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A Vital Habit For Selling Big Ticket Items
I hope the title of this article aroused your curiosity! What could this habit be that will help you sell Big Ticket Items? It has nothing to do with copywriting or creating beautiful web pages. But it does have to do with something even more important - building relationships! What is this habit? Well it has many names but the most familiar one is probably is "networking". Now, I am not a big fan of that word. Why? Because it makes me uncomfortable. I've always associated the word "networking" with "schmoozing" or hanging out at events doing nothing more than chatting people up, telling them about myself and my business and handing out business cards. Yuk! The other reason that "networking" makes me uncomfortable is that I am not a natural "networker". Perhaps you feel the same way? But please don't leave just yet :-). Networking is an incredibly important habit that you MUST develop to really market and sell Big Ticket Items. And I'm going to give you an approach that has made me more comfortable and some strategies and tips as well. Why network? Well, because building relationships with other marketers and business people is a very profitable and fun way to sell anything. When you build a relationship with another marketer or business person and you really show them how much value you can provide, that can lead to a long term, profitable joint venture relationship. A joint venture is simply a business agreement between two or more people that is beneficial to their customers and profitable for them. For example, you might meet someone at an event (e.g. seminar, workshop, chamber of commerce meeting) whose customers are interested in something very similar to what you have. You might even be this person's competitor in a way, but don't let that stop you. Customers sometimes buy multiple products that meet their needs or wants. Or you might have a product that enhances what this person's customers want or have already bought. In either case, if you can build a relationship with this person, and they love your product then you can come to an agreement about selling your product to their customers. Or you might find that someone else has a product that your customers would love. And you can sell their product to your customers. And this is especially crucial for selling Big Ticket Items. Because, if someone you build a relationship with endorses your Big Ticket Product to their customers, that goes a very, very long way to eliminating their natural skepticism towards your product. The person you build a relationship with already has a relationship with his customers. Their endorsement of you automatically helps build your credibility with their existing customers. Did you know that most people attend seminars and workshops not just for the information you can learn? They go to build relationships with the people they meet. Many of these relationships turn into joint ventures later on. Ok, as I mentioned I am not a natural "networker". I like to think of networking as "learning other people's stories". When I attend an event, I don't go there with the intention to try to find joint venture partners. I might find some but I really want to just learn about the other people who are at the event and see what commonalities we might have. I am a fairly social person and I am just curious to learn about them and their businesses. I find that this approach makes me far more comfortable about "networking" because I am not looking to put together a joint venture immediately. So now let's go over some strategies and tips for learning other people's stories and building relationships. Strategies:
I hope my approach of "learning other people's stories" and the strategies and tips I've given you eventually leads to strong long term relationships and to profitable Big Ticket joint ventures in the future! By the way if you are interested in reading more about networking, I found the book "Network Magic" by Rick Frishman and Jill Lublin to be very good. You can find it at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble online. Copyright (C) 2005 Chuck Daniel, Like Magic Marketing, LLC -- All Rights Reserved. Chuck is a former Microsoft software designer and program manager who spent more than a decade happily working on Email and CRM. Admittedly a seminar, workshop and information addict, Chuck left Microsoft to pursue his interests in personal development, internet, direct and information marketing and to promote and work for charitable causes. Chuck Daniel This article may be reprinted in its entirety in your E-zine or on your Site as long as the content is not modified, all links are left in place and you include the resource box as listed above. If you do use this material, please send us a copy of the publication. Thanks.
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The Promotion Factor: Seven Strategies to Promote Yourself and Your Business by Playing Golf Effective business promotion is more powerful than advertising. Using golf is one the best ways to increase your business and personal success. Playing golf is the foundation for networking and recruiting. Think about the relaxed atmosphere a golf course provides. It is surely not an office environment where you have to watch what you say and how you behave. Many business opportunities have been realized on the golf course. In addition, many job offers have been negotiated there as well. Here are seven strategies that will help you network and recruit for your business and personal success: Online Business Networking: How Personal is Too Personal? Online networking has opened up some fantastic business opportunities for solo entrepreneurs. You can open an account with one of the major online business networks such as Ryze, and get to know industrious and inspiring minds from all corners of the world. Volunteering for a Networking Group When is it appropriate to volunteer to take a position in the group? Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals? As a small business owner you may find yourself in a situation where you want to partner with another business but they are asking for a commission on your services. You will want to be prepared to handle such a request BEFORE you find yourself in this situation. What Has Networking Got To Do With Joint Ventures? What has networking got to do with joint ventures? "PLENTY" is the short answer to this question. Marketing Essentials: The 15 Second Elevator Speech You're at a conference. Someone steps in the elevator, notices your name tag and asks, "So what do you guys do?" Quick -- what's your answer? You've got about 15 seconds before the doors open. Networking - Facts to Ponder Right here in Europe, the very last continent to enter into its growth cycle, there is only around 0.5% involved and we are right at the very beginning of our growth cycle in network marketing. This tells us categorically that over the next ten years there is going to be a massive shift towards network marketing in Europe as in every other country worldwide. Build Your Business through Strategic Networking Networking ? it's the latest business trend. Or is it? Planting the Seeds of Greatness - Make it Great Newsletter #7 Thought of the Week Alliances: More Than A One Way Relationship What is the biggest advantage of forming an alliance? 5 Ways to Wow People Who Wear Nametags People wear nametags more often than you think. The majority of retail establishments, stores and other social gatherings require nametags for several purposes. Sometimes it's for security. Other nametags are solely for identification. But simply stated; people wear nametags for one reason: so other people can use their names for friendlier, more personable service and conversation. Networking in the Business world Why is it so important to network with other people when owning a business? Because without building those key relationships our businesses won't grow. See, most of our businesses require referrals to generate more leads and needs. So you're probably saying what are the steps in networking effectively? Lesson 14 - Whats In A Handshake? The Story Create a 10 Second Introduction From Your USP You can generate a ton of business by networking, whether you belong to a networking organization or just get referrals from existing (satisfied) customers. Whenever you meet a new potential client, it's important to create the right impression about you and your business straight away. That's where a 10 second introduction comes in handy ? and the more this introduction stands out from the rest, the more likely your new acquaintance is to remember you. Keys to Successful Networking While In Transition Let's be real. With other pressures of life upon us, having to network can be a burden and increase stress levels. Social Networking: A Link To Like Minds Not all dot-com dreams died when the Internet stock bubble burst. Why Arent You Talking to Me? Your nonverbal communication talks before you do. Only seven percent of interpersonal communication is transmitted verbally-the remaining ninety-three percent speaks for itself. How NOT to Waste Your Time Networking Ever wonder if networking, referral groups, and conferences are a waste of your time? Think about it?how many hours do you invest in deciding where to network, registering, getting there, "working the room," and then following up? How much real business do you generate from your networking efforts? How do you know where to invest and where to cut your losses? Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid Many workers think that their hard work will speak for itself. They quietly do their job and stay late at the office hoping that their boss will notice their efforts. However, when a job promotion or pay raise goes to someone else, many employees retreat into a corner, wondering what happened. Real Business Networking Doesnt Happen at Networking Events Real networking isn't about handing out business cards at a networking event, or seeing how many you can collect before the event is over. Real networking is about relationships that, when cultivated properly, will breed referrals and positive word of mouth about you and your company. ![]() |
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