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Cell Phone Accessories - A Guide To Wireless Phone Accessories
Cell phone accessories are a big business on the commodities' market today, and most folks have invested in at least one of the many options that are available for outfitting these handy little communications devices. From the practical to the bold-enough-to-make-a-statement, cell phone users of all walks of life can find just what they're looking for in order to personalize their equipment. Car Chargers Whether you're on a road trip for vacation or find it necessary to do a great deal of on-the-job traveling, there may be times when it isn't convenient ? or possible ? to find a place to stop in order to recharge your mobile phone battery when it runs low. For those who need something that's adaptable to life on the road, cell phone chargers are available which allow you to plug your cellular phone in to the cigarette lighter, making it possible to charge the device directly from your car's battery. Hands-Free Sets With the focus on safety, many states are considering a variety of laws that will abolish the use of cell phones while driving. One practical suggestion would be to invest in a hands-free set ? also known as a wireless headset ? that will allow you to continue driving without having to forego the conversations that may become necessary while you're driving. They're safe, convenient and ? since some cellular phones respond to voice activation ? round out the package to make the driving experience as safe as possible. Faceplates (Cell Phone Covers) For those who take their cell phone experience a bit more personally, a myriad of faceplates are available to spice up the look with a design or color that reflects your personal tastes or interests. Bold, bright colors, patterns, specialized logos ? you name it; they can be found to fit your particular brand of cellular phone and are easily interchangeable with other cell phone faceplates, if you prefer a new look every now and then. Cases Without a case, it can be pretty inconvenient to store your cell phone when you've finished using it and are away from home. Women often toss them into a purse, but this is problematic, as well, since the buttons are sometimes activated when an item inside makes contact with it ? even when the buttons are locked, it isn't difficult to unlock them when something inside of a purse rubs against the device. Cell phone cases typically have a clip on the back that will allow you to attach them to a purse, belt or pocket, making it much easier and more convenient to keep track of the device when it's not in use. Belt Clips/Holsters (Cell Phone Holders) As an alternative to the cell phone case, which completely covers the device, belt clips and holsters allow you to attach the unit to your belt, purse or pocket while keeping the bulk of the phone uncovered. Just a simple click on or off, and you can make a call when you need to and clip it back into place without a lot of fuss. The added perk to this type of accessory is that you don't have to struggle with a plastic covering that can hinder your ability to quickly place or answer calls when necessary. Antennas If you find that your cell phone reception is lacking, due to the area in which you live or travel frequently, then you might be in need of an attachable cell phone antenna. There are many options available, offering different levels of power, complete with internal or external boosters, as well as a wide variety of styles and prices to fit every budget. These are typically quite easy to attach and often have a very modest price tag, making them great gift ideas for those times when you just don't know what to give for a gift-giving holiday or other special occasion. Phone Straps Another way to spruce up your cellular phone is to attach a colorful strap. These are available in various styles, such as beaded, with cartoon character figureheads, with holiday figures or other specialized baubles that make your cell phone experience a bit more fun. For the youngsters, there are lots of fun characters from which to choose, as well as bright neon shades which can help kids to identify their phones and make a sassy presentation when they don them at home, school or during those times when they're just on the run. Radiation Shields Since the threat of radiation exposure through the use of mobile phones has sparked a number of studies by medical researchers, who have shown evidence that the radiation contamination is so significant that it can penetrate 1 ½" into the brain when the cell phone is held to the ear, then a radiation shield is a great asset, indeed. Easy to attach and effective enough to virtually eliminate the exposure to this deadly element, radiation shields are available in a variety of styles and prices, and may be purchased through cell phone carriers or online. Designer Keypads There's no better way to jazz up a cell phone than through the addition of a designer keypad. Kids especially love the bright colors and flashing buttons that can be found ? some of which even come in packs of interchangeable keypads, allowing them to change their look whenever they get the urge to do so. No matter what your tastes are, you'll definitely find something that you like when you go keypad shopping for your cell phone! Personalize Your Cell Phone Will all of the options to personalize your cell phones these days, they can be used as an expression of your very self, or just to spice things up a bit so that you'll be able to locate your phone at a glance. Just as the first land lines ? which were nothing but black boxes that offered nothing in the way of mobility ? have evolved through the years, so have mobile phones. With the choices that today's market has to offer, there's no need to walk around with a dull, black hand-held unit that reflects nothing about who you are. Instead, you can use your cell phone as an extension of your interests, hobbies and personality ? for a very reasonable price. About the Author Samantha Goode is a freelance technology writer who loves to provide tips to consumers shopping for cell phone batteries, wireless headsets and cellular accessories.
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Do Cellular Phones Pose Health Risks? You hear it in the media on a slow news day. Do cellular phones pose health risks? The available scientific reports do not show that any health problems are associated with the use of wireless phones. On the other hand, however, there is no proof that cellular phones are absolutely safe. Wireless phones emit small levels of radiofrequency energy (RF) in the microwave range when being used. As well, cell phones also emit small levels of RF when in the main menu screen. Spider-man 3 on Your Cellphone Anyone? The titanic developments in new technology have radically changed the way we watch TV and movies at home. Gone are the days when the TV set was a box in the corner with a 20in screen and a tinny speaker. Now most of us prefer to watch movies and sports casts on a widescreen that's at least 28in from corner to corner. The Different Cell Phone Accessories Available Where do I start? Cell phone Etiquette. The Do?s and Don?ts With more and more people buying cell phones, it becomes more significant to know how to use your cell phone without looking obnoxious. Cell phones play an important role in our lives, but cell phone rage, like road rage, air rage and general rage is rising. Here are some tips for cell phone etiquette. Cell Phones Safety - Are They a Risk ? Cell phones are everywhere and I believe they are here to stay. With the advent of cellular phones for public use came a whole host of issues that I don't think anyone expected, at least not in the magnitude we are seeing today. There are two kinds of cell phone safety and then there is cell phone etiquette. There is practical cell phone safety, which addresses the safest ways for you to use your cell, and etiquette plays a huge part in this. The other safety concern is that there are some health risks to those who use cellular phones. We will look at each issue in turn and hopefully give people something to ponder. Cellular Phones and Television What if you want to catch up on the morning TV news passing the time away on your morning train commute into the city. Stuck in line somewhere and want to find out what your favorite sport team is doing. Well, an alternative that is coming soon instead of TiVo or videotaping your favorite TV program is watching cell phone television. Location Sensitivity - Cell Phone GPS This is basically a system to locate the handheld when making a call to 911. In the mid to late 1990's, many people got cell phones just for the emergency use of being able to call for help almost anywhere. The problem came up when statistics showed that almost 92% of all serious 911 calls, (where the person was just barely able to make the call), they either didn't know where they were or was unable to tell the 911 operator where they were, or they might not have been able to talk at all. This caused a big concern, 911 operators couldn't do anything but listen to the person on their cell phone as they pass away. The Location Sensitivity system still doesn't work if you are in an area that only has an analog signal. (Which is the older cellular system of the mid 1990's and earlier). Most metropolitan areas and all interstate freeways are covered by the newer digital service. It's just when you get out in the middle of no-where, you might end up with an analog signal. Most phones will display the letter "A" in the top right or left corner when using this system. Check your phone documentation, some phones don't even have this capability. Which means if you get into one of these areas, you can't make any type of call what-so-ever. Sorting Through Your Cellular Phone Options Some people purchase a cellular phone for emergency use only, but others use their cellular phone on a daily basis as a replacement for their land-line home phone. With the number of options available for your cellular phone, finding the right phone for your needs can be confusing. However, there are a few basic points to remember that can help you make a more informed purchasing decision. UK Top 40 Singles: Should It Include Ringtones As Well? I noticed two interesting stories today. The first one on the BBC stated that from Sunday the UK singles chart will include online downloads for the first time, which will have a major impact on the top 10. In the first three months of 2005, 4.5 million songs were downloaded legally in the UK - compared with 5.8 million bought over the counter, and also because downloaders tend to be mature males not teenage girls. What is SMS? What is SMS? Satellite Phones: Essential for the Marine Industry With more offshore fishing boats taking customers further out into the deep blue ocean in search of Billfish, Tunas and others, satellite phones are quickly becoming an essential for all offshore fishing and boating enthusiasts. Cheap Long Distance or is It Really? The Search Continues... Each month, there are countless Americans who are faced with phone bills that they simply cannot afford. In many cases, they are paying fees that they were never made aware of. Many are being charged far too much for long distance calls, as well. This is especially true for Americans who make international calls on a regular basis. Best Cell Phones - Cell Phone Shopping 101 Before the advent of cell phones, communications may not have been as convenient, but life was definitely less complex. Since their introduction into society, the design, features and package plans have evolved to the degree that we now have to do research on cost comparisons and option customization, as well as peruse technical manuals in order to learn how to operate these gizmos before we can ever hit that "send" button. Simply put, we need to find the best cell phone for meeting our needs, and it's going to take a good deal of time to do so...or maybe not. Cell Phones Endanger Children If your child uses a cell phone, take note. A recent news report has prompted renewed concerns about the safety of cell phone use, especially by children. Prepaid Wireless: Is It Right For You? Just about every leading mobile phone provider now offers some sort of prepaid calling plan in order to fit their customers' budgets. But is is right for you? Camera Cell Digital Phone Camera cell digital phone - description. Makes Cell Phones Ring at Airports International Terrorist and insurgents to detonate bombs to kill innocent people have used cellular phones. These devices could be used as partial components of weapons or in plots for aircraft suicide bombing missions as well. I propose a device in airport terminals, which will send out a harmonic test using directed sound as the carrier of the cell phone passes by. When the person says "hello, hello, hello" their voices are recorded against the NSA database of voices on their "watch list." Additionally I propose that all bags on the conveyer belts also have a choke point, which is bomb resistant with a harmonic signal sent attempting to contact the phone. If a suicide bomber is on the plane and leaves his cell phone connected to a bomb underneath he could use this to detonate the bomb on the plane he is on, but if it goes thru a pre-detonation device system on the conveyor belt it will be eliminate and a disaster prevented. Cell Phone Abuse: Are You A Victim? Like millions of others, you may be the victim of cell phone abuse. What is cell phone abuse? Let's say you're in a public place trying to concentrate on something or having a face-to-face conversation or just enjoying a peaceful moment when a stranger 5-10 feet away starts talking on his or her cell phone. If, as a result, your concentration is broken or your conversation is interrupted or your peaceful moment ruined or you are otherwise disturbed, then consider yourself the victim of cell phone abuse. Call Mexico at Rates as Amazing as the Murals It's a country that speaks through its numerous murals and is vibrantly creative and colorful in their representation of the ancient Mayan and Teotihuacán history. It's little wonder that tourism is a booming industry in Mexico. Situated at the northeast border of the US, Mexico's indigenous population comprising of the: Aztecs, Yucatan, Mayans and Chiapas, have not been too moved by the rapid pace of modernization in the US. Today contemporary literature hotshots like Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and Octavio Paz continue to rekindle the Mexican tradition. Hurricane Katrina Aftermath; Time to Launch Balloon Cell Towers One of the most critical infrastructures for restoring order to a catastrophic disaster is that of communication. Communication is necessary for those in need to call in their needs and to alert authorities of growing problems. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there is no cell phone use and those who have cell phones cannot use them because the towers are down, the power to the towers are down and by now anyone with a cell phone has dead batteries with no way to recharge them. Most cars are submerged and/or were submerged and you cannot start them or use the batteries to charge thru the cigarette lighter adapters. ![]() |
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