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Cell Phone Etiquette
CELL PHONE ETIQUETTE Okay, I'll admit I have been pushed over the edge. This morning, while reading the newspaper, I learned that a major airline is going to allow the use of the cell phone while taxiing to the gate! Can you imagine what that is going to be like? For two years I have thinking about doing a seminar on cell phone etiquette. Back then; I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for my luncheon companion to arrive. There were two men in the booth next me having a quiet lunch when one of their cell phones went off. Not only were they oblivious to the fact that I was sitting behind them, they continued to talk on the phone for a half hour. Guess what? They we negotiating a major contract. It was impossible not to hear them, the terms of the agreement, and what they would give if the going got tough. Hmmmm. Just imagine had I been one of their competitors. How could they have possibly known I wasn't? For that matter, how did they know the person at booth on their other side wasn't a competitor or relative of their competitor? Yes, I have cell phone. Now I cannot imagine working without one. Yet, not even my daughters have my cell phone number. They know I check my home answering often and they know I will get back to them. My friends, at first, made it a game to see who could be the first one to get the number. One of them did get it by checking their "who just called" notation. They recently laughed and said, "A lot of good it does me, and you never answer it anyway." That's right I don't. When I am out and about, I'm out and about. I do not have to be in constant contact with my phone. One woman recently said to me "Kathy, I have to available for my clients." Of course, you do, yet that does not mean that they have to have immediate access to you. When that is necessary, I stay close to my office. I learned long ago clients are flexible and realize I have a life too. In fact, that is probably one of the things that surprised me the most about being self-employed. I thought I had to be available when the clients wanted to make an appointment. Instead they are wonderful about accommodating my schedule. Now let's talk about how you finally arranged a luncheon meeting with someone that you find interesting, perhaps a business associate or just a friend you want to get caught up with. You are starting the conversation and their cell phone goes off. They dig the phone out and say, "Just let me see who this is." They look at it and say "I going to let that one go." Ten minutes later the phone rings and it is a call they decide they need to take. Five minutes goes by (How significant do you feel, being the one sitting there?) and they hang up and say, "I am sorry, that was so and so." As if I give a rip?.Then they say, "Here, let me turn off this phone." Ahh, peace at last. What people don't seem to realize that in most case, the people all around you can hear exactly what you are saying. Recently at an airport two colleagues were talking about another colleague in unflattering terms. What difference does that make? What would you say if I told you they used names and one on the cell phone near me was wearing a shirt proudly displaying his company's logo? Then there is "Let me take a moment before we begin to make this phone call." Keep in mind we had a total of half hour to get our business conducted. They call home, the child begs for something, the adult gets uptight and an argument pursues. You are sitting there "a prisoner" to the conversation. You colleague is upset when you begin the conversation, takes a while to get on track and you have to build up positive rapport again before you can be heard. Finally, you are at the stop sign. The person turns "Right" in front of you and you can tell his/her mind is not on driving?.The cell phone is up to his/her ear. More than once I held my breath as the car barely brushed by me. They were not concentrating on swinging out farther to make the turn. I have made a rule for myself to not talk on a cell phone while driving. Not too long ago I was running late and I thought I'd listen to my messages on my home answering machine while driving. Then, I thought to myself, no I have my rule. So I pulled into one of our Waterfront parks. Stopped the car and looked at the river as I listened to calls. After I was through, I no longer felt rushed and that unexpected stop?served me so well. Finally, if you look around, you will see the people with "Real Power" in our community rarely pull out their cell phones in public. They have found ways to be in touch without having the cell phone being an interruption in their business days. They use them, yet they use them discreetly. I guess in retrospect that is what I want to convey to those reading this article. I totally believe in cell phone, delighted I have one-yet, when you use them think about the people with you and around you. People are craving to feel significant. When answering the cell phone in their presence, you have decided the person on the other end of the phone is more important than the person sitting in front of you.
Kathy Condon, GCDF, is a Vancouver, Washington based Career Facilitator, International Speaker and Trainer and private coach. She recently developed a new Talk/Seminar on Age/Gender as they relate to the Corporate world. She can be reached at (360) 695-4313, http://www.kathycondon.info kathycondon.info
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Teens And Cell Phones Let the battle begin, should teens have cell phones? Well you will be pleased to know that over 94% of parents agree that cellular phones are good for teens and that's according to a survey conducted by AT&T with parents and teens in LA and New York. Most teens have their very first cell phones by the age of 15 and in many cases 13. Like with all mod cons teenagers want them but they should be used in a practical manner. Indian Mobile Infrastructure - To 3G or Not To 3G To most overseas investors circa 1994, a first look at the Indian Telecommunication Policy appeared to mitigate concerns. In our naiveté, we expected this Policy to put India at least on par with China where a stifling regime governed telecommunications. A disastrous implementation however ensured India languished behind its neighbor on tele-density, cellular usage and broadband coverage. The Telephone ? A Brief History During the 1870's, two well known inventors both independently designed devices that could transmit sound along electrical cables. Those inventors were Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray. Both devices were registered at the patent office within hours of each other. There followed a bitter legal battle over the invention of the telephone, which Bell subsequently won. The Benefits of Digital Analogue is the process of taking an audio or video signal and then turning it into electronic pulses. Digital is the process of turning the signal into a binary format, represented by a string of 1's and 0's. Analogue technology has been around for a long time now. It really isn't that complicated and is fairly inexpensive. The problem with analogue signals lies in their size limitations regarding the amount of data they can carry. 4 Dazzling Midrange Cell Phones Your next cell phone can be a stripped down model or contain features virtually unheard of one year ago. Chances are you will select something in between; in any case we are featuring four dazzling midrange flip top cell phones for your examination. Shop, compare, and save! Free Cell Phones All Around - Cashing in on Consumerism There's no greater way to win the hearts of consumers than to give them something for nothing. In our society of advanced communications devices and state-of-the-art technology, one of the best commodities to target for these give-away tactics is the cell phone. From simple port-to-port communication to comprehensive electronic office features, these hand-held units have become a rather luxurious necessity in these "need-to-know" times in which we live. Letting Go of 3G - A Viable Alternative for Asian Carriers Most Asian cellular carriers mulling over 3G have chalked out at least tentative transition paths towards that Holy Grail. If they're GSM networks, it's a safe bet EDGE (Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution) is being considered, to replace/augment GPRS for high speed data services. Because EDGE uses a new modulated scheme that is also used for UMTS/3G, EDGE becomes a sort of half-way house to 3G. Camera Cell Phones -- More Uses Than You Could Have Imagined I was shopping in the large superstore with my five-year-old daughter, perfectly unaware that in the next few minutes I would be living through every parent's nightmare ? in an instant my child would disappear from my side. She had been looking through the little dresses right beside me and, when I called her to go try one on, she was no where to be found. I loudly called out her name, trying to keep the panic from my voice, as I frantically looked all around. New Tips For Shopping Cellular Services The best money saving practice for buying new cellular phones and service plans is to buy from a dealer, not through the cellular provider directly. Dealers compete against each other with lower prices than the actual cellular providers do. Motorola RAZR V3 Camera Phone Months before my current cell phone plan expires, I like to begin diligently researching my options by checking out all the plans and models out there. The Motorola RAZR V3 Camera Phone has caught my attention as it has features currently not found on my Samsung device and at a price that can't be beat. Please stay with me as I explain what I have learned about the RAZR V3. Have Some Fun With Cell Phone Games You're never too old to have some fun. With the introduction of games as cellular accessories, you cell phone can now double as a personal gaming device. Knowing All the Features of New ?Smartphones? The new "smartphones" have a lot of really cool features. You can organize your life and keep in touch with friends and family all with one electronic device. Knowing all the features available can help make your decision on which one to buy much easier. Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line Most of us have two phones, our cell and our land line (house phone). Realistically many people are paying two bills when one is sufficient. The cell phone is still more expensive than the house phone but with the massive increase of people signing up in the mobile world prices continue to fall. If you are working during the day the chances are you are only using your house phone in the evening. Camera Cell Phones - Say It With Pictures! Camera cell phones are sweeping the nation! In fact, long gone are the days when a telephone is used for the sole purpose of speaking to another person. Cell phone cameras are all the rage and you'll soon understand why! These days, people are using phones for all sorts of things! It is without a doubt, one of the greatest inventions that we're able to enjoy today. We use it as a form of communication. We're able to speak with our loved ones and stay connected on a daily basis. We use it every day to conduct business on a local, national, and international scale. It is so quick and easy to use ? it's no wonder why people depend on their cell phones every day! Cell Phone Etiquette CELL PHONE ETIQUETTE Call Russia Feeling Like a Royal Romanov Get set to be greeted by the Russians, with a grandiose display of a regal past from the Romanov's to Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. In the form of tall spires, arched bridges, graceful canals, onion domes, icon paintings and wedding-cake skyscrapers; a fusion of Western and Eastern influences can be found everywhere. Backed by a legacy of literary and art greats like: Tolstoy, Chekhov, Pushkin, Rublev, Levitan and Vrubel; Russians are a cultured community who are widely read and attend theatre regularly. Recognizing Common Cellular Phone Problems Cellular phones are in schools, banks, malls, and homes across the country. While cellular phones have been an important technological advancement, they're not without their drawbacks. Prepaid Phone Cards Will Save You Money On All Your Long Distance Calls If you make a lot of long distance phone calls, you may find that you can save money by doing what many people are doing: taking advantage of prepaid phone cards. Prepaid phone cards can be used to call just about any country in the world. Prepaid phone cards are plastic cards that allow you to pay for your long distance needs in advance. The cost per minute is much less than calling from a: hotel, airport or conventional pay phone. Knowing the difference between Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans Will Save You Time and Money Many people go looking for cell phones without too much emphasis being put on the cell phone plans. Many new users who sign up to the different networks have been sold to rather than choosing the best option the suits them. Research is important. Cell phones & plans can be an expensive commodity. The Cell Phone Store Effectively everybody wants the hottest and best cheap cell phones nextel, cheap cell phones in canada, cheap cell phones only when they are shown on TV. Also, there are various means of personalizing the phone to suit everybody. We grant you with a immense choice of mobile phones and accessories on the market at the moment to mind of all your cell phone requirements. The telephone is a personal phone which obtains or broadcasts messages through a Communications network. ![]() |
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