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Cell Phones Can Damage Your Eyes
A recent scientific study identified a link between microwave radiation of the kind emitted by cellular phones and two different kinds of damage to the eye. At least one type of damage apparently never heals. When the eyeis exposed for a prolonged time to microwave radiation, thereis large-scale damage to the optical quality of the lens. But there seemed to be a maximum level to this kind of damage, and when the exposure stops, the damage begins to heal. However, at the same time, a different kind of damage occurs at the microscopic level. Tiny "bubbles" appear on the surface of the lens. This kind of damage reaches no maximum level, but instead accumulates progressively, and it did not heal even after the experiment stopped. It was theorized that the bubbles were caused by friction between cellsthat were exposed to the radiation. Bioelectromagnetics July 2005; 26(5):398-405IsraCast July 27, 2005 Dr. Mercola's Comment: Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cell phones is a topic that provokes a good deal of controversy. Many experts believe that the radiation is too low-level to cause harm. However, they often base this on an examination of thermal or heat-related effects. The danger from cell phones is far more likely to originate in the low-intensity pulsed microwave radiation that the phones emit. There is a growing body of evidence that long-term exposure to this kind of cell phone radiation can indeed be a danger. As well as these studies showing they can affect the sensitive cells of your eyes, there has been research indicating that it can cause:
Fortunately, the danger decreases exponentially the farther the cell phone is from your body. If you have a cell phone, I strongly recommend you use a headset, and keep the phone itself well away from your body. Although that reduces the radiation risk considerably, some emissions can still travel up the headset wire and into the head. Probably the best solution is to get a cell phone with a good speaker phone and always use it. Keeping the phone as far away from your body is the ideal solution. For many of you this is simply not very practical, so I recommend attaching the newair cell phone headsets that we have just introduced. If you use a cell phone without the speaker phone feature, then this is simply a must. There is no excuse to not use this technology, which virtually eliminates all the dangers of using a cell phone. There are also, of course, more commonplace dangers to using cell phones. If you use one while driving your car, you increase your chance of having an accident by up to 400 percent. Worldwide, auto accidents account for 23 percentof all deaths from injury, which comes to over1 million deaths each year. At the same time, cancer, another deadly cell phone risk, has surpassed heart disease in America as the leading cause of death for those under 85. Itkills over 1,500 people every day in the United Statesalone. Every year, more and more people are switching to cell phones. Many are now using cell phones as their only phone, especially among younger people, who could be exposing themselves to EMF radiation and other risks over a period of decades. Please avoid having yourself become a statistic. If you use a cell phone at all, wear a headset with a ferrite bead, don't use the cell phone in the car, and in general try to minimize your cell phone use. Related Articles: Electromagnetic Fields and Cell PhonesAre Cell Phones Safe For Your Children?"If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licensed" Dr. Mercola is the founder of Mercola.com, one of the world's most visited and trusted health websites, and publisher of the free Mercola.com e-newsletter -- the #1 dietary health and wellness newsletter on the Web with over 500,000 subscribers. Dr. Mercola, a physician for over two decades, is also a New York Times bestselling author whose latest book, "Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program," presents his entire renowned dietary health program and has sold over 150,000 copies. He is routinely interviewed by the media for his expert insights, including CNN and ABC World News Tonight. His passion is to change the fatally flawed conventional medical system to one focused on real prevention and cure.
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Your Next Virus Is Just A Phone Call Away UK Top 40 Singles: Should It Include Ringtones As Well? I noticed two interesting stories today. The first one on the BBC stated that from Sunday the UK singles chart will include online downloads for the first time, which will have a major impact on the top 10. In the first three months of 2005, 4.5 million songs were downloaded legally in the UK - compared with 5.8 million bought over the counter, and also because downloaders tend to be mature males not teenage girls. PDA Cell Phones - the New Generation of Wireless Phones It's time you know what the latest technological gadget is. In fact, this new toy is buzzing everywhere nowadays. PDA cell phones are popping up more and more in the market place. Young or old, maybe you should be asking yourself whether this new cellular phone is something you should consider owning? Well, if you're unsure about whether a PDA cell phone is the right piece of hardware for you, don't be. Read on and find out everything you need to know about these great cell phones! Cellular Phone Contract Tips Choosing a cellular phone contract and choosing a cell phone for you can be very challenging. Choosing a cell phone that's right for you depends on your personal preferences and your needs. Take Care of Your Cell Phone Battery. Your Life May Depend on It You probably don't even think about it but do you know that your cell phone battery is the most important part of your wireless phone. Without the cellular phone battery, the cell phone does not work. We have put together a list care and information tips for our cell phone clients. Cell Phone Safety - Am I Really At Risk It's a sad commentary on the way of the world today, when you stop to think about the fact that people will go out of their way to avoid radiation exposure ? such as in the case of x-ray technicians who shield themselves within a protective booth or by donning lead aprons ? and, yet, those same people will walk around, day after day, with a cell phone attached to their ears without concern. Cell phones, cellular phones, mobile phones, wireless phones...call them what you will ? without proper precautions, they can still pose a significant threat to those who use them. The Convenience Of Prepaid Wireless Service And Phone Cards Prepaid wireless service and phone cards are a convenient, reliable way to make prepaid local, long distance and international calls. In the old days it was very expensive and almost prohibitive to make a call overseas, especially to countries like Germany, France, Russia or Taiwan; never mind just to the next state. Camera Cell Phone Picture Camera cell phone picture - recent development. The Cell Phone Store Effectively everybody wants the hottest and best cheap cell phones nextel, cheap cell phones in canada, cheap cell phones only when they are shown on TV. Also, there are various means of personalizing the phone to suit everybody. We grant you with a immense choice of mobile phones and accessories on the market at the moment to mind of all your cell phone requirements. The telephone is a personal phone which obtains or broadcasts messages through a Communications network. Cell Phone Accessories - A Guide To Wireless Phone Accessories Cell phone accessories are a big business on the commodities' market today, and most folks have invested in at least one of the many options that are available for outfitting these handy little communications devices. From the practical to the bold-enough-to-make-a-statement, cell phone users of all walks of life can find just what they're looking for in order to personalize their equipment. Internet Cell Phone Deals - How to Take Advantage of Them The internet can be a great place to buy your next cell phone. How many times have you been in the mall and were harassed by some pushy wireless telephone dealer? The internet store is a sharp contrast to this type of environment. On the internet, you can take your time, research a particular phone, and search for the best deals. In addition to this, internet dealers generally have better cell phone deals than their brick and mortar competitors. But how do you take advantage of these better deals? We Have Compiled a List of Wireless Cell Phones General Cautions and Warnings For the most part, wireless cell phones are safe. And who could deny the convenience and freedom they have bought to our lives. Wireless cell phones bring our family and friends closer and allows us to do transact business more conveniently than ever. But, take note as we compiled a list of general cautions that you should be aware of. Call Mexico at Rates as Amazing as the Murals It's a country that speaks through its numerous murals and is vibrantly creative and colorful in their representation of the ancient Mayan and Teotihuacán history. It's little wonder that tourism is a booming industry in Mexico. Situated at the northeast border of the US, Mexico's indigenous population comprising of the: Aztecs, Yucatan, Mayans and Chiapas, have not been too moved by the rapid pace of modernization in the US. Today contemporary literature hotshots like Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and Octavio Paz continue to rekindle the Mexican tradition. Cell Phones Safety - Are They a Risk ? Cell phones are everywhere and I believe they are here to stay. With the advent of cellular phones for public use came a whole host of issues that I don't think anyone expected, at least not in the magnitude we are seeing today. There are two kinds of cell phone safety and then there is cell phone etiquette. There is practical cell phone safety, which addresses the safest ways for you to use your cell, and etiquette plays a huge part in this. The other safety concern is that there are some health risks to those who use cellular phones. We will look at each issue in turn and hopefully give people something to ponder. Cellular Phones and Television What if you want to catch up on the morning TV news passing the time away on your morning train commute into the city. Stuck in line somewhere and want to find out what your favorite sport team is doing. Well, an alternative that is coming soon instead of TiVo or videotaping your favorite TV program is watching cell phone television. Mobile Commerce: An Expectation for the Mobile Users In Pakistan Mobile commerce is electronic commerce over wireless devices. Mobile commerce refers to transactions using a wireless device and data connection that result in the transfer of value in exchange for information, services, or goods. Mobile commerce, facilitated generally by mobile phones, includes services such as banking, payment, and ticketing. Analysts say that close to 50% of all e-commerce will be mobile and the projections are staggering. Teens And Cell Phones Let the battle begin, should teens have cell phones? Well you will be pleased to know that over 94% of parents agree that cellular phones are good for teens and that's according to a survey conducted by AT&T with parents and teens in LA and New York. Most teens have their very first cell phones by the age of 15 and in many cases 13. Like with all mod cons teenagers want them but they should be used in a practical manner. Camera Cell Digital Phone Camera cell digital phone - description. Cheap Long Distance or is It Really? The Search Continues... Each month, there are countless Americans who are faced with phone bills that they simply cannot afford. In many cases, they are paying fees that they were never made aware of. Many are being charged far too much for long distance calls, as well. This is especially true for Americans who make international calls on a regular basis. Mobile Phone Unlocking In the world today, you will but a phone, and it will be locked to one single network. This is because the network providers lock the phones to only accept their SIM cards, so you don't change network. Well, what if you wanted to change network? There is a simple solution. Unlock your phone! ![]() |
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