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How to Become a World Class Expert in Just 20 Minutes a Day
Is it really possible to become an expert in some field in 20 minutes a day? When I first was exposed to the idea, I'll admit I was rather skeptical. But I heard the idea from a very wise man named Earl Nightengale whom I respected, so the idea intrigued me. I was listening to his audio tapes titled "Lead The Field", loaned to me by a friend. Gradually the idea took root in my mind, and the more it did, the more excited I became. So is it possible? I'm here to tell you it not only is possible, it is almost a sure thing if you pick a very small subject in which you are extremely interested. The key is to pick a subject you LOVE, and then narrow that subject down to a small bite-size area. Then spend 20 minutes a day ? every day ? learning every detail about that subject. The reason that most people fail is that they pick too big a subject. You've got to narrow it down to a tiny sub-set, then go after it like a starving dog goes after a juicy steak. Let me give you a personal example: I am a musician. Can I become a world-class expert in music? Pretty doubtful, because the subject is HUGE. I would have to know music history, composers, composition, music theory, and musical instruments of all kinds, all about singing, opera, jazz and a hundred other sub-areas of music. But in the area of music there is a sub-area of piano playing. I play the piano. So can I become the world's expert in piano playing? Still pretty doubtful. Piano playing is a smaller area than music, but it's still huge. I would need to know all the piano literature from concertos to fugues, piano construction, pianists, piano styles, and dozens of other sub-areas. Well then, how about piano chords? That's a good deal more reasonable, and that's exactly the area I chose to master when I was still in my teens. I LOVED chords, so spending 20 minutes a day studying all about piano chords was like a chocolate addict spending 20 minutes in the Hershey factory. And while my goal was to spend 20 minutes a day, I was so interested in the subject that I usually spent more like 2 hours a day. Am I the world's expert in piano chords? Probably not, but it really doesn't matter. There are probably many musicians around the world that know as much as I do about chords. But that's OK ? what I know about piano chords has enabled me to enjoy music like I never could have dreamed before, earn a lifetime of income, participate in thousands musical events, write a series of books on chords, and build a teaching studio that now reaches thousands and thousands of people all around the world via CD and DVD. Can you do the same in your area of interest? Of course. Just make sure of two factors: 1. You are in LOVE with the subject; 2. Make sure the subject is small enough to master. If you can do those two things, you are on your way to becoming a world-class expert in your field in 20 minutes a day. Duane Shinn is the author of over 500 music books and music educational materials such as DVD's, CD's, musical games for kids, chord charts, musical software, and piano lesson instructional courses for adults. His book-CD-DVD course titled "How To Play Chord Piano In Ten Days!" has sold over 100,000 copies around the world. He holds advanced degrees from Southern Oregon University and was the founder of Piano University in Southern Oregon. He is the author of the popular free 101-week online e-mail newsletter titled "Amazing Secrets Of Exciting Piano Chords & Sizzling Chord Progressions" with over 57,400 current subscribers.
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Top Rap Song After months of email and posts, we've finally compiled and rated what you submitted as the top rap songs of all time. At first we tried to rank these, but we realized that due to the diverse nature of these songs it seemed unfair to do so. Depends on personal opinion, right? Wrong! Learning to Play the Piano with Chords Part 2 Do you want to learn how to play chords on the piano? Can you already read sheet music or basic notes on the treble and or bass clef? Repetition is the Key to Learning Something Deeply Repetition is the key to learning something deeply. It works most effectively when you are isolating a small amount of material, because the object of your focus will be more specific. Independent Music Promotion on the Web: 3 Steps to Success Let's face it, the wildfire spread of web-based portals designed to introduce independent music to the world has created a bewildering array of opportunities and costs. So where do they all balance out? 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A little money and exposure may seem great for the moment, but you run a high risk of getting contractually bound to that record label for the rest of your life. If a better deal comes along later, you may not be able to accept it, or you may get robbed of your rightful percentages. Learning the Piano and Playing the Piano Many piano students spend much time learning how to play the piano. Years upon years of study time devoted to perfecting technique, tone, dynamics, etc. All the while, many of these same students have never really played the piano. That is, they have spent their time practicing in preparation for the moment when they can "perform" for others. Everything I Play Sounds the Same Many students want to create music that has a certain emotional quality. For example, I once had a student ask me to show her how to play something that sounded happy. Health Insurance for Creative Artists -- A Multi-Talented Health Investment For the Creative Artist -- Good Health Insurance is Truly a Lifetime Investment How to Play What you Feel Many students think that being able to play what you feel is difficult. They believe you must have years and years of training in improvisation and theory. What All Do I Have to Know to be a Really Good Piano Player? Many students ask me a question that goes something like this: "What all do I have to know to be a really good piano player?" How to Become a World Class Expert in Just 20 Minutes a Day Is it really possible to become an expert in some field in 20 minutes a day? Fiddle Tab Makes Learning Fiddle Fast and Easy Learning fiddle tab is so intuitive and so easy that a student picks it up in five minutes. This is true even for five-year-olds. Its Jewish Music, But Is The Music Jewish? A while back I was driving along the Jerusalem highway scanning the radio stations. On one frequency, a very intense dance beat was exploding out of the speakers. I was about to move the dial some more in search of a Jewish tune when the vocalist started in. Shock of shocks, he was a heavily Hassidic singer, complete with eastern European pronunciation. And what was he singing? "Kumee oy'ree ki va oy-reich.." from 16th century Rabbi Shlomo Alkavetz' classic Sabbath poem, L'cha Dodi. Before he had began his rendition I had been expecting something like "Oh baby, the way you move with me ..."! Canadian Stars: The Marble Index and the Waking Eyes Canadian Indie bands are dominating the music scene and it just so happened that three of them took over the Rivoli on Queen St. for a night of true entertainment. Boy, The Marble Index and The Waking Eyes all performed for free at an event that was hosted by BenQ called the Video Sound Tour. Unfortunately I was unable to make it for the West Coast natives Boy who were the openers for the show but was told that they were great but lacking the entertaining factor. Inspiration Wanted - Apply Within! One of the biggest stumbling blocks for music students is knowing what to practice. In the early years students listened to their teachers and did what they told them to do, which is still of course perfectly valid. But the real turning point that sets a student on their own path is the ability to self motivate and take the reins without the aid of a mentor. Learn to Play the Piano Rocket Piano is a very professionally done piano lesson package. It includes a number of ebooks, audio tracks, and video tracks to support the instructional material. In addition, there's a ton of extras, all extremely well-done, and described below. The product is simple to download, and is perfectly paced for the introductory piano student. It runs on Windows and Macs, so it doesn't matter what kind of computer you have. In a word, if you want to learn to play, you'd be nuts to pass on this. I highly recommend it. Read on for the details. Playing The Piano Using Chord Symbols Instead of Being Tied To The Written Sheet Music Piano improvising and arranging is an art but definitely not a science. It is all based on chords and chord progressions. There aren't any steadfast rules for creating an arrangement, nothing to dictate the limitless potential of your imagination. Musicians learn to arrange by simply arranging ? and improvise by improvising -- over and over again. It's a big game of trial and error. But it's also a scientific method: you keep the experiments that work, and abandon those that don't work. CD Clubs: How to Get the Best Deals Online (1) The BMG Music Service offers the best deal you'll find -- 11 CDs for the price of shipping ($2.79 each) when you buy one CD at full club price, which is typically about $15 plus shipping. That works out to about $4 per CD. Its chief competitor, Columbia House, has an offer that works out to about $8 per CD. Top 7 Donts for Successful Improvisation 1. Don't try and make something happen. Trying blocks the creative flow and will result in blocks. ![]() |
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