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The Top 10 Reasons Why You Suck At Playing Guitar
You don't 'need' to play guitar enough. If you desire to become a great guitarist, you have to want it badly enough to sacrifice other parts of your life to devote to practice. This doesn't mean you have to give up your social life and never take the guitar out of your hands until your Jimi Hendrix? But it does mean you need to set aside time to practice and commit to actually it. If you really want to learn guitar then you shouldn't feel the need to put it off till later to make time for some television! You have limiting beliefs about your ability. Believe it or not, many people have hidden limiting beliefs which stop them from progressing into the guitarists they want to be. Do your friends/spouse/parents knock you and think you're wasting your time? Don't let anyone put you off from doing something that's important to you. Even the greatest players had to start somewhere! There is no such thing as 'natural ability'. Nobody was born playing guitar, they had to learn too. So don't be hard on yourself if you can't play as well as you'd like just yet ? and don't let anyone stop you from trying. Don't listen to anyone's negativity! You don't know how to practice. Practice just isn't as simple as you have been led to believe. Many people just get their guitar and run through some exercises, a song, or a guitar tab the same way they have done it hundreds of times before, and they just aren't getting any benefit or improvement from doing that. So you need to know how to practice effectively. You don't put enough time aside for practice. If you want to get really good on guitar, then you need to be setting a side a set period of time each day or each week for practice. It's okay to vary it from week to week if you like, but you have to commit to actually practicing regularly otherwise it's going to take you much more time to improve. You don't set goals. It's important to have some kind of goal in your practice. How can you get anywhere without first knowing where you're going? By setting yourself targets to aim for in your practice, you will get their much faster. You Don't focus on one thing at a Time. You need to have some focus when you practice. You need to be aware of what you're trying to do, and not trying to learn too many things at once. Many people try to learn too many songs, too many tabs, or too many guitar method books all at the same time and suffer from information overload. How many songs can you play a part of, but not the whole thing? You need to focus on one thing at a time! You Don't Play Slowly Enough At First It's important not to just play something as fast as possible, or as fast as you have heard some other guy play it on the radio. You need to take things slow ? and play slowly enough so you don't keep making mistakes. You Try To Learn Things You Aren't Ready For It's important that you know you're capabilities. This isn't to say you shouldn't strive to improve, but you must remember to start at the beginning. You can't take any short-cuts without having to pay for it in the long-run. You're Taking Lessons From Someone Who Can't Teach You may have a friend who can play guitar, or some guy down the road used to give lessons 25 years ago ? but just because someone can play guitar, doesn't actually mean they have the skills to teach guitar. The two things are actually very different. And if you're not learning from someone who knows how to teach, you could be causing yourself more problems than your solving by having lessons from this person. You Don't Have A Good Guitar You don't need to break the bank by getting that $1000 guitar just yet, but you at least need a fairly decent guitar that will inspire you to pick it up and play it! Many of the cheap starter packs for beginners just aren't up to scratch, and cause many budding guitar players to give up in frustration without giving it a fair chance. Vince Taylor is the author of Guitar Practice Secrets. A step-by-step system that transforms frustrated guitarists into killer guitarists - fast! Visit his site if you want to learn how to play guitar like a pro.
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10 Top Reasons You Should Learn to Play Chord Piano There are roughly umpteen zillion reasons why you should learn enough chords to be able to "chord a song" at the piano. By "chord a song", I mean the ability to play 3 or 4 chords on the piano in some sort of rhythm while you or someone else sings the tune. To do this, you don't need to be a Van Cliburn; all you need to do is learn a few basic chords and be able to more back and forth between them in some organized rhythmic pattern. For example, did you realize that all of these songs (and hundreds more) can be sung or played with just 3 chords? Prepare for the Master (CD Mastering) Many artists are still confused as to what goes on during a mastering session. This article will try to shed some light on the last step before fame and riches (well, at least the last step before duplication), and help you with preparing your music before sending to a mastering studio. Is it Possible to Download Music Legally Anymore? Throughout the past few years downloading music on the internet has increased in popularity. At the same time though, it has become illegal through many companies to download music as musicians and artists have been losing money on their CD sales. With many people being sued in the past couple years for downloading music, is it really possible to download music legally anymore? If so, at what price will it cost you to download music? Rhapsody Music Downloads Part II - A pleasant experience? Welcome back to Part II of Rhapsody Music Downloads! I hope you took an opportunity to enjoy the first week of your two-week trial. Must have been a joy to stream and download online music by the truckloads. Now...you did take the liberty to utilize the free trial, didn't you?? How the Internet Helps Musicians Everyone talks about the negative impact of the Internet on the music business. Illegal file sharing and copyright violations have decimated the profits in the industry. Record labels are less willing to take risks with new artists because the profits have dried up. Sales have steadily declined over the past several years due in large part to the proliferation of illegal downloads. All of that is true, but there are two sides to this coin. Sure, things are tougher today for the new musician than ever before, but there are also new opportunities thanks to the Internet. Painting with Sound Whenever I go to a Borders bookstore here in San Diego, I make it a point to look at the art instruction books. I'm not a visual artist, but I've always enjoyed the step-by-step approach authors of the better books take to teach students how to create a finished painting. Defining The True Artist - Do You Have What It Takes? "The real communicating artists seek unique expression. They are not interested anymore in sounding like their heroes, they are searching constantly, developing and refining their own unique voice." How to Create Backing Tracks If You Dont Play All the Instruments... or Any Congratulations! Your singing has become amazing, and it's time the world knew. You've also written some songs that are just kick you-know-what. They need to be recorded, MP3ed and put on the net ASAP. But you've got two problems. First, you can't afford a studio, let alone a band for all this stuff. Second, you don't play all, or any, of the instruments. Are iPods Changing the Way We Listen to Music They're everywhere, and not only are they everywhere, they look cool too. Since its launch in 2001, 10 million have sold and 8 million of those were in 2004. So welcome to the next generation. 8 tracks, records, cassettes, CDs, and now the iPod. Music to Echo Your Mood In what way do the kinds of music (rock, rap, classical, instrumental, etc.) change or alter our mood and in what way do our moods effect what music we listen to? Rickenbacker 4003 Electric Bass Guitar The Rickenbacker 4003 electric bass guitar is one of the few electric basses to have earned the accolade "classic" as a title for itself. The Rickenbacker 4000 Series guitar is attributed for creating new dimensions of bass playing capabilities. Basses by Rickenbacker are made by hand in America, using traditional methods refined and honed. The Ostinato - What It is and How to Use It Ostinato means "repeating pattern" and is used frequently in all types of music. For New Age piano players, it provides a great way to lay down the background of the piece while the right-hand improvises a melody! Wal-Mart Music Downloads, Napster and Other Legal Digital Music Download Sites Digital Music Download. Ever since file-sharing programs entered the hard drives of our computers, people have wanted the best place for a digital music download. Music companies have had to figure out what to do about illegal music downloads and the music download web site. The legal battle continues but they have fought back by offering the consumer a legal alternative, the music download site to get a digital music download. These sites let you get what music you want, from who you want, when you want. SOUNDS GOOD TO ME - Eliminate Throat Tension As a vocal coach, I hear it all the time. I love to sing but when I do, I get hoarse and need to shout to be heard after only a few hours. Some days I just want to give up. What am I doing wrong? What can I do about it? The Secrets of Correctly Stringing Your Guitar Why do you care about stringing your guitar you may ask. Well the reason is simple. It will make you sound better because if your guitar is properly strung, you will get longer natural sustain. How to Create Interesting Textures A lot of new age piano music consists of repeating patterns, or textures in the left hand while the right hand improvises a melody. This approach is really a good one! It frees you up to create in the moment. First you decide what chord or chords you'll be using in the left hand. You then create an ostinato or arpeggio that lays the foundation for the entire piece. The Time Machine Exist! We call it music, ever noticed how vividly music triggers memory? Beginner Guitar Lessons - Learn Guitar without Ever Leaving Your Home! So, you think you'd like to learn to play guitar, but you're put off by the high cost of lessons? You don't want to put up with a teacher showing you a bunch of theory and boring songs that you don't want to learn and won't get you where you want to go? Look no further, online instruction is now available that provides comprehensive beginner guitar lessons to anyone who wants to learn to play guitar quickly and easily. Be An Organized Church Pianist Playing in front of a congregation each Sunday is no easy feat. Make sure you are well prepared before giving your best for God and before others. How To Find The Right Guitar Teacher Finding a good teacher is not always easy, at any level. At the beginner level it is important to get on the right foot and as an intermediate player you need to know that your teacher really knows his or her stuff if you want to move forward. What it really comes down to is "Are you getting the right information?". ![]() |
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