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Facts about MC Big Proof
The Three 8 Mile Battles
Dont Censor the Music and Artistic Expression
Downloading MP3s Made Easy
Facts about Betty Kresin, Eminems grandmother
Origins of the Mathers Family
Motorhead Inferno
Music Licensing
Eminem: A Social Commentator
Music Mini Course: Learn The Basics Of Reading Music On A Keyboard Instrument
Shut Up And Sing
Top 50 Music Quotations
The First Step and Most Important Thing in Learning Guitar
The Secrets of Correctly Stringing Your Guitar
Jazzing Up Your Leadership Style
The Dark Side of P2P File Sharing
Music Licensing: The Cold Cash Facts About Money for your Music
Music Business Contacts: Music Business Registry connects artists, managers, publishers, producers &
Music Industry Insider: Tess Taylor of NARIP and LAMN
Flaming Guitars! Minarik Fuels The Excitement of a New Generation of Musicians
Tips for a Great Recording Session
How Has Eminem Risen to the Top?
Is it Possible to Download Music Legally Anymore?
Its Jewish Music, But Is The Music Jewish?
Guitar Tuning Tips
How I Learned How To Play The Guitar After Giving Up In Disgust
Free, Legal Music Online
Establishing Your Mix
Guitar Buying - The Pros and Cons of Vintage vs. Reissue
14 Ways Musicians Can Increase Their Tips
One Way to Improve Your Music Journalist Relationship
Sheet Music ? Violin and Other String Instruments
A Guitar Lesson to Help You Develop Your Vision
5 Sure Fire Ways to Get Radio Play for Your ?Independent? Music!
Guitar Players...Get a Balanced Guitar Practice Diet
?Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recording or Songwriting Deal?!?!?
How To Make Money On A Music Website Through Pay-Per-Click?
Piano Lessons and Perfectionism
Zen and the Art of New Age Piano
The Irish Harp
How Any DJ Can Increase Their Gigs and Profits By This Simple Strategy
Say Something
A Brief History Of Gibson Guitars
A Brief History of Fender Guitars
Things To Know When Shopping For A Guitar Amplifier
Suzuki Violin Vs Traditional Violin
A Guitar Lesson To Help You Test Your Note Knowledge
Modal Theory for Guitar Players - Part 1
Guide to Finding Music Online
What is Guitar Tablature and Can I Find It Online?
The Case Against Traditional Piano Lessons
Learning the Piano and Playing the Piano
Five Secrets to Playing in the New Age Style
Composing for Dummies
The Joy of Spontaneous Expression
How to Get Past Creative Blocks
A Quick and Easy Composition Method
Everything I Play Sounds the Same
How to Play What you Feel
Guitar Practicing or Guitar Playing?
Quick and Easy Violin Mute
How to Download Music From The Internet
5 Ways to Enjoy Your Music Files
Beginners Guide to Music File Formats
6 Tips for Organizing Your Music Files
Born to sing, Britney Spears is as big as ever today
Born into musical family, Michael Jackson is as big as ever today
Green Day: Punk Rock Masters Taming Mainstream Radio Their Way
How to Create an Original Melody
Top 7 Donts for Successful Improvisation
Bluegrass Music - Alive and Well in the Appalachians
Piano Lessons Can be Fun!
The Strange Days (mostly nights) of Guns N? Roses
The First The American Idol Kelly Clarkson
Jealous Again - Jealousy Among Musicians
Managing Your Time, when Music isnt Your Day Job
Performing, Whats the Big Deal?
Social Networking and Music: MySpace Puts It All Together in a Virtual Community
Taking iPod Culture into Clubs as Well as Cyberspace: Jonny Rocket Interviewed by The G-Man
New Age Piano and Improvisation
Getting the Best Performance From Your Artist
The Various Countries - A Rant About Country Music
Are iPods Changing the Way We Listen to Music
Name That Tune - Tips For When You Can?t Remember The Song Title Or Artist
Play Piano in the New Age Style
Home Run Gigs
How to Make $30,000 with Your Music Before Years End
How to Make State-of-the-Art Video Singles Cheaply
Setting Up In-House Retail Sales
Alternative Sales Sources for Your Music
Does Your CD Cover $ell (Or Suck)?
How to Compose Using ABA Form
New Age Music - What Is It Good For?
George Winston and New Age Piano Playing
Trusting Your Inner Voice - Key to Success at the Piano
Piano Music - How to Begin and End a Piece
Music Making as Spiritual Experience
Living Life Loud
CD Mastering using Har-Bal
Warner Music Executive Payments
The Revolution has begun - and it will not be Televised The new Artist Development Paradigm
The Flower Garden and New Age Piano Music
How to Find Musical Ideas
When Does Practice Make Perfect? Not Much Of The Time Unless All The Pieces Fit First
Playing The Violin Is For Everyone Who Loves Music
Getting Rhythm - Three Tips for Guitar Beginners
Bagpipe Lessons In Your Own Home !
Songwriting - The Art of Writing a Good Song
Your First Guitar
How To Change Your Guitar Strings
Flaming Guitars! Minarik Fuels The Excitement Of A New Generation Of Musicians
The Art Of Practicing - How To See Real Results
How To Find The Right Guitar Teacher
Paint Your Own Musical Landscapes!
How to Improvise Using a Few Chords
Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes - When Improvising
Learn Piano the Easy Way!
Interview With Josh Epstein of Vision Music USA
Piano Chords and New Age Music
Good News for the Musically Untalented
Piano Music, Perfectionism, and Self-Expression
The Open Position Piano Chord
Fiddle Tab Makes Learning Fiddle Fast and Easy
The Didjeridu
Making Music As A Lefty
The Revolution of Electric Guitars
Five Steps to Protecting Your Music and Your Money
Music Practice Techniques for Learning Repertory
People are Turning to Meaningful Songs for Emotional and Spiritual Relief:
Music and Healing: The Power of Meaningful Words and Music
New Age Music - How Its Made
Would Chopin Have Passed A Music Quiz?
Musicians Injuries: OUCH, It Hurts When I Play (But Please Dont Tell Me To Stop!)
How Many Songs Are In Your Pocket?
Art of the Recording Engineer: From Michael Jackson to Mutant Radio, Matt Forger Speaks Out
Shopping For Your First Drum Set
Play The Piano Like A Pro
How To Play The Violin
Acclaimed Songwriter and Performer Michael Alan Releases New CD: Searching for the Heartland:
Building A Good Relationship With Your Guitar
Improvisation and Musical Form
Jazz Yatra
The Record Industry Continues Battle Against Free Music Downloads
10 Ways for Unknown Musicians to Get the Word Out
RAP Music and Brain Washing Issues
If Setting The Gain Correctly is So Important, Why Dont Mic Preamplifiers Have Meters?
Play Too Loud And Well Cut The Power!
How Can You Make A Rock Vocal Sound Better?
Health Insurance for Creative Artists -- A Multi-Talented Health Investment
The Gong - An Instrument Everyone Can Play
A Brief History of Gongs
Micheal Jackson
Liberate your iPod
Thomas Jefferson and the Chinese Gong
Guitarists...Are You A Victim and A Loser?
Guitar Players...Learn About The Point Of Discipline
Reaching For The Soul Zone
Adults Can Learn to Play the Piano Too
Learning To Play The Piano With Chords
Do You Know What a Didgeridoo Is?
Surf Waves With Jack Johnson
12 Reasons You Should Learn to Play the Piano
Acoustic Or Electronic Drums - What Is Your Choice?
The History Of Drums - A Journey Of Sound
CD Clubs: How to Get the Best Deals Online
Ouch, It Hurts When I Sing!
Learn to Fiddle the Orange Blossom Special, the Most Popular Fiddle Tune in the World
Irish Fiddle Ornaments
Piano on the Right-Side of the Brain
How to Be in the Moment when Playing Piano
How To Overcome The Lyric Writing Hurdles That Are Keeping You Behind
Tips for Buying Digital Pianos and Keyboards
Buying A Guitar - Do You Know What To Look For?
Music: Uniting Nations, Dividing Generations
Music Industry Secrets Revealed - How To Become Succesful The Music Industry Without A Record Deal
History of the Clarinet From the 19th Century
Pakistani Pop Music
You Cant Force Play
Throat Singing In Inuit Culture
Breathing Space in Music
Music for Cross Cultural Accelerated Learning
All About Eminem
Open Position Piano Chords - Perfect for the New Age Style
How to Play Piano Using a Few Chords
Common Thoughts That Kill Inspiration
Tips on Performing Your Music for Others
The Downfall Of The #1 Southern Gospel Station
Buying a Violin
Creating Your Own Unique Music
Piano Teachers - Whats Wrong with Them?
Patriotic Music: Surprising Secrets About Those Flag-Waving Sounds
The Life and Music of Beatle George Harrison
Bang on Your Drum All Day Long - Without Annoying Your Neighbors!
Les Paul Vintage Gibson Guitars
Greg Koch Fender Guitar History
1959 Stratocaster Vintage Guitars
Ibanez SR400 Bass Guitar
Rickenbacker 4003 Electric Bass Guitar
Legend Vega Releasing New Pop CD
Building Your Digital Music Collection
Learn to Read Music Online
Celtic Music: The Japanese Connection
Inspiration Wanted - Apply Within!
How to Create Backing Tracks If You Dont Play All the Instruments... or Any
To Record or Not To Record - At Home, That Is
Prepare for the Master (CD Mastering)
The Music Industry and Its Lack of Talent
Guitar Practice - Make It Your Priority!
10 Music Download Legal Points
Structure Of A Successful Music Website
Review: Audioslave - Out of Exile
Review: The Dissociatives - Self Titled
The Post-rock Revolution (Explosions in the sky)
Review: Coheed and Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade
Review: Medications - All Your Favorite People In One Place
Is the Record Album Dead? Not by a Long Shot
Piano Lessons - Group or Private?
The Piano Parent Trap!
How Piano Lessons Benefit Young Children
What is Piano GHD Syndrome?
Why Do Music Lovers Still Prefer to Buy Records?
College Radio: The Most Important Radio Level for Musicians
Record Collecting Still Thriving in the Twenty-first Century
Creating Stark Atmospheres
Right-Hand Techniques for New Age Piano
How to Create Interesting Textures
New Age Piano Playing and the Sustain Pedal
Form - Giving Shape to Your Music
Review: The Bled - Pass the Flask
Music & Intelligence: Will Listening to Music Make You Smarter?
Win Friends & Influence People Through Music -- Is It Possible?
Interested in Improving the Sound of Your Stereo? Consider Records
Composing George Winston Style
Be An Organized Church Pianist
Music & Emotions: Can Music Really Make You a Happier Person?
Vintage Guitar Collectors Can Still Find Deals
Music & Citizenship: Can Playing a Musical Instrument Help Your Child Become a Better Citizen?
Music Downloads: Free & Low Cost Ways For Musicians To Get Their Music Known All Over The World
Songs Await Singer
CD Review: Amber - My Kind of World
Musicians: What Chords Do You Absolutely, Positively Have To Know?
How the Internet Helps Musicians
Origin of Erik Saties Gnossiennes
Guitar Practice (Part 2) - Does Practice Make Perfect?
Polychords and the Jazz Improviser: How to Practice & Apply Polychords to Improv
New Age Piano Tricks
Learn to Play the Piano
Modal Theory for Guitar Players - Part 2
The Time Machine Exist!
Chords or Melody First... Which is Best?
Learning to Play the Piano with Chords Part 2
Dance Musics Most Popular and Enduring Theme: The Declaration of Independence
They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano... but When I Started to Play...
Killer Piano Playing Secrets of a Chord Addict!
RIAA Files Second Wave of Lawsuits
Music For Self Improvement
How to Start Your Own Band
Radio - What?s Happened To It?
Legal Music Downloads
Is the Mainstream Ready Once Again for Dance Music?
Music, the Spiritual Connection
The Top 10 Reasons Why You Suck At Playing Guitar
Jazz: What In The Heck Is It?
What is Music?
Silent Discos!
Music and Emotion
Piano Playing is Easier than You Think When You Understand Musical Form
Arranging for New Age Piano
Interview With An Up And Coming Musician From Toronto
Independent Music Promotion on the Web: 3 Steps to Success
Music to Echo Your Mood
Repetition is the Key to Learning Something Deeply
How to Construct Chords and Improvise
Guitar Facts: A Glossary of Terms
Automatic Control of Chords
Beginning Clarinet: The Very Start
Creating Within Limits
Music as Therapy?
The Future for Independent Record Labels
So You Want to be President? Learn to Play a Musical Instrument!
Story of 50 Cent
Defining The True Artist - Do You Have What It Takes?
JOHN LENNON - The Man and His Times
Play Piano As Fast As Possible!
Health and Beauty Tips for Your Brass: Keep It Shiny!
Who?s Playing What? A Guide To The Guitars Of The Pros
Turn It Up: Plugging Into The Perfect Guitar And Amp Settings
How to Compose Your Own Music Using 8-bar Phrases
Oh My Aching Head! Can Music Really Make You Feel Better?
Is Your Child Struggling in School? Get Him (Or Her) Music Lessons
Learn To Play The Piano Better By Learning To Arrange Chords & Chord Progressions
Playing The Piano Using Chord Symbols Instead of Being Tied To The Written Sheet Music
Piano Playing Your Way: How To Have More Fun Playing The Piano Than You Ever Have Before
Learning How To Improvise
Piano Lessons For Adults: More Fun, Easier, & Faster Than Piano Lessons For Kids
Piano Playing For Adults: More Fun Than Sex And Not Nearly As Dangerous!
Dont Go Tubthumping
Be Your Own DJ - Digital Audio Processing Tools Overview
How to Create Hip, Mature and Lush Harmonies
Your PC Is An Awesome Singer... If You Let It!
Six Reasons to Play New Age Piano
Improvising On The Piano: Jazz Musicians Do It -- Why Not Other Styles?
What All Do I Have to Know to be a Really Good Piano Player?
Guitar Performance - Make The Most of It!
Try Some New Music!
How to Become a World Class Expert in Just 20 Minutes a Day
How Many Guitar Chords Do I Need To Know?
Mp3s ? The Future of Music?
Beginner Guitar Tips: How to Get a Feel
Make Money with Your Music ? the Top 5 Ways
How to Create Hip, Mature, and Lush Harmonies [correction]
A Dying Cat And A Nylon String Guitar
Does Reading Make Music?
How To Play Guitar Like a Pro!
Legal Free Music Downloads - Songs You Want at No Cost
How to be Creative at the Piano
Piano Playing and Performance Anxiety
So You Wanna Learn How To Start a Record Label?
Why New Musicians (Rappers) Fail: Three Reasons and Solutions
Hip Hop Clothing
These MIDI Tools Are Music To My Ears
Dierks Bentley Brings The Heat From Nashville To The North!
Creating Caverns - an Improvisation Exercise
The Dos and Donts of Getting Your Child to Love Learning an Instrument
Visualization Techniques for the Pianist
Can You Really Learn To Play a Musical Instrument From an Online Course?
Memorizing Music - How Is It Best Achieved?
MP3 Music Subscription Services. A Good Deal?
What Works Best in New Age Piano Improvisation
Why Learning How to Improvise is So Important
Just 3 Chords? No Way!
How to Use the Entire Piano Keyboard
Singing: The Tonic of Life
50 Cent G Unit
50 Cent
Recording Vocals at Home
How To Make a Fortune Teaching Piano (or Guitar, or Drums, or Singing, or?) To Beginners
If Seals Can Sing, Why Cant You?
How to Stop Thinking and Start Playing
Where To Download Music On The Internet
Five Great Practice Ideas I Learned From My Piano Students!
Solid-Bodied Gretsch Corvette Guitar
Guitar Humidification
Avoiding Injuries When Playing Guitar
Buying A Guitar
Benatar and Geraldo - Still Rockin on a High Note
Anglican Arrogance: Small-Minded Choirmembers
Formation of a Song (Recording)
How to Buy an Electric Guitar
Is Your Child Capable of Composing Music? Maybe the Next Mozart?
Beginner Guitar Lessons - Learn Guitar without Ever Leaving Your Home!
Closet Monsters London Spicoluk
The British Invasion
Lori Nuic Sparkles
Launch Pad Introduces Subliminal
Canadian Stars: The Marble Index and the Waking Eyes
Is Rhapsody Music Downloads Service Getting A Good Rhap?
Why You Cant Play Piano
The Acoustic Guitar
How to Become a Filthy Rich Record Label Mogul
New M3 with Competition Package
The Death-Defying Warehouse Party Life: An Interview by William of Orange
Top Rap Song
Hip Hop History
How to Create a Multi-artistic Piece - Part II
How I Compose a Piece of Music
10 Top Reasons You Should Learn to Play Chord Piano
Self-Expression Without Criticism
The King of the Delta Blues Singers - Robert Johnson Still Stands at the Crossroads
Arpeggios and New Age Piano Playing
3 Secrets To Understanding What Makes Music Tick
Yo, is Rap Just Another Four Letter Word?
Music Bytes - Tips For Saving On Professional Software For Musicians, Part I
The Ostinato - What It is and How to Use It
Karaoke Singing
Bono: From Music To Fashion To Helping The Poor
How Many Chords Are There, Anyway?
Right Hand Guitar Playing Tip
An Introduction to CD Mastering
Rhapsody Music Downloads Part II - A pleasant experience?
Do you really need college to learn to play music?
3 Quick & Easy Steps To Playing Music by Ear
How to Remove DRM from WMA - Is It Legal and Worth the Effort?
The Art of Music
Creating Your Own Compositions
How to Organise a Gig or a Live Music Event - the Budget
How To Play Piano Using Chord Symbols
Taps; Piping Military Honors: A Ceremonial Guide for Highland Bagpipers
Protocol for Piping a Formal Dinner: A Ceremonial Guide for Highland Bagpipers
Wal-Mart Music Downloads, Napster and Other Legal Digital Music Download Sites
Live Music!
How to Buy an Electric Guitar Online
Spectral Muses Revisited: The Channeled Melodies of Rosemary Brown
How To Write A Song
Writing Hit Songs
Music for Corporate Entertainment
Choosing a Jazz Band for Your Party
Formal Highland Attire: The Correct Wearing of the Kilt; the National Dress of Scotland
An Interview with Angus Young of ACDC - Why He Plays a Gibson SG
Micing a Kick Drum
Rabbitt Productions - Up & Coming Atlanta Producer
Growing and Keeping Loyal Fan Support
How To Dress Up Naked Music On The Piano
1973 Interview with Paul McCartney - Forming Wings
The Bagpipe and Its History
Does Your Band Need a Manager?
Discover The Perfect Place To Perform
The Need To Perform
How Much of Your Potential Will You Release?
Copyright Basics for Songwriters
Why Play Guitar?
Painting with Sound
Soul Band for a Party
Musical Improvisation Basics - Four Strategies For Playing Wrong Notes
Effective Band Rehearsal
Beauchamp Brings Diversity to Music
Musical Improvisation Basics - 8 Vital Things To Remember
Internet Jams
Performance and Gigs
Reasons to Ditch Your Guitar Pick
An Interview with Jon Bon Jovi ? 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Cant Be Wrong
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME - Eliminate Throat Tension
Formal Highland Attire: The Correct Wearing of the Kilt; the National Dress of Scotland
We don't simply wear a theatrical costume; we wear the national dress of Scotland. While some people might think that any proposed definition of what is "correct" in traditional Highland dress is in some way a gross infringement of their right to express their individuality, others may be interested to know just what the standards are, even if they choose to exhibit variations on the theme. Voluntarily observing the rule and custom of the Scots in the matter of dress is one way to strengthen and to reinforce the genuine and traditional of the Highland culture that we claim to celebrate.
Dont Censor the Music and Artistic Expression
Ann Powers said:
Closet Monsters London Spicoluk
Way back in November I found myself at the Casby Awards after party trying to socialize with whomever I came across. One person who I chatted with that night was a guy named London Spicoluk, from the band Closet Monster. At that time I haven't heard of them but I remembered his name and checked out their band out of interest.
Guitar Practice (Part 2) - Does Practice Make Perfect?
You've probably heard the saying "practice makes perfect" and it sounds true enough, but is t really? We all know the importance of practicing a new skill in order to become proficient at it. This is especially true when it comes to playing the guitar, or any other musical instrument for that matter. But, practicing incorrectly can actually be a detriment to your progress.
Live Music!
"Live music." That common saying may contain some truth, but these days the word "live" is having less and less to do with music. For many people, a dj is their form of live music. Despite what dj's would like to have you believe, musicians make excellent entertainment.
Benatar and Geraldo - Still Rockin on a High Note
Most people look forward to the summer months because they bring warmer temperatures, vacations, outdoor gatherings, and longer days. Those are all fine and dandy, but what really gets my fires stoked for the warm season is when the Queen of Rock (a.k.a. Pat Benatar to the uneducated) takes her show on the road. Always the dutiful parents, Pat and her husband/producer/lead guitarist Neil Geraldo wait for school to let out before beginning a tour so that they can bring their children along for the trip. Some kids get to visit Disneyland or the beach during their summer breaks; these kids get to see the country and the throngs of fans who think their mother is the bomb-diggity.
Review: The Bled - Pass the Flask
Released in 2003, Pass the Flask turned this little quintet from Tucson, into a mainstream success overnight. Classifying this band as 'metalcore' or 'indie' or 'hardcore' is quite futile, because for every genre you pick, someone is going to disagree, and have a solid backing for their view. Everyone however can agree that whatever The Bled are doing, they are doing it well.
Anglican Arrogance: Small-Minded Choirmembers
What is "Episcopal" music?
Piano Playing For Adults: More Fun Than Sex And Not Nearly As Dangerous!
OK, so I lied about the fun part.
How to Buy an Electric Guitar
For most of us, making any major purchase, such as a new refrigerator, or a new car, is a cacophony of options and confusion; do we want the silver one or the black one? How much can we afford to spend? Will it last over time? If nothing else, we at least know what we need these appliances to do: the microwave needs to make the food hot quickly, the car needs to get us from one place to the other without breaking down. When confronted with the purchase of a new guitar, even experienced guitarists can have trouble deciding what exactly they want and need. However, if you follow a few simple suggestions, you can make your guitar-buying experience a whole lot easier.
1. Determine your price range: you can spend anywhere from $99 to $20,000+ on a guitar, so make sure to work out your budget before you go into the store or start shopping online. Quality guitars are available at all different price ranges, so don't feel that you have to break the bank to get what you need.
How I Learned How To Play The Guitar After Giving Up In Disgust
I was 17 at the time (the Beatles era), and it was considered cool to play the guitar. I had a little training in music in elementary school where I had learned how to play the trumpet. I remember that the only reason I started the trumpet was because my daddy had run across an old beat up horn that a woman was selling for $10.
When Does Practice Make Perfect? Not Much Of The Time Unless All The Pieces Fit First
Often people receive a banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar or some other musical instrument as a birthday, Christmas or special occasion gift. There's glee and joy everywhere. The giver of the gift knows how much the receiver of the gift wants to learn this instrument and the receiver of the gift is ACTUALLY holding the coveted instrument in his/her hands instead of lusting for it down at the corner store or through the shop window. NOW WHAT?
Improvisation and Musical Form
Do you ramble on endlessly with your improvisations? If so, good. This has its place in music making and in new age piano playing in particularly. Just listen to New Age pianist Michael Jones's music to hear an example of this kind of free-form improvisation.
Yo, is Rap Just Another Four Letter Word?
Flaunting any excessive or anti-social behavior is considered brazen. When it is no longer considered brazen it is proof that it has become embedded as part of our culture. Not to say this is a good thing, after all headhunting was considered a cultural norm in some societies. The question to ask here may be, was rap ever truly a part of our culture? Will it eventually run out of steam and go the way of things like doing the twist, afro haircuts or break dancing? I for one would argue that it is not truly a part of the American cultural scene, but is a forced, twisted and contrived money machine that appeals to only the basest passions of the youth in our country.
Interview With Josh Epstein of Vision Music USA
Vision Music USA is a proactive and progressive music service firm with the interest of their clients the driving force that makes them successful. President Josh Epstein and CEO Nick Stamoulis are focused on helping the Independent artists to maintain control of their career by saving them time and their hard-earned dollars. Josh took some time from his busy day to talk to me about their growing company.
The Downfall Of The #1 Southern Gospel Station
Back in the 90's we had a local Southern Gospel station (I can't remember the name. You'll see why if you keep reading). They were known for their motto, "If it doesn't say it, we won't play it." They were determined not to play watered-down Gospel music-even if it was Southern Gospel. And they did a good job.
6 Tips for Organizing Your Music Files
If you're a digital music fan, you probably have problems organizing your music file collection. For me, I used to have hundreds of MP3 files lumped in one folder in my hard drive. Can you imagine the pain I had to go through to find one specific tune to listen to?
Piano Lessons and Perfectionism
Are you a perfectionist? Does every note have to sound right before it comes out of your piano? If so, you might be cheating yourself out of the joy of music making. Most of us learned how to be perfectionists as children, trying to please Mommy or Daddy. We wanted their approval so we tried to get it right.
Learning To Play The Piano With Chords
Learning piano chords can help you in all your piano playing. For me chords are the easiest way to play and the simplest way to embellish my playing.
The British Invasion
The Kasabian concert at the Kool Haus seemed like a concert somewhere in England (even though I haven't been there). This band out of Leicester pumped out amazing electronic, rock beats with an amazing light show. I've heard them on the radio with their hit "Club Foot" and have noticed them gaining more and more interest of us fellow Canadians.