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The 10 Success Basics For Your Online BusinessSopan Greene Its always a good time to review whats been working or not working for you in your marketing efforts. Take the time to be honest with yourself about whether or not youre moving forward. There is no such thing as failure. You have to take action to do what people call "failing." If you take action youll learn something. If you apply what you learn then you didnt fail and you learned a way to not get where you want to go. You learned something you know to not do again. What have your actions taught you Whats moving you forward and whats holding you back There are different ways to build a profitable online business, but a few rules apply to everyone. No matter how youre working on your business always remember the basics: 1. The bigger your own personal opt-in e-mail list is, the more money youll make. The gurus say the magic number is 10,000 subscribers. I began seeing results after I passed 3,000. Nothing is more important than building your list. All of your efforts should be directed towards building your list. 2. If you sell your own product youll make a lot more money a lot faster. 3. The more you believe in what youre selling and how it will help others, the more money youll make. 4. If youre in it just for the money, youll have a hard time. Its no different than someone who works a commission sales job trying to sell a product they dont care about. 5. A business is not a get rich overnight proposition. The longer you stay in the game the more successful youll become. Business online or offline is business. Its a marathon race, not a sprint. 6. Dont re-invent the wheel. Find the biggest online successes and copy what theyre doing. Change what you need to in order to make it fit what youre selling, but market exactly like the pros if you want to get their results. 7. Know why youre doing this. If you dont have a big reason why youre doing this youll quit when you start to have a hard time. The most successful network marketing leader Ive known once told me he would literally jump out a window if he had to work in an office behind a desk all day. Knowing how bad he didnt want to do that led him to doing whatever it took in his business to succeed. He now makes over $10,000 a month in residuals from work he stopped doing 4 years ago with a network marketing company. 8. Test, test, and test again. What do I mean When you run an ad track it to see if its working. Ads with one word changed in the headline have doubled responses. Try running your ad in the same places with one or two words changed to see if it increases your response rate. 9. Build relationships with other internet marketers. Get free advice from other people who are doing what you want to do. Most successful people charge for their advice, but if you build a relationship and ask a question here and there in an e-mail, the answer may be the golden nugget of wisdom that you need. Dont bug them, but internet marketers are a pretty friendly and helpful bunch of people. 10. Invest in your self and in your business. You can run a business online for under $100.00 a month. Even if you arent making money with it this wont keep you from paying your rent or mortgage. Invest the extra money you have on products that teach you how to make the most amount of money in the shortest period of time. Listen to tapes and CDs, read books, get on free tele-seminars. Do everything you can to learn how to do this right so you dont waste years trying to figure it out. © Red To Greene, Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.NetMarketingMastery.com
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