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SMS 101 - Short Message Service Explained
Short Message Service (SMS) is a quick and simple way to communicate short messages via mobile phones, handheld devices, and increasingly even landline telephones. Commonly known as text messages, SMSes, or even texts the practice has spread rapidly throughout the world, evident by the fact that 500 billion such messages were sent in the last year alone. The practice has its popularity due in great part to its convenience and cost effectiveness. For example, a typical text message placed in the US at USD 0.05 per message is priced at just 10 to 20% that of a voice call. Such savings have made it the most popular form of communication in many countries, and the practice is quickly gaining in popularity in the United States as well. This quick rise in American's usage of SMS is due in part to the publicity the practice received through television shows like The American Idol, where viewers 'texted' their votes in for their favorite singer. This initial exposure gave many Americans their first taste of the convenience and ease of use with SMS. Texting involves using the keypad on a telephone or other device to spell out letters and then words. Then when a message is completed the writer sends the message, much like an instant message or e-mail to the recipient. While some devices now have actual qwerty keyboards the vast majority of SMS capable devices and telephones simply use the 12 key numerical keypad (0-9 plus * and #). By pressing a certain key in quick succession different letters are made. For example, pressing the '1' key once produces the letter 'a'. Pressing it twice gives the letter 'b', while three times gives 'c'. The other numbers (2-9) work the same way while the other keys (*, 0, and #) are usually reserved for creating spaces and punctuation. While texting does require a bit of initial practice, within a few minutes users are able to quickly spell out and send short messages. Most SMS services such as those transmitted to a telephone, have a limit as to how many characters can be transmitted per message. This number can vary from service to service, however many allow for 140 or 160 characters. This limitation has caused users to develop what has become known as Txt Speak. These are a set of commonly used abbreviations and word substitutes that not only reduce the number of characters necessary for conveying a word or message, but also make SMSing or Text Messaging an even faster and more convenient process. For example, the number '4' is commonly used to replace the word 'for', and 'gr8' replaces the word 'great'. Some individuals also choose to omit spaces between words by using capital letters instead, such as 'TextingIsFun' instead of 'Texting is fun'. A relatively new phenomenon that many texting devices are now incorporating is Predictive text software. This gives your phone the technology to anticipate what word you are going to write even before you finish writing, drastically reducing the time it takes for you to text messages. For example, you may type the letters 'ste' and the software, which is built into the device, will have predicted the word 'stereo' for you. SMS is a technology whose convenience and cost effectiveness have already made it an integral part of communication in many countries. In recent years, it has been more widely publicized in the United States and as a consequence its popularity is increasing quickly. This growth is not surprising, however, due to the many benefits that Short Message Service (SMS) brings to communication. Jim Sherman writes about interesting topics such as SMS Call. Learn more at http://www.mobalex.com/products/smspage.html.
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Cellular Phones and Television What if you want to catch up on the morning TV news passing the time away on your morning train commute into the city. Stuck in line somewhere and want to find out what your favorite sport team is doing. Well, an alternative that is coming soon instead of TiVo or videotaping your favorite TV program is watching cell phone television. Cordless Phone Systems Cordless phone systems offer many features and are ideal for small businesses or businesses that are run from home. As well as increasing the portability of your phone system, they also increase office efficiency and productivity. How Successful Is 3G REALLY In The UK? How successful is 3G REALLY in the UK? I'm getting mixed messages about 3G take-up in the UK. On one hand, 3 announce that they have added 3m subscribers (http://www.guardian.co.uk/mobile/article/0,2763,1449689,00.html), and then on the other that Vodafone is thought to have attracted fewer than 200,000 customers in the UK to date (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,,1438432,00.html), and Virgin Mobile have announced that they are pulling back from a a major launch of 3G due to a sensing a lack of interest (http://www.guardian.co.uk/mobile/article/0,2763,1441419,00.html)among subscribers for the new technology. SMS 101 - Short Message Service Explained Short Message Service (SMS) is a quick and simple way to communicate short messages via mobile phones, handheld devices, and increasingly even landline telephones. Commonly known as text messages, SMSes, or even texts the practice has spread rapidly throughout the world, evident by the fact that 500 billion such messages were sent in the last year alone. The practice has its popularity due in great part to its convenience and cost effectiveness. For example, a typical text message placed in the US at USD 0.05 per message is priced at just 10 to 20% that of a voice call. Such savings have made it the most popular form of communication in many countries, and the practice is quickly gaining in popularity in the United States as well. Cell Phone Safety Cell phone safety is a topic widely debated around the world. Millions of dollars is being spent ever year to find out the dangers in using cell phones "if any" The research is to determine whether or not there is a dangerous exposure to radiofrequency energy which could result in cancer. Indian Mobile Infrastructure - To 3G or Not To 3G To most overseas investors circa 1994, a first look at the Indian Telecommunication Policy appeared to mitigate concerns. In our naiveté, we expected this Policy to put India at least on par with China where a stifling regime governed telecommunications. A disastrous implementation however ensured India languished behind its neighbor on tele-density, cellular usage and broadband coverage. Call Mexico at Rates as Amazing as the Murals It's a country that speaks through its numerous murals and is vibrantly creative and colorful in their representation of the ancient Mayan and Teotihuacán history. It's little wonder that tourism is a booming industry in Mexico. Situated at the northeast border of the US, Mexico's indigenous population comprising of the: Aztecs, Yucatan, Mayans and Chiapas, have not been too moved by the rapid pace of modernization in the US. Today contemporary literature hotshots like Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and Octavio Paz continue to rekindle the Mexican tradition. Camera Cell Phone Sprint Camera cell phone by Sprint ? offer with a service plan. The Teen Cellular Phone Market is Growing in Leaps and Bounds Everywhere you turn around, you see someone talking on a cell phone. This latest technological shift in the way we converse with each other has not been lost on teenagers. In fact, experts would agree, that teens are the fastest growing demographic in the cellular phone market. Satellite Phones: Essential for the Marine Industry With more offshore fishing boats taking customers further out into the deep blue ocean in search of Billfish, Tunas and others, satellite phones are quickly becoming an essential for all offshore fishing and boating enthusiasts. PDA Cell Phones - the New Generation of Wireless Phones It's time you know what the latest technological gadget is. In fact, this new toy is buzzing everywhere nowadays. PDA cell phones are popping up more and more in the market place. Young or old, maybe you should be asking yourself whether this new cellular phone is something you should consider owning? Well, if you're unsure about whether a PDA cell phone is the right piece of hardware for you, don't be. Read on and find out everything you need to know about these great cell phones! The 5 Best Cell Phones on the Market There are literally hundreds of cell phones out there made by dozens of manufacturers. It is hard to determine which are the best of the group - or at least, which is best for you. The decision is a difficult one, and we hope the information below will help you make a wise choice. The five cell phones listed below are truely the best of the best in terms of quality design, dependability, and overall user satisfaction. Although there are a lot of great cell phones out there, we are sure that these are some of the very best. Cell Phones Accessories - Get More... Accessories can complete an outfit, dress up something like a purse, a coat or shoes. Accessories can also add to the performance of something like a cell phone. Cell phones have almost as many accessories as Barbie does. Some accessories are practical, some are ornamental and some are just available. Security of GSM System Introduction Small Business Phone Systems ? A Brief Explanation How a business presents itself to its customers has to be the single most important factor in its potential success. In days gone by usually your first contact with new customers would have been through your storefront or through word of mouth, passed on by other satisfied customers. In today's modern world, telecommunication plays an ever increasing role in reaching potential new customers. Camera Cell Phones - Say It With Pictures! Camera cell phones are sweeping the nation! In fact, long gone are the days when a telephone is used for the sole purpose of speaking to another person. Cell phone cameras are all the rage and you'll soon understand why! These days, people are using phones for all sorts of things! It is without a doubt, one of the greatest inventions that we're able to enjoy today. We use it as a form of communication. We're able to speak with our loved ones and stay connected on a daily basis. We use it every day to conduct business on a local, national, and international scale. It is so quick and easy to use ? it's no wonder why people depend on their cell phones every day! Buying a Business Telephone System When buying a new telephone system, it's absolutely vital to go with a major name brand. Would you spend $3,000 on a new big screen TV from a company you never heard of? How about $25,000 on a new car from a no name company? Of course you wouldn't and you shouldn't risk your business on a phone system from a manufacturer you've never heard of either and here's why....... Cell Phones Can Damage Your Eyes A recent scientific study identified a link between microwave radiation of the kind emitted by cellular phones and two different kinds of damage to the eye. At least one type of damage apparently never heals. Cellular Phone Contract Tips Choosing a cellular phone contract and choosing a cell phone for you can be very challenging. Choosing a cell phone that's right for you depends on your personal preferences and your needs. Cell Phones Revealed The cellphone is truly a marvelous invention. It has had such a major in pact on how our world has come to be today. As our world became more sophisticated so did our cell phones. Like any piece of technology, cell phones also seem to evolve at some sort of alien rate. ![]() |
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