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The First The American Idol Kelly Clarkson
There is a lot more to the story that meets the eye, at least, where Kelly Clarkson, the American Idol, is concerned. Her rise to the top of the charts was not an easy one and any struggling singer-wannabe can probably identify with the grit and determination this young pop singer has shown. Kelly Clarkson was born Kelly Brianne Clarkson April 24th 1982 in the small town, Burleson in Texas. Despite her very obvious talent on stage, her first ambition as a child was to become a marine biologist but watching the show "Jaws" scared her off her career. With her dreams dashed, she was clearly open to suggestions and when a teacher in her school, Pauline Hughes, heard Kelly Clarkson's rich voice, she was encouraged to join the school choir. And from there, Kelly Clarkson is smitten with singing. Kelly Clarkson soon upgraded her singing portfolio when she was included in the Texas All-State Choir. Even with a voice like hers, she still failed to sell herself to record labels and having no luck at home, the far-sighted Kelly Clarkson saved up enough money from odd jobs as a pharmacy assistant, telemarketer, waitress and assistants in a movie theatre and the zoo, she managed to send herself to California. In the land of Movie Stars, she landed herself as an extra in the popular TV series "Sabrina" and found herself working with the famous songwriter, Gerry Goffin. Apart from these minor roles, a record deal was not forthcoming. With Mr. Goffin falling ill, her roommate moving out and her apartment burning down, Kelly Clarkson packed her stuff and headed on back home. Although Kelly Clarkson found a STABLE job as a promoter for Red Bull to help pay the bills, she has not given up on her dream. And when a friend told her that there was going to be a singing contest where the public gets to vote on the winner, she gave it a shot. Kelly Clarkson didn't have high expectations for this contest; with the memory of her failure to get a record deal still fresh in her mind. PLUS she was going to be pitching against 10,000 other talented Americans. But what a surprise it was for Kelly Clarkson when her rendition of Aretha Franklin's "Respect" floored the judges. And it was only at that point in time that she realized that she really DID want to win! Feeling revitalized and motivated again, her rendition of Franklin's "You make me feel like a natural woman" won even the praise of the most notorious American Idol judge, Simon Cowell. Her first single, "A Moment Like This", was released October 2002 and it jumped straight from No. 52 to No. 1 on the Billboard starts, creating history! The jump was noticeably bigger than the jump that the Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love". "Can't Buy Me Love" only jumped from No.27 to No.1. Kelly Clarkson is now known around the world as the first ever American Idol who has her own brand of down-to-earth charm and a sense of humor to match. People can relate to Kelly Clarkson because we have watched her rise from a 'nobody' to the 'somebody' that she is today. We know it's hard to tell when it comes to the staying power of pop stars but with Kelly Clarkson, we believe that she may be here to stay?. Dean Erickson. Journalist, and web site builder Dean Erickson lives in Texas. He is the owner and co-editor of http://www.all-kelly-clarkson.info which you will find a longer, more detailed version of this article.
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Piano Playing Your Way: How To Have More Fun Playing The Piano Than You Ever Have Before Piano playing doesn't have to be boring. There's no law that says you have to play a song the same way everyone else plays it. By learning some basic music theory and chord formations, you can have the time of your life playing music like you've always wanted to. Managing Your Time, when Music isnt Your Day Job You CAN do everything. Music: Uniting Nations, Dividing Generations Cultures around the world since the beginning of time have appreciated, enjoyed, and incorporated some form of music in their everyday lives. However, just as one man's trash is another man's treasure, one man's music can often be another man's noise, and vice versa. Still, certain universal aspects of music can serve as a means of communication between two people who have little else in common. New M3 with Competition Package The new competition package available for the BMW M3 is almost sad as it is wonderful. 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The record companies reduced the price of manufacture through improved production methods, and the cost of manufacturing a CD soon fell below that of manufacturing a record. Even so, compact discs continued to sell well at the higher price, making the CD quite a profitable product, indeed. Guitar Tuning Tips Most new guitar players and even some experienced ones have trouble staying and playing in tune. I'll try listing here some of the common mistakes and there solutions. Closet Monsters London Spicoluk Way back in November I found myself at the Casby Awards after party trying to socialize with whomever I came across. One person who I chatted with that night was a guy named London Spicoluk, from the band Closet Monster. At that time I haven't heard of them but I remembered his name and checked out their band out of interest. 12 Reasons You Should Learn to Play the Piano All right, folks, here you go: My 12 reasons why you should start learning how to play the piano. Immediately. As in today. This very minute. The Joy of Spontaneous Expression Do you remember finger-painting as a child? How fun it was. How exciting to be able to dip your fingers into a color that called out to you and put it on paper. The excitement of it all came from the feeling that you were an explorer, looking into uncharted territories of your own creative source. Music Practice Techniques for Learning Repertory These practice tips were written for fiddlers. I've used them in classical violin also. You will find they apply to any music learning goal you have set for yourself. Buying a Violin "How do I buy a violin, (or fiddle)?" Jazzing Up Your Leadership Style I met New York jazzman Tim Armacost in college almost 25 years ago, at a time when we were both grappling not only with what careers we ought to pursue, but with what kind of adults we wanted to become. Tim comes from an illustrious family, boasting more than its fair share of bank presidents, ambassadors and college presidents. I would not have been surprised if he had gone into finance, diplomacy, or academia. And yet, with seemingly limitless professional options open to him, Tim chose a more modest path ? that of the jazz musician. For two decades he's been traveling the globe, pursuing his career as a professional tenor saxophonist, in such exotic locations as Amsterdam, Delhi, and Tokyo. His albums, including Live at Smalls and The Wishing Well, have received high praise from the Washington Post and Jazz Times. Fluent in Japanese, Tim is also a longtime student of Zen Buddhism; his meditation practice infuses his music and contributes strongly to his relaxed yet passionate performance style. 10 Music Download Legal Points Everybody's doing it: downloading music and sharing files. People who share music files on the Internet argue that downloading is legal; today they can be sued by the record industry. Can one be sued without a great intrusion into personal lives of an individual? Polychords and the Jazz Improviser: How to Practice & Apply Polychords to Improv In the world of music, many Jazz improvisers and Classical composers eventually venture into exploring poly-harmony within their respective art form. Poly harmony is the simultaneous sounding of more than one harmonic concept. The preponderance with poly-harmony began the late 19th-early 20th centuries with classical composers as Stravinsky and Debussy. About sixty years later, jazz musicians as John Coltrane and Richie Bierach incorporated such ideas into their music. The benefits of learning poly-chords will enhance an improviser's repertoire of harmonic concepts. Thus they can create harmonic colorings that can influence a listener's outlook. This article will focus on how once can practice and incorporate tertian polychords into their improvisational styles. Many of the examples and references within this article will make use of the seventh chord and triad. One should to explore other tertian harmonies such as ninths, elevenths, and all other similar formulations. Music and Emotion The Age-old Puzzle of Human Response Music For Self Improvement Would you like to pop in a CD and have a better quality of life, and even self improvement? There are three ways you can use music to accomplish this. Defining The True Artist - Do You Have What It Takes? "The real communicating artists seek unique expression. They are not interested anymore in sounding like their heroes, they are searching constantly, developing and refining their own unique voice." They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano... but When I Started to Play... Remember the old ad that used to run endlessly in magazines and newspapers: The Open Position Piano Chord Chords. They're amazing. There's no doubt about it. Especially when it comes to piano playing and the Open Position Chord. Here we can use both hands to create music with. The chord is broken up into its main elements and its voicing is spread out which gives it a nice open sound. The sound that's perfect for the New Age style. MP3 Music Subscription Services. A Good Deal? There's a reason Apple Computer dominates the legal 99-cents-a-download digital music scene: It does it right. Apple's iPods set the style and ease-of-use standards that other portable music players must try (so far unsuccessfully) to match. Its iTunes Music Store and iTunes software are equally unparalleled. ![]() |
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