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Where to FIND the BEST Employees --
Obviously, you might logically say, "that is good!" You would most certainly be on track feeling good about everyone in your area having a job. Getting everyone working and being more self-sufficient is our logical goal. WHAT IS FULL EMPLOYMENT? For many years, the marketplace has considered 4% to be reaching a full-employment level. Very few employee choices are available. Many in the 4% (unemployed) group have little or no talent to offer. No basic valuable marketable skills. Most of these unemployed persons have a very poor work history. Not all, but a large majority have a limited education at best. OUTSOURCING and DOWNSIZING News continues to flow regarding outsourcing by major employers in almost every industry. Jobs are moved to an "outside" service for economic reasons. Many employers cut their workforce to meet PROFIT expectations for the quarter. Good decision? Not the issue when the level of profit is deteriorating and action is imperative. Big Banks along with the Utilities and other large employers are challenged to meet stockholder demands for PROFIT. "Cut the staff" seems to be a Boardroom edict. OUT OF THE COUNTRY Textile industries are faced with layoffs when jobs leave the country for cheaper labor costs. There is NO choice for those who no longer have the orders to fill. Companies are faced with NO price increases in many industries, including the service sector. Wages are challenged along with benefits for the employee. You'll find many x-employees with 20 plus years of service. Loyalty was great. Many have worked for years beyond the call of duty. Dedicated to his/her job. Dependable. Trustworthy. Terminated! MAJOR PROBLEM Skills and talent are one-dimensional. No chance of finding a new job in the same industry. Non-transferable skills. It becomes a "start over" challenge for the x-employee. Another problem is the wage level after 20 years or even fewer years with the same employer or industry. Instead of a 10% raise the "new" employee may end up with a 50% decrease to the beginners' salary scale and often without any benefits. SOURCES TO CONSIDER Being objective is challenging after 32 years in the personnel business. However, my suggestions come from a good base of background experiences in hiring thousands of "staffers" for a wide and diverse client base. Just for the record, I'll include some other sources where good employees can be recruited. You have to GO BEYOND the old methods and expand your horizons in today's' marketplace. YOUR EMPLOYEES (best source for many firms) Business Associates [networking] Where is YOUR next 'good' employee? None of us know until every base is covered. Your first try may be good enough. Other times it may take 15 searches and interviews before you find the skill and talent required. A major benefit to YOU in using a Staffing [Temporary Help] Service and/or a reputable Personnel Agency (some do both) is that recruiting, interviewing, and testing is an EVERYDAY activity. EXPENSE Vs INVESTMENT THEORY Hiring employees is an INVESTMENT in the future of YOUR business. Not an expense! Pro-rate the FEES for professional services over 12/24 months. Your weekly or monthly cost is nominal for the return benefit of a QUALITY hiring decision. One final thought. Involve YOUR staff in the hiring decision of your future employees. Share the interview process and get input from those on the "firing" line. A good business practice to follow. Don Monteith spent 32 years in the Staffing Business. His firm placed thousands of job candidates in their dream job. Today, he shares his expertise. Learn more by visiting his website at: http://www.HowToGetYourDreamJob.com
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Managing Conflict, in Life & Work: Using Ancient and Modern Approaches "Conflict" is a word that can have varying degrees of severity, meaning, and implication for each individual or circumstance. For example, the conflict that is experienced in our current, daily lives seems insignificant in comparison to the Samurai, or those in war, who faced death on a regular basis. However, it is still important to extrapolate the significant lessons that have been derived from such severe scenarios, as these notions are still applicable in the conflict that we experience in the workplace and life today. A One Stop Financial Solution Amy Wright, 34, was extatic when her realtor showed her the three bedroom townhome overlooking the lushious golf course. It was exactly the home she was looking for. The interior was sunny and bright, with a newly remodeled kitchen, spacious bedrooms, and the perfect little study area to set up her new home office. It had a spectacular pool and a lovingly tended flower garden. Best of all-the seller had to move immediately, so the home was a steal and miraculously within her budget! Amy was already making moving preparations when suddenly, a devastating blow paralyzed her plans. Her credit application for a mortgage had been denied. She couldn't understand how this had happened-just a year ago, her credit had been almost perfect! The last year had been a little tight, and sure she had a few late payments here and there?but she had no idea it was so bad that now she couldn't even get the home of her dreams. Negotiating Tactics: How To Strike A Negotiable Opening Shot There is no right or wrong to fire up your opening negotiation... Games are a Reflection of Behavior You are standing on a small stage yelling, "What's the name of the game?!" How to Change Somebody?s Mind Believe me, it's not easy! And sometimes, it doesn't work at all. The Most Powerful Persuasion Skill Youll Ever Learn Criteria Elicitation Win-Win Power Negotiating Let's talk about win-win negotiating. Instead of trying to dominate the other person and trick him into doing things he wouldn't normally do, I believe that you should work with the other person to work out your problems and develop a solution with which both of you can win. Can a Service Be a Commodity Well Enron dealt with this a little for instance an intangible such as the available bandwidth in fiber optic lines. So what is a commodity in a service business? Well, a commodity could be considered are capacity to wash cars for a mobile car wash business like the company I own, the additionally created capacity coming from increased efficiency in studying production rates. In a service business, increased efficiencies will allow more time to do more work and thus make more profits from additional work. Neogtiation: How to be Right Without Making Other People Wrong What exactly are we trying to accomplish by proving to others that we're right? We might win the argument but ultimately lose the relationship. Perhaps a better, deeper-rooted question is this: Why do we lose sight of success, of our big objective, when we feel challenged or intimidated? What Are The Four Types Of Negotiating Outcomes? Negotiating outcomes are the types of results that can happen at the end of a negotiation. All negotiations end up with one out of four possible outcomes: one party wins and the other loses, both parties lose, they get stuck in a stalemate, or both end up winning. Obviously, the goal in a cooperative negotiation is for both parties to walk away with their needs being satisfied. Familiarize yourself with the four different negotiating outcomes and make it your goal to aim for a mutually-beneficial outcome. 30 Tips for Keeping Meeting Expenses to a Minimum Money makes the world go 'round. And when it comes to meeting planning, money can probably get you whatever you want. However, few event planners have the luxury of an unlimited budget. Your boss may like to drink champagne on a beer budget. In other words, caution you to spend less, but expect miracles at the same time. Negotiating: Forcing vs Compromising Forcing is a hard-nosed approach that makes heavy demands from the outset. Emotions are displayed frequently, few concessions are made, and the bottom line may be concealed. This technique is used when the other side is determined to make you lose, or in one-shot deals. One advantage of this approach is that it normally uses less time than other approaches and leads to total victory if you have more power than the other side. The disadvantage of forcing is that it can lead to stalemate if the other side uses the same approach. The other side can also become resentful and vengeful. Better Internal Proposals A colleague of mine has a problem. We belong to the same association and he's been trying for quite some time, without success, to get support for one of his proposals. Resolve Conflict In 6 Easy Steps - The BEDROL Method The principles of Negotiation can work for you in any situation, but often people ask me, "Well, its often a fact that conflict happens unexpectedly. What if I don't have time to prepare? Can negotiation skills be used on the spur of the moment?" The answer is YES. The principles of Street Negotiation were created and battle-tested on the streets and it's power lies in its ability to be used to resolve any conflict anytime. Conflict can be resolved in six easy to learn steps, acronymed as BEDROL(TM). That is: Back-up plan, Emotional control, Defusing their anger, Reframing, Options, and Letting them choose their fate. Negotiating Technology Contracts Have you ever tried to negotiate a deal for software, computer equipment, or consulting services with a technology company? The task can be daunting. Unfortunately, the sales forces of most IT companies are armed to the hilt with techniques to get the best deal for them, and not necessarily the best deal for you. And even worse, most of us computer folk (like myself) have never been trained in the art of negotiation, so it can be difficult to spot a snake in the grass. Before you begin negotiating a technology deal, know what you're getting in to. Negotiate to Your Advantage The hardest and most important part of any negotiation is knowing when to walk away. Where to FIND the BEST Employees -- Obviously, you might logically say, "that is good!" You would most certainly be on track feeling good about everyone in your area having a job. Getting everyone working and being more self-sufficient is our logical goal. Can a Corporate Executive Really Use The Beautiful Mind; To guide decision making? I would like to comment on the "A Beautiful Mind" movie and the book, which was actually much better. I just finished reading another book on the similar side of John Nashs' assertion of working together rather than competing against. That book was "Co-opetition." By Adam M. Brandenburger (Havard guy)and Barry J. Nalebuff (Yale Dude). Many have been aware of such theory for quite a while and practice such occasionally for the betterment of an industry or through the art of diplomacy, sometimes through misdirection and other times as an experiment (nothing more, nothing less) especially when it really does not matter and it is not really core to our direction and market domination strategy for any given region. I would have to differ from the movie version in that if you tried to run your business in the fashion that Jim Nash discussed in theory you might do well for a while, but would eventually get hammered in the market place, whether or not you actually were able to sleep with a brunette when you wanted the blond with the big bust (go see the movie, you will understand that comment). In theory it sounded wonderful in the movie yet would not take you very far in the cut throat world of business, even though the regulators always want to level the playing field, more often then not they are manipulated agents for the competition as indicated by Adam Smith, Carl Marx and Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School." The fact is that even the referees of business, namely the regulating bodies who want to see the playing field leveled usually tip it in the favor of a politically powerful and well connected companies which fund the campaigns of the over see'ers (politicians). Once the regulatory bodies find they have been duped rather than bring it up with the politicians, they want to punish all the players in the industry and kick them out of the game, of course this hurts the fans (consumers) and then the game (industry) and then the referees and fans are not needed (read; "When Atlas Shrugged" By Ayn Rand). Negotiation: A Compromising Position Negotiating is a hot topic these days for a good reason. It is difficult to imagine a more vital managerial skill than the skill of negotiating. Effective managers must be superior negotiators. Without solid negotiating abilities, managers will inevitably make serious mistakes in dealing with people at all levels, both inside and outside their organizations. As negotiators, managers must concern themselves with substantive issues and their continuing relationships with people. If they push too much, they may create hard feelings and a desire to exact revenge. If they are overly concerned about getting along with others, they may lose in many substantive areas, thereby negatively impacting upon their department and their organization. Barter: Its Not Just for Doctors Anymore Time was, in the country, the local "doc" was as likely to get paid with a couple of chickens as a couple of dollars. Doctors these days won't stand for that, of course, but while some people have moved completely away from barter and stayed there, others have embraced it wholeheartedly. ![]() |
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