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Cell Phones Endanger Children
If your child uses a cell phone, take note. A recent news report has prompted renewed concerns about the safety of cell phone use, especially by children. In January, 2005, The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), an independent research organization in the UK, announced that they are now advising parents not to let children under the age of eight use cell phones. Evidence of the potentially harmful effects of cell phone use, the NRPB explained, has become more persuasive over the past five years. The NRPB's parental warning is based on four recent studies, conducted in Europe, indicating that the potential hazards of cell phone use have been underestimated: MALIGNANT AND NON-MALIGNANT TUMORS While the tumors linked to cell phone use in the Swedish study were benign, other scientists suggest that the reality could be worse. They are concerned that prolonged contact with the radio waves emitted by cell phones could actually cause malignant tumors. "Studies show there has been a 40 per cent across-the-board increase in the number of brain tumors in the past 20 years," explains Senator Lyn Allison of Australia, where brain tumor is now the leading cause of death in children under 15. Senator Allison, who spent a year listening to scientists to find out what the risks are, points out, "That 20 years has coincided with the use of mobile phone and many other radio frequencies." In the U.S., Dr. George Carlo, a leading epidemiologist, was hired by the cell phone industry in 1993 to prove that cell phones are safe. After 6 years of revealing research, however, he found compelling evidence that cell phone use is NOT safe. Following his conscience, Dr. Carlo became a whistleblower. "One by one, alarming signs appeared in Dr. Carlo's research: that cell phones interfere with pacemakers, that developing skulls of children are penetrated deeply by the energy emitted from a cell phone, that the blood brain barrier which prevents invasion of the brain from toxins can be compromised by the cell phone radiation and, most startling, that radio frequency radiation creates micronuclei in human blood cells, a type of genetic damage known to be a diagnostic marker for cancer." ~ from Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age by Dr. George Carlo and Martin Schram Dr. Carlo proved, and shared in his book, that there is a significant risk of brain tumors for those who use cell phones. In many cases doctors who perform surgery on brain tumors and lesions can tell on which side of the head the patient holds his or her cell phone. Children are more susceptible to cell damage because the tissues in their brains and bodies are still growing and their cells are rapidly dividing. Damage to the genetic material in growing cells can lead to disruption of cellular function, cell death, the development of tumors, and damage to the immune and nervous systems. But it is not only long term use of cell phones that deserves concern; short-term use has also shown to have immediate adverse effects... IMPAIRED LEARNING ABILITY Scientists at the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella have discovered that a two-minute cell phone call can alter the electrical activity of a child's brain for up to an hour afterwards. This finding has raised fears among doctors that disturbed brain activity in children could lead to psychiatric and behavioral problems and impair learning ability. As Dr. Gerald Hyland, a government adviser in the UK said, "The results of the Spanish study show that children's brains are affected for long periods even after very short-term use.... This could affect their mood and ability to learn in the classroom if they have been using a phone during break time, for instance. We don't know all the answers yet, but the alteration in brain waves could lead to things like a lack of concentration, memory loss, inability to learn and aggressive behaviour." The implications are serious; even a slight impairment in learning ability, sustained over years of education, is likely to significantly impact a child's future potential and achievement. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN The reports mentioned here are only the more recent of many years of studies indicating the serious potential health hazards of cell phone use. Numerous clinical studies reveal links between cell phone use and brain tumors, genetic damage, fatigue, asthma, heart disease, depression, impaired learning ability, and cancer. Yet parents are pampering children as young as age four with cell phones. In the U.S., 40 percent of children between the ages of four and eighteen use some kind of wireless device (such as a cell phone, PDA, pocket PC, or pager), and one in three U.S. teenagers uses a cell phone. It's predicted that by the year 2006 there will be over 2 billion cell phone users in the world... and that 500 million of them will be children. The dangers of EMF exposure from cell phones and other wireless/electronic devices are very real, yet the government and the cellular industry have been very slow to admit these dangers exist. Given the reluctance of the industry to acknowledge the implications of this research and to initiate improved safety standards, concerned parents are wise to take matters into their own hands. Fortunately, you don't have to confiscate your child's cell phone. Increasing public awareness of the dangers of cell phone use has spawned a new EMF protection industry. Concerned scientists and experts in the fields of biophysics, bioenergetics, and material science have been developing new technologies and products for the end consumer. Backed by independent clinical testing, these simple high-tech devices offer real protection from these modern-age perils. For most people, cell phones have become an essential part of daily living. They offer convenience, business and social connectivity, and a lifeline in case of emergencies. While health risks related to its use are a growing issue, with proper education and tools you can ensure safety for yourself and your family. And with that comes peace of mind. © copyright 2005 Taraka Serrano Taraka Serrano is a health advocate associated with BIOPRO Technology, a company that provides electromagnetic field (EMF) protection solutions. This article is part of the 'Protect the Children' Public Awareness Campaign being conducted by BIOPRO. For more information about the health dangers of EMF exposure and to find out how you can protect yourself and your family, visit EMF-Health.com.
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Cell Phone Dos and Donts For Teens! There are certain things people just shouldn't do with cell phones! Like talking in the grocery store line while trying to pay for your groceries, talking in church (like nobody will notice!), talking while driving and eating and talking to the people in the car or talking in the middle of class! Why Mobile SMS/Text Messaging? What is Mobile SMS/ Test Messaging? Camera Phones - Are They The Real Deal? It's no surprise If you've become interested in the new camera phones being advertised by cellular service providers on television. They have quickly become one of the fastest selling technologies in U.S. history and are well on their way to becoming one of the must have cellular phone accessories. Almost 6 million cellular phone users within the United States now have camera phones. Surprisingly this number is extremely low when compared to Japan where the camera cellular phone has become a trademark in almost all of the cellular phones. Don't be alarmed though, camera cell phones are here to stay in the United States and with the cellular phone providers making it easier and cheaper to mass produce them an estimated 50 to 90 percent of U.S. cell-phones will contain built-in cameras by 2007, according to market research. Americans Catching on to Wireless Text Messaging Once considered a teenage fad, text messaging popularity in the United States is rising dramatically. According to The Wall Street Journal, 4.7 billion text messages were sent in the USA in December, 2004 compared to 2.1 billion in December, 2003. Cell Phones Safety - Are They a Risk ? Cell phones are everywhere and I believe they are here to stay. With the advent of cellular phones for public use came a whole host of issues that I don't think anyone expected, at least not in the magnitude we are seeing today. There are two kinds of cell phone safety and then there is cell phone etiquette. There is practical cell phone safety, which addresses the safest ways for you to use your cell, and etiquette plays a huge part in this. The other safety concern is that there are some health risks to those who use cellular phones. We will look at each issue in turn and hopefully give people something to ponder. Cell Phone Abuse: Are You A Victim? Like millions of others, you may be the victim of cell phone abuse. What is cell phone abuse? Let's say you're in a public place trying to concentrate on something or having a face-to-face conversation or just enjoying a peaceful moment when a stranger 5-10 feet away starts talking on his or her cell phone. If, as a result, your concentration is broken or your conversation is interrupted or your peaceful moment ruined or you are otherwise disturbed, then consider yourself the victim of cell phone abuse. Camera Cell Phones - Say It With Pictures! Camera cell phones are sweeping the nation! In fact, long gone are the days when a telephone is used for the sole purpose of speaking to another person. Cell phone cameras are all the rage and you'll soon understand why! These days, people are using phones for all sorts of things! It is without a doubt, one of the greatest inventions that we're able to enjoy today. We use it as a form of communication. We're able to speak with our loved ones and stay connected on a daily basis. We use it every day to conduct business on a local, national, and international scale. It is so quick and easy to use ? it's no wonder why people depend on their cell phones every day! Overview of Cellular Phone Carriers How many times have you heard of people spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest cell phone only to be disappointed by the bad signal? Dropping calls is another very annoying occurrence with cell phones. You need to look very carefully into the cell phone carrier that you wish to sign up with. You will be signing a contract usually for one year so make sure it's money well spent. Small Business Phone Systems ? A Brief Explanation How a business presents itself to its customers has to be the single most important factor in its potential success. In days gone by usually your first contact with new customers would have been through your storefront or through word of mouth, passed on by other satisfied customers. In today's modern world, telecommunication plays an ever increasing role in reaching potential new customers. Telephone Tips, Techniques and Etiquette Whether using the telephone for business or personal use, using this communication tool effectively means being timely, communicating clearly and having the other person's interest in mind. Billing Woes For Telcos The rapid rise in the telecom industry over the last few years has been an event cheered by many. Today, Indian market is the second largest growing market in the world. And considering the vastly increasing population coupled with increasing economic prosperity, the telecom companies have nothing to fret about. Yet, there are certain chains that are shackling the growth in the telecom. While many companies have paid due emphasis to coverage technology, installing expensive equipment all across for better coverage, they are yet to pay proper attention to their back-end, mostly importantly the billing systems. What SMS Users Are Telling Telcos The recent rollout of 3G-ready mobile devices has caused a lot of excitement in the Telco industry, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This article will highlight the message that current customers are sending through their SMS messaging habits. Many consumers have been used to sending SMS for at least 2 years. Even with its humble typing of tiny keypads and source of simple news channel, SMS is a global phenomenon. Telcos must take time to study what their customers are saying. Getting the Most of Your Cell Phone Batteries Are you planning on buying a new phone in the near future? Or do you need to replace your dead cell phone battery? When it comes to cell phone batteries, it is more complex than that of buying AA batteries. There is more than one type of cell phone batteries to choose from on any given phone and also many factors to consider. For instance: cell phone batteries have different weight values, they vary in lifetime and talk time too. These choices can have a big impact on your cell phone decision, especially if you travel and need your phone available 24/7. How Reliable are Cell Phones Cellular phones and pagers are part of the "now" generation, instant contact, anywhere at any time. People are looking for convenience, comfort and security. The question is how instantaneous and reliable is the contact? What Are Smart Phones And Do You Need One? Smart phones are a combination of a cell phone and PDA functions all in one device and are much bigger and notably more expensive than regular handsets, generally costing in the neighborhood of $600. However, one won't need to carry around two separate units. Frequency Pollution; Is it real? Today we are finding since the beginning of radio and Tesla's work in alternating current that these increased man made waves do affect the brain. The Wireless revolution is upon us and those of us who are sensitive to frequencies bands will find it difficult to have quality of life in those areas where lots of wireless activity is. A study by three Dutch government ministries found that radio signals for the next generation of mobile phone services can cause headaches and nausea. We have already found this out, there may be a way that this can be accounted for and corrected by use of intermittent ELF to help the body super charge the immune system. Camera Cell Phone Video Camera cell phone video - description. Selecting a Cell Phone More Than Just a Phone Mobile Devices Security As this security solution is not such a great idea, other companies have researched, and finally found a new way to prevent cell phones and PDAs theft. This method permits to remotely disable up to four different tasks of a stolen cell phone or PDA, rendering it inoperable. But at the same time data contained in the device are locked. The beauty of this option is that the unit is not damaged in any way - full functionality and data can be easily restored if the device is recovered. Thus, the device is useless to the thief, but it can be reactivated and restored if it is recovered and returned to its rightful owner. Lets Talk In the eyes of a teenage girl cellular phones are the best invention since boys. My daughter has had a cell phone for awhile now but it wasy a prepaid one. That was getting too costly considering she ran through minutes at an astounding rate. The day she received her unlimited flip phone she was estatic. I don't think she would have been any happier if she had been presented with a brand new car. ![]() |
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