Networking Information Site Map
7 Step Plan To Get Going With Networking
Powerful Networking: Focus on Building Connections, Not Closing Sales
Communication Is A 2-Way Street (The Networking Factor)
Networking - How To Do It
8 Ways To Develop Confidence In New Situations
You Can?t Spell Networking Without Serendipity
What I Do Is Not Who I Am... The Networking Factor
Giving the Gift of Your Name (The Networking Factor)
Which Networking Events Should You Attend?
Follow-Up with Your Contacts
Defining a Quality Networking Group
Ask for What YOU Want and Gain More Business
Practice Makes Pefect
Plan for the Event or Flounder
How to Collect Business Cards
Write It Down!
Examination of Discovery - Finding the Right Networking Group
Social Network Software
What a Leads Exchange Group can do for You
Networking Group Loyalty Requirements
Measuring Value for a Networking Group
3 Reasons to Join a Group
Volunteering for a Networking Group
Getting Leads
Alliances: More Than A One Way Relationship
The Quest for Passive Income
Community Involvement Networking
Networking Know-how
How NOT to Waste Your Time Networking
The Power of Word of Mouth
Are You Building Relationships Online?
Mary Kay Ash Did It Best... (The Networking Factor)
Network Your Way to Success, and Remember: Its Not About You!
Networking in the Business world
Networking Know How
Planting the Seeds of Greatness - Make it Great Newsletter #7
Effective Networking
34 Power Affirmations for Networking with the Affluent
Should You Offer Commissions For Customer Referrals?
How to Announce a New Product
How to Find Participants for a Trial Run
How to Create an Interest Story for the Press
How to be Known
How To Make Your Next Networking Event A Success
How to Generate More Business by Telling People What You Do
A Vital Habit For Selling Big Ticket Items
Effective Business Networking: 5 Tips For Mastering The Art of Networking
Successfully Meeting And Greeting - Ten Strategies For Getting Off To A Good Start
Joining Industry Specific Organizations Has Many Benefits
The Five Step Formula For Getting Prospects to Call You
Discover Your Own Source Of Business Leads
Power Networking: Getting Your Name Out There!
Building Business Relationships in a Roomful of Strangers
Did You Market Yourself Today?
Social Networking: A Link To Like Minds
Online Business Networking: How Personal is Too Personal?
Savvy Networking: Grow Your Business and Your Career
It Pays to be Friendly
Give People Something to Talk About!
Building Bridges - The Importance of Being Connected Where You Live
5 Ways to Wow People Who Wear Nametags
9 Ways to Spice Up Your Nametags for More Engaging Conversation
Sticky Situations: Nametag Best Practices
10 Effective Ways to Remember Names
How to Turn Water into Lemonade by Giving a Flavored Answer to a Fruitless Question
Unforgettable First Impressions Part 1: Discover the CPI
Unforgettable First Impressions Part 2: Its All About Them!
Unforgettable First Impressions Part 3: Time is (Not) On Your Side
Unforgettable First Impressions Part 4: Become a Social Gift Giver
How to Avoid Falling Asleep Behind the Conversational Wheel
The 7 Habits of Highly Horrible Networkers
Have We Met Before? What to Do When You Cant Remember Who Yourre Talking To
How to Organize a Successful Bad Sweater Party
The 4 Attitudes of Awesome Hospitality
The 4 Actions of Awesome Hospitality
Hey, Whos the New Guy? How to Make Guests and First Timers Feel Welcome
Franchisees Should Learn From Each Other
Small File Box With Resumes to Help Customers
Mobile Car Wash Companies; Trading Tips
Putting The Fun Back In Networking
Come Home Rich - How to Get the Most out of Your Next Conference
Your Front End
Why Cant I Remember Your Name?
Why Cant I Start A Conversation With You?
Why Arent You Talking to Me?
Success Sentences to Help Combat Conversational Crappiness
How Well Do Your Customers Know You?
Test Your Networking Know-How
The Answer to Your Worst Networking Nightmare
Politics, Religion, Race; Conversational No-No?s in Business
Develop a Great Network - Pay It Forward for Maximum Success
Jump Start Your Network
The Foundation of Networking: Its Not Rocket Science
The A-B-Cs of Networking
Networking to a New Life
Client Attraction Technique #2: Networking
Sharpen Your Business Networking Skill To Grow Your Small Business
Networking: Strangers, Friendship, and Business Growth
Networking for Wallflowers: How to Profit from Getting into the Crowd
How to Make the Most of Those First 30 Seconds
How to Keep from Sounding LIKE Totally Stupid
Are You Really Listening: The Importance of Strong Communication Skills
Talk Isnt Cheap
Are You in the Relationship Business?
What Has Networking Got To Do With Joint Ventures?
When Gifts Say More
The Promotion Factor: Seven Strategies to Promote Yourself and Your Business by Playing Golf
Two-Step Your Communication
Creating Successful Alliances and Partnerships through Networking
Network Marketing Secret: On Becoming the ?GoTo? Guy
Create a 10 Second Introduction From Your USP
People Know People
Keys to Successful Networking While In Transition
Building Great Business Relationships
Why Bother With Social Networking Sites Like LinkedIn?
Lesson 14 - Whats In A Handshake?
Acknowledging Referrals! What?s in It For You?
Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid
Are You Sitting With The Right Company?
Are You Leveraging Your Business Network?
Five Best Ways To Build A Network
Networking: Breaking into the Buzz
Strategic Networking: Take the Shortest Path to Success
Lesson 15 - Meeting the Prince with More Reputation than Power
10 Terrific Tips to Talk Your Way to the Top
10 Steps to Successful Networking
Ask for Referrals: And Get the Answer You Want!
How to Get More Visibility, Increase Your Influence, and Get More Referrals
Networking Skills: Arguing in Context
Business Networking - Common Myths and Realities
Business Networking ? Extroverted Web Weaving for the Introvert
You MUST Be Visible
Lesson 61 - When Does Aggressiveness Turn Into Annoyance?
10 Top Tips for Successful Networking
Networking - Facts to Ponder
Alcohol & Events
Lesson 69 - When Networking Events Fail
The Secrets to Networking Success
Hows Your Net Working?
Where to Find a Cash Windfall of $10,000 - $1,000,000 - You Never Knew You Had
Increase Your Sales by 30% Using Internet Collaboration Networks
Networking: What the Heck is a Ryze?
Build Your Business through Strategic Networking
Network Marketing
Five Stumbling Blocks To Successful Networking And How To Overcome Them
Mother Said - Wash Your Hands
Networking and Trade Shows
Youve Got Personality, Use It!
Lessons from the Wedding Mafia
Marketing Essentials: The 15 Second Elevator Speech
Work that Room, Baby!
Who Are You and What The Heck Do You Do?
Networking in the Change Room: 5 Ways to Network Effectively While Getting Undressed
A New LinkedIn Discussion Forum for High Power Dealmakers
Sell For Yourself Or Sell For Your Boss?
Value-Added Network
Where Does That Word Come From?
Is The Company You Keep Hurting Your Business?
Good Manners Mean Good Business
The Festive Season: Your Networking Opportunity
Flying High, Flying Far
Ten Simple Steps to More Customers with Better Networking
How Speakers, Exhibitors, Consultants, and Meeting Planners Partner-Generate More Money and Value
How to Get Ahead in Your Career
Growing Your Network of People Can be Easy and Fun!
The Anatomy of a Brain Cramp; The Retainer and the Lavalava - Communication
62 Ways to MAXIMIZE Your Approachability
Land the Ideal Job Using Social Networks
Real Business Networking Doesnt Happen at Networking Events
Giving Referrals to Get Referrals
Five Steps for Expanding Your Customer Base with Guerilla Networking
How to Gain Maximum Value from Your Networking Time
Time to Hire a Professional Networker?
Increasing the ROI on Your Networking
Make Money on the Internet - The Lifestyle Advantages of Professional Marketers
Networking: Is Your Approach Too Self-Centered?
How to Shmooze
The Secrets of Effective Networking
Increase Your Sales by 30% Using Internet Collaboration Networks
Small businesses are really excluded from the global economy
Create a 10 Second Introduction From Your USP
You can generate a ton of business by networking, whether you belong to a networking organization or just get referrals from existing (satisfied) customers. Whenever you meet a new potential client, it's important to create the right impression about you and your business straight away. That's where a 10 second introduction comes in handy ? and the more this introduction stands out from the rest, the more likely your new acquaintance is to remember you.
Put join a networking group on your to do list with a big underline, star and happy face. You'll be glad you did for more reasons than you can count. And the advice is coming from this confirmed non-networker who, in 20 years of business, considered networking a colossal waste of time. The old dog is here with a new trick.
Networking: Strangers, Friendship, and Business Growth
You already know that uncomfortable feeling, that knot in your stomach that forms, when you enter a room, a bus, or any other location where only you and a total stranger occupy the formerly quiet space. What do you say? Do you say anything? Do you even dare make eye contact? Do you locate a point exactly 180° away from the other person and make that spot your own?
People Know People
I recently entered the keyword "networking" into Google. In 0.13 seconds, it returned 21,600,000 entries. Amazing! What's even more amazing was when I entered the same search ten minutes later 200,000 additional entries were found. Countless articles and information are available about this subject. By reviewing the latest information, many of you are taking the first step towards learning more about networking tools and techniques.
Flying High, Flying Far
"What me? Sell myself? You have to be joking!"
Have We Met Before? What to Do When You Cant Remember Who Yourre Talking To
You see him from across the room. You know him, but you can't remember how you know him. Now you have a problem: you want to break the ice but your uncertainty is holding you back. Uh oh, he's heading in your direction. What do you do?!
Work that Room, Baby!
Networking, schmoozing, making connections. Call it what you want, it's something that is a necessity if you want to do business today. Many of us either love it or hate it. Personally, I wasn't too fond of it in the past. Although I'm a outgoing person, I just hated starting conversations with people I had no idea what to say to. Oh yes, my friends reading this will laugh out loud. "Yeah right, Simone, shy? She can talk anyone under the table!" Ha ha, very funny, but that is beside the point. Many folks, even extroverts, avoid networking for the simple fact that they don't want to talk to strangers. Some feel that they don't have anything to offer, or don't feel like going to a pick up joint disguised as a networking event. Yeah, you know the ones. I actually went to one last week and I was asking where the 'networking' was as I looked at the dance floor full of executives doing the electric slide (I kid you not! The electric slide!) I thought, "Darn! Foiled again!" Hey, we all love to have fun, but if it's a party, just say it's a party! Come on!
The Promotion Factor: Seven Strategies to Promote Yourself and Your Business by Playing Golf
Effective business promotion is more powerful than advertising. Using golf is one the best ways to increase your business and personal success. Playing golf is the foundation for networking and recruiting. Think about the relaxed atmosphere a golf course provides. It is surely not an office environment where you have to watch what you say and how you behave. Many business opportunities have been realized on the golf course. In addition, many job offers have been negotiated there as well. Here are seven strategies that will help you network and recruit for your business and personal success:
Four Brainless Self-Promotion Techniques To Avoid
Many workers think that their hard work will speak for itself. They quietly do their job and stay late at the office hoping that their boss will notice their efforts. However, when a job promotion or pay raise goes to someone else, many employees retreat into a corner, wondering what happened.
Sticky Situations: Nametag Best Practices
Because a person's name is the single context of human memory most apt to be forgotten; because self-disclosure is the single most effective way to build rapport and connect with people you just met; and because initiating the conversation is half the battle - your nametag is your best friend.
A Vital Habit For Selling Big Ticket Items
I hope the title of this article aroused your curiosity! What could this habit be that will help you sell Big Ticket Items?
Communication Is A 2-Way Street (The Networking Factor)
The Personal Touch 1
Your Front End
While surfing for traffic or browsing your safelist emails, you are sure to have noticed the very large number of networkers promoting similar, if not identical, programs. Empowerism and Profit Rally are everywhere, as are health related and telecom based MLM opportunities. This is an incredibly competitive time for net marketers. It's difficult to stand out among thousands of other people when everyone is promoting basically the same thing, albeit in slightly different "packages".
Networking in the Change Room: 5 Ways to Network Effectively While Getting Undressed
There's a time and place to network with people in order to generate leads, build rapport and form meaningful relationships. The change room at your gym, spa or country club isn't one of them. It's a lousy place to do any networking. Things dangle, imperfections are visible and being naked means that you're vulnerable.
What a Leads Exchange Group can do for You
What is the definition of a leads exchange and how does it differ from other groups?
Unforgettable First Impressions Part 1: Discover the CPI
People like others whom they are like. So if you want to make a flawless first impression, it is your duty to discover what you have in common with every person you talk to.
How Well Do Your Customers Know You?
Know your customer, know your customer, know your customer. Three very important rules of business. But let me ask you this: How well do your customers know YOU?
Small File Box With Resumes to Help Customers
I bet you have not thought about it much, but there are many ways you can help your customers in their daily lives. If you have a customer who just got laid off from their job, tell them you will be glad to take a few of their resumes and put them in a file box and when Corporate Executives come into the store you will be sure to put a good word in for them. Many years ago I use to drive from company to company to wash cars. Sometimes companies were hiring and sometimes laying off or closing. It was easy to put a small box behind the seat of my work truck and sense most of those who gave me their resumes were customers. I helped them and maintained a customer, because once they got a new job they could resume my mobile car wash services. It sure made people happy. I use to laugh at that, but I placed so many people over the years in jobs and they were so grateful they always referred so many new customers to me. As business owners we know thousands of people and we understand networking, use this skill to keep your customers gainfully employed so they can continue to patronize you. When you see someone out looking for a job, get their resume and keep it in a small file box behind your seat. Label ten folders with categories such as:
Networking Know-how
Successful networking requires the understanding from the get-go that it is
about what we can do for each other. Networking requires time, patience, and
a commitment to helping others. Honest networking is not just meeting as
many people as you can with the intent of citing a "mini-commercial" about
what you need. No room for selfishness here; networking requires showing an
interest in others that will help build credibility and trust -- establishing a real