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Location Sensitivity - Cell Phone GPS
This is basically a system to locate the handheld when making a call to 911. In the mid to late 1990's, many people got cell phones just for the emergency use of being able to call for help almost anywhere. The problem came up when statistics showed that almost 92% of all serious 911 calls, (where the person was just barely able to make the call), they either didn't know where they were or was unable to tell the 911 operator where they were, or they might not have been able to talk at all. This caused a big concern, 911 operators couldn't do anything but listen to the person on their cell phone as they pass away. The Location Sensitivity system still doesn't work if you are in an area that only has an analog signal. (Which is the older cellular system of the mid 1990's and earlier). Most metropolitan areas and all interstate freeways are covered by the newer digital service. It's just when you get out in the middle of no-where, you might end up with an analog signal. Most phones will display the letter "A" in the top right or left corner when using this system. Check your phone documentation, some phones don't even have this capability. Which means if you get into one of these areas, you can't make any type of call what-so-ever. Soon, the Location Sensitivity feature will probably be offered by the cellular companies as part of their pricing plan. Some carriers like Nextel are already taking advantage of this new technology by giving customers a GPS location service along with their calling plan. If you don't have this option with your carrier, and you have a Smartphone you can always purchase one of the SD slot GPS units that works with mapping software. The program I've really enjoyed is Mapopolis, which works great with most of the popular GPS hardware available. And most even have a voice activation that will tell you where to turn, which is directed through the speaker phone portion of the Smartphones. The ability to have GPS information and mapping on your handheld will be a great plus while traveling. Back to the Location Sensitivity. I'm just wondering how much the cellular companies are going to charge for such a GPS type service!? I'm sure they're all working hard right now on the new pricing plans that we'll have to pay if you don't have the GPS hardware to install on your Smartphone. When these services become available, they will only be location based. Another words, most GPS's these days will actually give you your current altitude and most have a pretty fast refresh rate. The refresh rate is the time between position updates. An example; If you have a GPS in your hand that refreshed three times per second, this would be a very acturate reading. Even if you are driving at 70 miles per hour, the moving map on the GPS will be able to keep up with your actual location. That's an issue the engineers are dealing with on the Location Sensitivity system. It wasn't designed to have any type of refresh rate at all. Once a position has been found, it never was designed to refresh that position. (I guess if you are hurt, and you called 911, you aren't supposed to be moving. Hmmm, So if you fell off a bridge, and landed in the back of a truck driving down the interestate, I'm not sure if they would be able to locate you. They would know where you were when you first dialed 911, but as your location changes, they might not be able to find you). Supposedly, the 911 operator can pull a refresh, this would at least tell them the direction the vehicle is moving. But to locate you while you're moving, might be more difficult than anyone had expected. Another problem with many of the handheld units, the actual speed of the processors within them. Most cell phones operate on around 1 to 2 MHz processor speed. Most Smartphones operate anywhere between 30 to 500 MHz. (Most new home computers are operating between 2 to 4 GHz processor speed, just to give you an idea). This is where the engineers are running into the biggest problem with creating a GPS refresh rate. The processors in all handhelds will just have to be faster than they are today. And like all of our other technolgies, I'm sure this won't be a problem very much longer for the designers. Hmmm, soon we'll have Pentium 9 cellular and Smartphones running at 8 GHz processor speed! You know it's going to come to this, and it's not that far away. Robert Lett Let me ask you a question: How much is your computer worth when you or your employees are sitting in front of it? Now, how much is that same computer worth when you or your employees aren't sitting in front of it? When you're out of the office and that potiential client calls, do you have to tell them that you will get in touch with them when you return to the office? Is that potiential client calling your competition in the mean time to see if they get a better response? What if you could have all your important files with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Hanging on your belt or sitting in your purse, and it wouldn't weigh too much more than the cell phone you are currently carrying. Order now at the discounted price for reading this article at http://www.robertlett.com/order.htm For a free copy of our ebook, email a blank email to: mailto:ebook@robertlett.com Want more information? Take a look at: http://www.robertlett.com/whatisit5.htm Get our free monthly tips and updates newsletter, email us at subscribe@robertlett.com
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Do Cellular Phones Pose Health Risks? You hear it in the media on a slow news day. Do cellular phones pose health risks? The available scientific reports do not show that any health problems are associated with the use of wireless phones. On the other hand, however, there is no proof that cellular phones are absolutely safe. Wireless phones emit small levels of radiofrequency energy (RF) in the microwave range when being used. As well, cell phones also emit small levels of RF when in the main menu screen. We Have Compiled a List of Wireless Cell Phones General Cautions and Warnings For the most part, wireless cell phones are safe. And who could deny the convenience and freedom they have bought to our lives. Wireless cell phones bring our family and friends closer and allows us to do transact business more conveniently than ever. But, take note as we compiled a list of general cautions that you should be aware of. Prepaid Cell Phones ? Are They Right For You In today's world of communication technology, there's a lot out there to consider before investing in a cell phone plan. With a multitude of carriers offering scores of options, it isn't always easy to isolate the one package out of the many that would best suit your needs. Sometimes, the mainstream choices aren't available to folks who are inhibited by particular circumstances, such as poor credit or other types of financial constraints. In cases such as those, prepaid cell phones can be the proverbial lifesaver. You don't have to be financially restricted to consider a prepaid wireless plan, however. Many people choose to purchase this type of service in order to avoid contracts which would lock them into services for a designated amount of time and money. Teens And Cell Phones Let the battle begin, should teens have cell phones? Well you will be pleased to know that over 94% of parents agree that cellular phones are good for teens and that's according to a survey conducted by AT&T with parents and teens in LA and New York. Most teens have their very first cell phones by the age of 15 and in many cases 13. Like with all mod cons teenagers want them but they should be used in a practical manner. The Importance Of Cell Phones In Modern Society Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, business associates, and access to email are only a few of the reasons for the increasing importance of cell phones. Today's technically advanced cell phones are capable of not only receiving and placing phone calls, but storing data, taking pictures, and can even be used as walkie talkies, to name just a few of the available options. Contemplating Selling Your Cell Tower Lease For A Lump Sum? Many landowners who have leased land for a cell tower on their property are receiving letters from third party companies. These letters suggest to the landowner that due to wireless carrier consolidation and due to technology, that the cell tower lease may be terminated early. By selling the lease to one of these companies, the landowner averts the risk of early termination and can recieve a lump sum immediately. Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line Most of us have two phones, our cell and our land line (house phone). Realistically many people are paying two bills when one is sufficient. The cell phone is still more expensive than the house phone but with the massive increase of people signing up in the mobile world prices continue to fall. If you are working during the day the chances are you are only using your house phone in the evening. Cell phone Etiquette. The Do?s and Don?ts With more and more people buying cell phones, it becomes more significant to know how to use your cell phone without looking obnoxious. Cell phones play an important role in our lives, but cell phone rage, like road rage, air rage and general rage is rising. Here are some tips for cell phone etiquette. Cell Phones Can Damage Your Eyes A recent scientific study identified a link between microwave radiation of the kind emitted by cellular phones and two different kinds of damage to the eye. At least one type of damage apparently never heals. Short Messaging Service (SMS) for Enterprise Messaging SMS for Enterprise Messaging ? Value added services Camera Cell Digital Phone Camera cell digital phone - description. Cell Phone - Why Should I Upgrade We hear from friends or just general chat by people wanting to upgrade their cell phones. There are a number of very good reasons to upgrade but unfortunately the main reason people upgrade and without thinking is because the cell phone manufacturers are blitzing us with advertising on a daily basis with new features. I bet you can pinpoint a few friends who have new cell phones and have no idea as to how to go about using all the key features. Best Cell Phone Service Plans - Choosing The Best Wireless Service Plans Once upon a time, decisions about telephone service were easy ? you either wanted it or you didn't. Those fairy-tale days are gone for good since the advent of the cell phone. Now, we not only have to figure out what type of mobile phone we'd like to have, but also what features we need, whether or not we want a contract or simply prefer to purchase pre-paid minutes without such a commitment, what accessories we think we might like and what type of plan will best meet our individual or family needs. Defeating Crime With Digital Camera Cell Phones The newest techno gadget, which is reshaping the way teenagers interact is the Digital Picture Camera 3G Cell Phone. As more and more people have these and as higher bandwidth and video compression technologies are introduced we will see a whole new realm of communication. As people communicate on cell phones with video and pictures we will see a decrease in crime. Frequency Pollution; Is it real? Today we are finding since the beginning of radio and Tesla's work in alternating current that these increased man made waves do affect the brain. The Wireless revolution is upon us and those of us who are sensitive to frequencies bands will find it difficult to have quality of life in those areas where lots of wireless activity is. A study by three Dutch government ministries found that radio signals for the next generation of mobile phone services can cause headaches and nausea. We have already found this out, there may be a way that this can be accounted for and corrected by use of intermittent ELF to help the body super charge the immune system. 3G Technology A 'third generation' wireless communications technology having evolved from first generation analog, and second generation digital, communication technologies. Instant Messaging through Mobile Phones Instant Messengers are very popular on PCs, with the advancement of mobile technology it has become possible to connect to MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ and other instant messenger services through mobile phones. The possibility of using internet from mobile devices and the possibility of executing J2ME Java programs on mobiles makes signing on to instant messenger services using mobile devices. The only major problem becomes the input of messages as only a few can type in messages very fast. Particularly with the low cost of mobile internet and reducing cellular phone prices, it is only a matter of time before every cell phone user would also be connected to an instant messenger services. It is assumed the reader knows how to transfer programs to his mobile phone and has subscribed to mobile internet service. Cell Phone Batteries, Money Saving Tips It's hard to imagine what the world did before the use of cell phones! We have become so dependent on having a cell phone that we tend to panic if we forget it at home or if the battery dies. Cell phones are an important part of most everyone's life that allows them to be reachable 24/7 for family, friends and business associates to contact them. Letting Go of 3G - A Viable Alternative for Asian Carriers Most Asian cellular carriers mulling over 3G have chalked out at least tentative transition paths towards that Holy Grail. If they're GSM networks, it's a safe bet EDGE (Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution) is being considered, to replace/augment GPRS for high speed data services. Because EDGE uses a new modulated scheme that is also used for UMTS/3G, EDGE becomes a sort of half-way house to 3G. Say Goodbye to Traditional Telephone Lines Like old, dusty books on the shelves of public libraries, regular home telephone lines have been plummeting in popularity. Some experts even foresee that traditional LAN telephone lines will eventually reach extinction- but before you start to chuckle at this forecast, it may be less farfetched than you actually think. ![]() |
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