'll be spending. If you think you're going to buy an 8 phone system for under $2,000.00 don't fool yourself. If you find someone to sell it to you, I guarantee you won't be happy because you'll have bought an inexpensive, cheap problem waiting to happen. All too often the customer will say " I need 3 lines and 8 phones and the vendor is more than happy to provide a bid of just that. Some will even go to the length to fax you your proposal. Why do they work soooooo? hard? If you're in the manufacturing business or accounting business you probably know that business very well but how much can you know about telephones? It's a shame that a business is sold what they asked for when that really isn't necessarily what they need. So how do you figure out what you need? First and most simply ? How many telephones will you need? Start with a floor plan of you facility. It can be a simple sketch of the rooms. Don't have one? Some businesses have a fire escape plan, which is a good place to start, and it will serve for this purpose as well. Or you could just draw that sketch. It doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just something that shows the different rooms and the basic structure of your facility. Now mark the location of each phone you will need so you can get an accurate count of the number of telephones. Don't forget things like faxes, modems and credit card terminals. These could be noted by marking an "F" for fax, "CC" for credit card terminal or an "M" for modem. Now you know you need "X" number of telephones and "Y" number of peripheral devises (those faxes etc.). The next step is to figure out what type of telephones you want to have at each location. To be candid, there are as many different types of telephones as there are type of cars. So how do you get a handle on which type of telephones you need at each location? You need to identify what the job of the telephone is at that spot. "Some basic information on which to base your decision. " Does the phone need to show each line on it; or can you get by with one button with all the lines located under it? This depends on if you need to be able to go to a phone other than the one that was answered to see the lines and take a call off hold. Speaker telephone (this might be used by someone who would review large or several papers while on the phone to keep their hands free. Another use may be for a conference room where multiple people might need to listen or talk as a group. Does the person use the telephone a lot and need to have a one-touch button on it for other individuals in the office? If so, how many? For example, an officer of the company might need a phone with a button for his / her secretary that would enable them to see if that staff member was on the line. It would also allow for one touch access to call that individual. A receptionist would need to have buttons for all the other people so they could transfer calls with the touch of one button. This might be in the form of a console with many buttons on it, or a manager or executive secretary might need a smaller version of the console with a few extra buttons for a smaller group of personnel. Is there a phone in a break or storage room where you want a way to communicate but that won't be used a lot? This could be a less expensive type of telephone. Do you need to have a courtesy phone in a lobby or counter area for customers to use? How many telephone lines (telephone numbers) does your business need? How many outside telephone calls do you want to have going on at once? It's been proven that many businesses are over lined. If you have 10 telephone lines and really only need 9 that could be costing your company as much as an extra $400.00 a year. This is an area that you should discuss at length with a prospective telephone vendor. One time I was designing a telephone system for a doctor and she told me she wanted to have five phone lines for her new start up business. When I asked her how many people she was starting with she told me three. "How can three people answer five phone lines?" I asked. And that didn't account for anyone being with patients. I informed her that if she had too many lines no one would ever call in and say, "Doctor Smith, you know when I call in I never have any trouble getting through." People expect their call to be answered. In other words if she was over lined she would never know. She would just pay too much month after month. However, on the other hand if she didn't have enough lines, people would complain about her lines always being busy and she could simply add more lines as needed. Typically, if I were designing lines for a new business the ratio is one line for every two or three people. Ten people; five lines. Twenty people; ten lines. However, that isn't always the case. In a factory, most people will be in the shop and not need to use the phone. But in a telemarketing firm almost everyone need to have a line. You can't afford to have staff sitting around waiting to use the phone. But these are the exception, not the rule. Price vs. Cost Often a business will use the bottom line price to make the final decision. This could be a costly mistake. Let's be realistic. If price is the ultimate deciding fact, we'd all be driving cheap, unreliable, unsafe cars. But you and I know, there are a lot of fine luxury automobiles sold in this country. And there is a good reason why. We are all very aware of the massive amount of information we're bombarded with about the importance of taking care of our hearts. So if you found out you needed to get a pacemaker, would you go out looking for the cheapest one you could find? Of course not. You would want the best doctor and the best pacemaker money could buy. Your business telephone system is the heart of your business communication to YOUR customers. Don't you value them as much as you do your health? OK, almost as much. Remember your telephone is the heart of your business. There was a small city government that was looking at two different telephone systems. One was a cheap system, the other a more expensive more reliable system. Of course the reliable system was almost twice the price of the other cheaper system. When the customer asked if the vendor offering the cheaper system could offer a 5-year warranty like the more expensive system she was told that his cheaper system would probably have to be replaced in five years. So the longer warranty was out of the question. Now can you see that the higher priced system is actually less costly because it would last much longer? "Could you be missing an important part of the equation?" There is another part of the telephone equation that most equipment vendors will never even address. The network side. Let me explain. Lets say your looking at a telephone system that has 8 telephones. Earlier you heard me say you can expect your telephone equipment to cost you somewhere between $450.00 and $850.00 per station. If you have an 8-phone system that's a bottom end figure of about $3600.00 and a top end figure of about $6000.00. That's pretty much a given. Well if your business has 4 telephone lines you probably spend about $30 to $35 per line or $140.00 in reoccurring monthly charges on your telephone bill. If you have long distance bill of say $125.00 per month that's a total reoccurring monthly bill of $265.00 or $3,180.00 per year. If you think you will keep you telephone system 10 years, okay let's be conservative and say 5 years or 60 months, that means you have a network cost of $15,900.00. Don't you think that the network side of your equation at least deserves a look? Wouldn't it be a good idea to see if there is anything that can be done there to reduce some of the monthly reoccurring expense? Many vendors won't even look at this side of the equation. "Company gets sued because of their telephone system" How could it happen? Isn't it almost always true that if something could happen, wouldn't it happen at the most inopportune time? A delivery truck looses control and crashes into your building. Thankfully no one is hurt but the impact does two things. The point of impact causes your power to go off and in the excitement of the loud crash a customer in you building collapses. You pick up your telephone to dial 911 to get emergency help and guess what, your phone doesn't work. If you lose critical time this could result in a liability position for your company. You see, at your house the telephones are powered by the phone cord plugged into the jack. But on a telephone system you basically have a computer device that runs the individual telephones and without electricity your telephones won't work. Therefore, isn't it critical to have battery back-up on that system? Battery back-up is a way to keep your phones running even when you don't have electrical power. This is often an overlooked part of a telephone proposal. OK, my story is a little stretch. So let me ask a more realistic question. If your power goes off and a customer calls your business what do they hear? Nine out of ten people asked that question say; " The customer hears a busy signal." Well, that does sound like a logical answer but losing power to your telephone system is the equivalent of unplugging all you phones at home and then having some one call you. What would they hear? ? That's right unending ringing. It would appear to them your business is closed. What if they then called one of your competitors and made a purchase from them? You could lose that customer for life. Can you afford to lose even one revenue call due to a short power outage? Caution: The Trunker There is yet another area that can be hazardous to your telecommunication health. The one-man shop or trunker. There are telephone equipment sales companies that are run totally by one person. That's right, one person who sells and installs telephone systems. Some of these guys drive up in their car and operate out of the trunk, thus the term trunker. Their overhead is lower because it's just them. If you purchase a bargain telephone system from a company that is run by an individual like this, what is your service like if something happens to him. What if he goes on vacation and you need immediate attention? What if he's installing a new system for someone else and your system goes down? It's mind boggling that a business would risk their communications to purchase a telephone system from one person. Oh you might save a little on the front side, but the loss you could have down the road far out way the few pennies you kept. You need the assurance that your service needs will be met if something happens to your telephones. Comparing Apples to Oranges Once you have all your bids in, how do you decipher what is what? There are only a few things that will relate across from one system to the next. The number of phones and lines is an easy one. You need to be careful about the types of phones and what they do. The only other thing that at a glance makes comparing easy is price and we've already discussed the draw back to using that as a major factor. One suggestion is to take your proposals; cover the prices up on them and then copy them and let a vendor or two that you trust tell you what the differences are in the bill of material. A way to eliminate this problem is to hire a consultant to draw up a request for proposal. Usually for a percentage of the purchase price a set of standards can be drawn up so all the vendors are quoting apples or oranges not both. This fee can be somewhere between 5 and 10% of the awarded bid price. But this can be money well spent if it keeps you from making a costly mistake in the purchase of equipment you will have to use for years. As you can see there are many areas to examine when getting ready to purchase a telephone system for your office. Can you afford to over look any of them? As a matter of fact, you should actually go through what is called a telephone interview with a potential telephone equipment vendor. Spend time having all your questions answered so you understand exactly what it is you need and so will your prospective vendors. © Bower Income and Profit Systems MMIII All Rights Reserved. James A. Bower is the Co-Founder and President of Bower Income and Profit Systems a company dedicated to enhancing business performance in many areas through tapes books and seminars. His presentations include sales, marketing, telephone skills, motivation, goal setting and achievement, telephone equipment and voice mail design and business organization for efficiency. He is an internationally recognized instructor and is the recipient of many awards in recognition of his successful efforts in assisting businesses create a more efficient environment resulting in maximum profits. He has had the opportunity to speak for groups as a large as 5000 and can get his points across to any size audience. James has been actively addressing business issues and solving business problems for over 30 years. He is available to make presentations to company staff or for individual consultation. Contact James at 316-773-1994 or jbower1@cox.net
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Seven Costly Mistakes Businesses Make When Buying Telephone Equipment Companies have spent BIG dollars for the telephone equipment that some vendor wanted to sell them - not necessarily for what they wanted or needed. Be In When Youre Out Busy entrepreneurs cannot be at their desk twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Wouldn't it be great if you could have your calls routed to your mobile phone, or find out who has called you first without having to wade through a large amount of voice mail messages when you get back to the office? Getting the Most of Your Cell Phone Batteries Are you planning on buying a new phone in the near future? Or do you need to replace your dead cell phone battery? When it comes to cell phone batteries, it is more complex than that of buying AA batteries. There is more than one type of cell phone batteries to choose from on any given phone and also many factors to consider. For instance: cell phone batteries have different weight values, they vary in lifetime and talk time too. These choices can have a big impact on your cell phone decision, especially if you travel and need your phone available 24/7. Camera Cell Phone Picture Camera cell phone picture - recent development. What SMS Users Are Telling Telcos The recent rollout of 3G-ready mobile devices has caused a lot of excitement in the Telco industry, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This article will highlight the message that current customers are sending through their SMS messaging habits. Many consumers have been used to sending SMS for at least 2 years. Even with its humble typing of tiny keypads and source of simple news channel, SMS is a global phenomenon. Telcos must take time to study what their customers are saying. Knowing the difference between Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans Will Save You Time and Money Many people go looking for cell phones without too much emphasis being put on the cell phone plans. Many new users who sign up to the different networks have been sold to rather than choosing the best option the suits them. Research is important. Cell phones & plans can be an expensive commodity. PDA Cell Phones - the New Generation of Wireless Phones It's time you know what the latest technological gadget is. In fact, this new toy is buzzing everywhere nowadays. PDA cell phones are popping up more and more in the market place. Young or old, maybe you should be asking yourself whether this new cellular phone is something you should consider owning? Well, if you're unsure about whether a PDA cell phone is the right piece of hardware for you, don't be. Read on and find out everything you need to know about these great cell phones! Cell Phone Reviews - Reaping the Benefits Of Online Wireless Reviews There are a lot of benefits that are offered by the major cell phone carriers today that many people don't take advantage of ? simply because they're unaware of them. Among these is the opportunity to write online cell phone reviews, with the promise of some type of compensation, such as a free phone or specific accessory. While it may seem that these carriers are taking a financial loss in order to provide free equipment, it's actually a rather clever way to sell their service plans. Once the participants have received their "free prize," they're then faced with having to acquire the necessary service plan in order to use the phone. Overview of Cellular Phone Carriers How many times have you heard of people spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest cell phone only to be disappointed by the bad signal? Dropping calls is another very annoying occurrence with cell phones. You need to look very carefully into the cell phone carrier that you wish to sign up with. You will be signing a contract usually for one year so make sure it's money well spent. Indian Mobile Infrastructure - To 3G or Not To 3G To most overseas investors circa 1994, a first look at the Indian Telecommunication Policy appeared to mitigate concerns. In our naiveté, we expected this Policy to put India at least on par with China where a stifling regime governed telecommunications. A disastrous implementation however ensured India languished behind its neighbor on tele-density, cellular usage and broadband coverage. SMS 101 - Short Message Service Explained Short Message Service (SMS) is a quick and simple way to communicate short messages via mobile phones, handheld devices, and increasingly even landline telephones. Commonly known as text messages, SMSes, or even texts the practice has spread rapidly throughout the world, evident by the fact that 500 billion such messages were sent in the last year alone. The practice has its popularity due in great part to its convenience and cost effectiveness. For example, a typical text message placed in the US at USD 0.05 per message is priced at just 10 to 20% that of a voice call. Such savings have made it the most popular form of communication in many countries, and the practice is quickly gaining in popularity in the United States as well. Mobile Content: An Expression of Individuality Cell phones were created with the purpose of facilitating communication on the go. With the advancement of technology, cell phones matured into devices that are able to send text messages, surf the internet and even play games. Today, cell phones are one of the most important items an individual could own. 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Can You Anticipate The Cell Phones Of The Future? We have become a society that demands the most technologically advanced equipment, and cell phones are no exception. That's why the cellular telephone industry is changing so rapidly. Today's phones are quite impressive with many bells and whistle, but wait, the cell phones of the future are like something out of a sci fi movie. Who would have dreamed that we'd come this far in such a short time? Buying a Business Telephone System When buying a new telephone system, it's absolutely vital to go with a major name brand. Would you spend $3,000 on a new big screen TV from a company you never heard of? How about $25,000 on a new car from a no name company? Of course you wouldn't and you shouldn't risk your business on a phone system from a manufacturer you've never heard of either and here's why....... International Calling Made Simpler And Cheaper When people make international calls from their cell phones or land lines they often have to be aware of what time they are calling, and even where they are calling from. This is because international rates can skyrocket through the course of a day. Things are not much different with traditional phone companies. International phone rates are generally extremely high with major phone carriers, so many people are forced to limit the number of calls they make outside of the United States each month. How Young is Too Young? Buying Cell Phones for Kids Take a random tween, age 8-12, place them in front of a rotary phone and observe at the blank stare of bewilderment. Yes, gone are the days of the landline, pushed aside by the next wave of technological advancement. Mobile phones are fast displacing landlines in many homes; accompanying this movement is the fact kids regularly use and know how to use these cell phones. The mobility of cell phones means you can be anywhere and have the necessity, or should I say the convenience, of a phone. Built Camera Cell in Phone Built camera in cell phone - technology is available. Kids & Cell Phones Is it safety? Is it security? Or is it just cool? ![]() |
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